What other non-words should I avoid?

what other non-words should I avoid?

instead of great say double plus good

Big, specially if you are refering to a guy

Boring presumably, it's the opposite of interesting and is as meaningless a criticism as interesting

how about non-word for a start?



Captain Fantastic is unironically in my top 10 favorite films of the past few years. Even if you remove all the qts it's still great.

passive-aggressive doesn't mean anything. it literally contradicts itself. when people use it theyre usually talking about just aggression.

not a word but "support the troops" is a completely meaningless phrase.

You just liked it because of the preteen butt. Admit it you pedo.

>inb4 projecting

Well then YOU'RE projecting the projection! Shut up!


The idea of "non-words" exist just so people can bitch about certain words or phrases they don't like. There's nothing wrong with any word, it's just usage that really bothers people.

because "non-word" is itself a non-word. it's superficial and vague.


the worst of them all

>preteen butt

male or female? im asking for a friend

it insists upon itself

by so accurately describing what a non-word should be you've given a clear definition to "non-word"

>passive-aggressive doesn't mean anything
Nigga, yes it does. It describes when someone is being aggressive through indirect means. Just because the word "passive" on its own means one thing, doesn't change the fact that "passive-aggressive" has its own widelh accepted and used meaning.



>male or female?

Fuck knows. They all have gender neutral names like Krapso and Glup

A clear definition doesn't disqualify anything from being a non-word if we're to accept all these suggestions for non-words as they all have definitions and accepted uses.

Passive-aggressive refers to inherently passive actions that, given the context, are intended to be aggressive
it's perfectly logical user if you actually thought for once

oh you meant figuratively? theres not actual butt shots in the movie?

Yes there is. One of the kids likes to walk around naked

is that legal?

oh ok thanks. its probably a boy then.

Fair enough. I stand corrected.


When it comes to film/art child nudity is simultaneously legal and illegal. It mostly depends on who wants to spend the money prosecuting it.

There's loopholes and qualifications. For instance, in america, you can have underaged nudity if you get the guardian's permission. Even then someone can still sue you.

Sup Forums always thinks it's cut-and-dry one way or the other but the actual laws are complicated.


I'm not gonna lie, to be honest is really annoying

Tomboy even had a vagoo shot

nudity is perfectly acceptable as long as the child isn't sexualized or abused. i'm always surprised when people are uncomfortable around naked kids. it makes me think they have something to hide

I was brought up with all nudity being taboo
ie "only show your penis to your special someone" type shit
I think the logic might have been about stranger danger and looking out for pedos but it's fucked me up to the point where any nudity feels sexual even though logically I understand it's not

That's why women shouldn't read books.

Wish I had a dad who loved me :(


were you an only child? i grew up in a very large household and some of my younger siblings would run around naked or in underwear (at least until they hit preteen years). i guess i never considered little kids going nude to be the same as teens or adultsabout it.

>loved his kids so much he fucked up their childhood and upbringing
no you don't

I have a brother who's 3 years older than me but he's equally (if not more) shy
I think we might have taken a bath together once when we were really young and gotten changed at a public change room at the swimming pool or something but that was all pre-puberty

Sexualized isn't a clearly defined term tho. Someone could argue that nudity is inherently sexual. And they could argue that in court. And people have done exactly that.

If it were that easy to get away with producing and distributing child nudity a lot more people would be doing it.

thanks for the contribution. you literally added nothing to the conversation.

the guy was asking if nudity is legal in films. yes, it is unless it violates child pornography laws. dumbfuck

And I said that child pornography laws are not clearly defined. One judge can say it's legal and another could say the opposite. It depends on how the law is interpreted.

In the U.S. we have a phrase that was coined by one of our supreme court justices years ago before you were born about what defines pornography: "I'll know it when I see it" This was a top judge in the country who said it.

If you record a naked kid and call it art it is not a get out of jail free card. I don't know why Sup Forums has such a hard time with this concept.