At first I thought it was a racist movie. But now that I have watched the trailer it may be a smart movie...

At first I thought it was a racist movie. But now that I have watched the trailer it may be a smart movie. What do you guys think? Should I or should I not?

you cant be racist to whites.

It's actually a pretty good movie, and it's not the propaganda piece that a lot of people seemed to assume from the title. It's not "all whites are evil," there are only one or two white characters who come out looking "bad" in the end, and a lot of good ones. It does address topics of racism, but it's very nuanced and self-critical of young "activist" types too. The characters are pretty multidimensional and well-written.

As a comedy/satire, I can't say I found it all that funny. It's like a lightweight drama more than anything. I was pleasantly surprised though, it held my attention till the end and I liked it

I like your critic. What are your thoughts on The Great Wall?

It's a good Romeo and Juliet adaptation, plus a nice social satire.

The funny thing about this movie is that it's satire is probably too subtle for both the SJW and Alt-right crowds. I'm sure they'll fuck that up with the Netflix show.

Since all the drama about this movie/show began, I've found myself masturbating at least once a day to ebony teen porn. Does this mean Jewish propaganda is working on me?

Black people can not be racist

No. It only will work on you if you're white and impregnate a black woman. Everything other than that is cool.

>Does this mean Jewish propaganda is working on me?
No, it means you're a straight man who will fuck anything sexy with a vagina.

I think we should rename "white people" to "shite people". You know, atonement for slavery and stuff.

Haven't seen it, but it looks like a dumb movie.

I watched the movie to see what was triggering Sup Forums so much, literally the movie is about how the younger generation black community deals with racism towards blacks. If anything it seems to be critisizing blacks more than whites, it looks into the left leaning blacks that fight racism only to end up being racist towards whites and also the right leaning and white-worshipping blacks who try to be ignorant that there's even an issue of racism againts blacks.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

why is it they always only choose the prettiest, most light skinned black people.

do some shit like this but with the niggest of nigs. id appreciate the authenticity.

kys numale cuck

it's funny that the worst bigots on the internet are the first to claim racism doesn't exist

>why is it they always only choose the prettiest, most light skinned black people.
who is leslie jones

If you watch the movie you'd find out.

The worst bigots on the internet are the ones that call people bigots because they disagree with their opinions.

so smart and nuanced! multidimensional! brilliant satire!

im not gonna watch it because it has a white chick lusting over bbc

>m-muh opinion is that blacks stinks. It should be respected
No, son... That's not how it works.

yes. that's how it works. anyone opposed to that opinion will be dealt with appropriately

I've never understood the "jews want whites to racemix" meme. What's in it for them?

If the Jews are supposed to only be interested in money then why breed a race pf people that traditionally don't do that well educationally soeaking? A race with higher unemployment prospects? How are they supposed to make money off poor people?

It doesn't make sense?

Is it an american thing? "Hate the jew" by any means? Even lies?

Don't question the narrative, cuck. Kikes are behind everything bad that ever happened because they love to be Evil.

Do a little reading about World War II and the Holocaust and it might start to make a lot of sense to you.

Racism is a hallmark of a simple mind who wants the world to be as simple as he is. To such plebs it is preferable to have an "enemy" of sorts that is the cause for complication the world as the inherent chaotic nature of the universe is something they cannot handle. An enemy can be fought or bargained with but one cannot negotiate with random chance

>If the Jews are supposed to only be interested in money then why breed a race pf people that traditionally don't do that well educationally soeaking? A race with higher unemployment prospects? How are they supposed to make money off poor people?
Supposedly because the mixed race brown masses would be easier to control and rule than the 'superior' whites. Except the people most under the thumb of the jewish elite are white middle class and upper class people whereas poor blacks and latino would probably just shank jews for being too white. And let's not even get into the muslims.

Conclusion: The jews might be pretty bad at making evil plans.

>san francisco festival


These Hollywood race-based films always have the same moral: golly despite how different we thought we were we're actually not that different after all.

It's trite but it's absolutely stupid for these Sup Forums kids to get so triggered over it. End results has just been more publicity and more people watching the show anyway.

because it would be easier to control a monocultural, faceless mass of mixed people

Except they aren't, because at the end of the day they're still just a shitload of black (with some white blood) or arabs (with white blood) or maybe black+hispanic but you can't create a faceless mass out of angry, dumb maladjusted people. These people do not assimilate into one another.


Give examples.

>If the Jews are supposed to only be interested in money then why breed a race pf people that traditionally don't do that well educationally soeaking? A race with higher unemployment prospects? How are they supposed to make money off poor people?
I think the idea is they're breeding a slave caste. They see automation on the horizon, and know that educated workers won't be necessary.

People as cattle, essentially.


Back to SJWmblr, reddit.

If you're masturbating at least once a day the Jew already has its' grasp on you.

I thought jews want multiculturalism

>thinks Jews want to make whites a slave caste
>wants anyone who isn't white to be part of a slave caste

You're shit projecting your own shittyness on other people


dude great post thanks for clicking all those #s

"multiculturalism" will lead to monoculturalism through destruction of values and traditions.

>being this triggered

I didn't say I believed it at all; in fact I even framed what I said in "I think the idea is"

YOU stop projecting, and then go fuck yourself with a cactus

>posting aurini

Values and traditions change over time. The behaviors of a tribal society that had to constantly fight other tribes for shit like grazing land and water sources are obsolete in an interconnected and industrialized world

Honestly, I like Jews a lot. love em, really.

They are a practical people who value education and self-improvement, while squeezing the last drop of value out of everything they can. Friend of mine back in college used to eat entire apples, including the core, the seeds, and the stems. I think of myself as pretty much of a skinflint, but I could never do something like that.

They're survivors, if not necessarily thrivers. Whether or not it's their own innate traits that leads to them being persecuted, they HAVE been persecuted. And yet despite this they have spread to all corners of the globe.

Let me ask you a question, user. British (?) that you are, how do you think your people would fare if a cataclysmic event drove you from your homes, spread you across the world, diverging you among other populations that soon your groups don't even look like each other anymore? Would even after that, you could still conceive of each other as British. and be able to find common ground and rebuild your society?

Because that's what the Jews did. And now, well, with no lack of help from the gentiles, Jews are now the richest and highest IQ population of people in the world, reclaiming the nation that was lost to them for 2000 years. It is a fantastical success story.

Why hate them?

someone tell me if this copypasta or if someone at the IDF just now wasted 10 minutes excreting this

Degeneracy toppled Rome, It will topple the modern world as well.


Thanks for the (You), dumbass.

You have a child's grasp of history.

Something tells me you never actually read a book on the Roman empire or have any understanding of Roman culture to see that their "system" called for constantly conquest. When there was no one left worth conquering (German tribes) or could be conquered (the Sassanids) their system simply cannibalized itself

>patriarchy looks like a skinhead dweeb who thinks drinking scotch and pretending to be le twisted fucking psychopath makes him a man

>Roman culture to see that their "system" called for constantly conquest. When there was no one left worth conquering (German tribes) or could be conquered (the Sassanids) their system simply cannibalized itself

t. someone who doesnt know shit about rome

And not a single argument to be found.

You didn't offer one yourself. Head back on over to Molymeme's channel, you're not done yet.

>You didn't offer one yourself.
I didn't, but the poster you two were replying to did. Or can't you read?

What was his argument, friend? Give us his thesis in one sentence.

certified shit wreckers

>It's a white people find reasons to feel outraged episode

fuck off furry

i kind of wonder, if i was an advertising exec, would i want to advertise material like this on Sup Forums? these threads are guaranteed responses, but it's mostly angry people. is any exposure still good exposure?

Because Christian and European civilizations have historically been threats to Jews in Europe. Jews have at one time or another been expelled from just about every European country for a variety of crimes, frustrations, and grievances. A majority of Jews do not feel safe around Europeans and resent them in some capacity. Their own internal cultural memes self-amplify this insecurity and sustain it. Germany will always be "Nazis" and Sweden will always be the home of the "Aryans", meaning both have to be destroyed.

This is what modern race mixing is about: Destroying the ethnic, religious, and cultural identity of Europeans so they'll never be able to formulate a cohesive ethnic identity. Without a cohesive sense of "who we are", there's no way to form opposition to the "other". This "Progressive" dream of a future Europe is one of Cappuccino colored people who find it *impossible* to discriminate against any ethnicity because they've all been thoroughly turned into Eurabian mutts who have no concept of their ethnic identity, religion, culture, or history.

This is the openly stated mission of the Jewish Elite: to destroy Europe, and when they're done we will all thank them for it. It's a Marxist delusion, and like all Marxist delusions it presumes that after masticating a swathe of humanity and destroying ("deconstructing") everything we will somehow arrive at a null state from which a "perfect" society can be designed without the baggage of the past.

read a book faggot

How is that not a plus mark for them?

I never got this about Sup Forums philosophy: the Jews legitimately hate Muslims, and make that hatred pretty well known. They also consistently kick their Islamic asses and make them look like fools.

Sup Forums also hates Muslims and makes that pretty well-known. By the transitive property, Sup Forums should therefore like the fact that the Jews constantly humiliate and kill Muslims.

I wouldn't expect the Sup Forums hivemind to like the Jews necessarily (though honestly, the Zionist Jews have many of the same values as your typical conservative that Sup Forums looks up to/aspires to be) but I would at least expect the hivemind to appreciate and celebrate that the Jews are killing off lots of Muslims all the time, as well as subjugating them and generally putting them in their place. At worst, I would expect Sup Forums to be happy that both sides are preoccupied killing each other, thus having Sup Forums's two most hated enemies eliminate each other.

And yet, consistently, Israel's wars on Muslims and Muslim rights in the Middle East are brought up by Sup Forums with (what I assume has to be feigned) outrage. Why? Isn't that what Sup Forums wants, to have their enemies destroy each other's lands and cultures and see Muslims and Jews killed?

lets go jews. manifest destiny those fucking muslims

I saw the movie, it was ok. It had some kinda funny moments and didn't present everything as black and white.

My major complaint was that it did the same lazy shit these movies always do with antagonists - it's always the Evil Old White Man with zero humanizing qualities who's only purpose in life is to suppress the poor PoC. It's the same character in every "oppression" type movie, whether its set in 2016, 1960, or 1850.

Pretty damn good movie. The four main characters are black but they're all deeply flawed or hypocritical, so it doesn't ever feel preachy.

>damage control for netflix

Try to remember who is dying and paying for those wars. It sure isn't Israel.

ITT. netflix shills baiting people to watch this race bait series



It was boring as fuck. Straight up sleep-inducing. Horribly shot. And I'm not a racist either.

>what the fuck is history? How does it work? I have no clue.

not just rome

why didnt rome collapse during the pax romana then?

Sup Forums likes zionist jews but hates globalist jews

I completely agree with this. The notion that 15 millions Jews are somehow responsible for 500 million white people constantly failing is fucking preposterous.

Let's assume just for the sake of argument white-nationalists are right: and that Jews are out to destroy them. Well...Whites were warned about Jews by Martin Luther in the 16th century. So whites have had nearly 500 years to evolve, adapt, and conquer.

Has that happened? No. Not in the least. As a matter of FACT white men are more incompetent and insignificant as ever.

So at BEST: white men have failed to adapt and evolve and there is NO way they can blame Jews for that.

The truth is very simple: white men are poorly educated, lazy, spend too much time and money on hobbies, out of shape, embrace degeneracy, are risk averse and gravitate to stupid/safe jobs like the Trades.

It is white men's faults they are so powerless now. I look forward to the day Jews control the world openly and the gentiles are no longer needed.

It's not just this.
It's also to destroy a sense of nationalism or patriotism.
Destroy any self-identity people have.
A LOT of mixed half white/black people go through an identity crisis when trying to relate to either ethnic group. Not only does it dilute whites, but mixed people tend to then pick a black or mixed partner.

Once nationalism/patriotism/white identity is gone in the population, other push factors can be used to manipulate a people.
If there is no say defined "british culture" or "american culture" then it's all up in the air for more mosques, sharia courts, ethnic ghettoes, further immigration etc.

But whatever, it's all (((speculation))).

Does the concept of conquest followed by an economic boom from plundered loot, seized land and slaves escape you

>has to say "satire" 80 times on the poster so they can point to it as a shield against any criticism

liberals were a mistake

I bet you're wrong. Probably a fucking nazi for all I know.

>>The truth is very simple: white men are poorly educated, lazy, spend too much time and money on hobbies, out of shape, embrace degeneracy, are risk averse and gravitate to stupid/safe jobs like the Trades.
>It is white men's faults they are so powerless now. I look forward to the day Jews control the world openly and the gentiles are no longer needed.


t. a proud white cuck

This. Bigots love to say their problematic hate speech is just satire, but we know better!

I honestly don't care either way.

It's not a movie I'd ever watch nor is the new Netflix show. Not because I'm a racist shithead but because I hate identity political humor and it's right down that alley.

Dave Chappelle and The Boondocks are the only things that ever got it right in the modern age to me. Be insane with it and make it in quick doses. I don't like it drawn out.

It's always white people too.

BLM is the first chimp out in decades. They don't happen often.

In the mean time it's retarded white people with way too much time on their hands getting offended for the sake of minorities. Your average joe just wants a paycheck, dinner on the table, and some way to unwind at the end of the day.

I swear the internet is the most amazing gift humanity has bestown to itself since the fire and is also the biggest outlet for retards to think someone gives a fuck about them when nobody usually does.

this movie fucking sucks

Jews are fine by me, 2bh.

Sup Forums are just losers with poorly directed anger issues. Most of them will probably loosen up if they ever get out into the world, get laid, and get a steady job.

I watched it in my Sociology class

It was pretty cringy overall. Not really a pro-black "muh racism" movie though

lol no, its generic as fuck