Arrival is considered "a thinking man's sci-fi"

>Arrival is considered "a thinking man's sci-fi"
>There are YouTube videos explaining the ending

Why? Are people this dumb nowadays?

take a look at the threads around you and you'll get your answer

well, seeing as the screenwriter gave her a choice, but also forces determinism with non-linear time, then it gets fucked.

For a mainstream, big budget sci-fi movie it asks a good amount from the (stupid) masses.

Yes they are. I've met few, who are furious about nonsense of Arrival, because they simply cant comprehend it.

I thought it was a neat self contained story. Not super deep, but made more sense than interstellar.

Course it has this sort of horrifying takeaway that there's no choice in outcome and everything is predetermined, but I still got the plot and was entertained.

>thinking man's

Um, look again sweetie

I don't think you understand how stupid the average person is

I find it amusing that there are people who think they are smart for "understanding it", when the plot is actually nonsensical.

more like people want to be youtube famous so they post anything popular

just saw it today, it was pretty good. Cracked the whole thing about halfway through. easily 8-9/10

Yeah, this is sort of the issue with it. But it still makes sense, it's just that the main character achieved nothing since she had no real power in the end.

When people say man, they mean people in general. You'll learn more after you've lived in this country more, sugar tits

>intersteller explains the ending
>people still dont get it

I noticed it was a lot more intelligent and artistically significant than i ever expected and it was made with such a relatively small budget (at least for a big movie). Probably a classic in the sci fi genre already. This Villeneuve guy was one director i never thought would achieve this level of success but he's steamrolling so far.

Also while Interstellar wasn't that complicated i felt that it opend doors for this kinda of movie to be made.

Magic room inside a black hole was nonsense and you know it

it's bullshit, but easily understood bullshit

but people still don't get it

>a thinking man's sci-fi

>literally pointless first act.
>third act climax solved fucking bill and ted style by timeline fuckery.

Arrival is awful.

Why didn't she just have TWO kids?

>having two kids in your 40s

you're just asking for autism

if the reaction on Sup Forums is anything to go by, yes

normies consider Interstellar to be the high watermark of Sci Fi so obviously they would never be able to figure out Arrival since everything isnt spoonfed through exposition.


Why didn't she just devote her formative years to learning how to solve the cancer that kills her child and just inform medical scientists how to save her child?

You know. Like how she solves the climax in the movie.

>Try for a 5th?

Fucking hell

Arrival is as good as it gets, sci-fi is a shallow, pleb-tier genre
>but m-muh Solaris, m-muh 2001!!!
Please safe yourself from the embarrassment


>still classifying movies into genres


>not understanding 2001
>tv & film board

being a contrarian doesn't work in real life

>There are YouTube videos explaining the ending
People make videos talking about Arrival to reap the ad revenue of people who want to watch videos discussing a movie they just saw.

she couldn't upset the timeline if she wanted to save the hippopods obviously

Looks like it was 2deep4u lol :)


I know youre being sarcastic but there people that unironically think this because they can understand the plot of the martian and arrival