So this is what Luna has been doing

So this is what Luna has been doing

gaining weight

>white women
>aging well
About a 20% chance of it ever happening.

She used to be such a qt

She's a poor man's Saoirse

unfortunate closeup


>she's also Irish
will she suffer the same fate as Evanna?

Literally what happened? It wasn't that long later that she started looking worse. 5 years tops.

How does this sort of thing happen?

>michael smiley

literally the greatest actor alive

british movies are great because even terrible ones like this have godtier actor in them


It happens.

The body is constantly changing, it's unpredictable
Plastic surgery can help a bit (like how Kate Beckinsale was a 7/10 in her youth but has been 'inexplicably' getting hotter and hotter since her 30s) but it's basically just about dodging the branches of the ugly tree on the way down

She looks like a woman in her late 30's.

The body is changing nigga, always, but that doesn't mean it has to change/age badly.

Literally eating right, taking care of yourself and good hygiene goes a long way.

She's obviously neglecting her body.

You mean British women.

What happened is the kid you are looking at there was anorexic with fucked up body issues.

From the age of 11 Lynch was in and out of rehabilitation clinics for two years. She soon found a connection with the character of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter book series and was inspired by the character’s embracing of her own oddities.

Lynch wrote an essay entitled “Why the Body Bind is My Nightmare”[53] in which she describes her emotional struggle with her appearance and how she managed to overcome this through the use of allusions that pertain to the Harry Potter series.

That's right, JK Rowling saved this girl's life. Just another one of her achievements.

How much of bad aging is just not taking care of yourself and having a healthy lifestyle? Call me a fedora but I feel like because women get showered in free attention from needy guys they have no external initiative to take care of themselves. They can get fat and some beta will call them perfect. Meanwhile for guys it seems like common sense that they need to put effort into themselves to be attractive. At least I don't see any male body positivity movements. Only sometimes in jest.

It's weird, there's just something in her facial features now that I haven't seen before. Like all the things you kind of look at and think it looks kind of weird, but in a good way have become so prominent that it's irritating. You can never tell man, it's frustrating. She looks like she's 37 now even though she's a year younger than me.

So this is the power of british genes...

That's pretty much it. The human body unfortunately, while it works pretty well, starts breaking down from an early age, so you always have to maintain it and take care of yourself more and more as you get older.

Yeah it's clear why she was anorexic now

And yet she actually beat out Sersh for the role of Luna Lovegood.

>evanna lynch
>elizabeth olson
>daisy ridley

How the fuck does this twice nominated qt keep losing out roles to nobodies?

>beat out Sersh for the role of Luna Lovegood.
0_0 She IS Luna Lovegood IRL.

She also beat out Juno Temple for the role to.

>The "my name is" meme title

Fuck we would've seen a Slutty Luna, with sex scenes included.

Evanna was the perfect Luna, at least in Order of the Phoenix.

Jesus, does she eat nothing but cake and butter? It couldnt be that long since she was in harry potter.

She probably had a kid.

stuffing her face uncontrollably?

>Jesus, does she eat nothing but cake and butter?
She dealt with anorexia as a teen. This is just her without that disease.

Didn't she do porn?

She would never have been anorexic if she had had a strong father and a real mother. Once sh was anorexic, she should have been given a good slap, told to top fucking around, and sent on her way. And if she had continued with her deviant behaviour, she should have been denied medical services.

Instead, society mollycoddled her, and she mollycoddled herself with the most liberal, "everyone is special" pulp lit imaginable.

It's a terrible indictment of our society that a whorish woman who fucked around so much that she had a baby with a Moor who beat her around is considered to be a service to humanity

Considering the number of chads she had sex with, I'm sure that at least a few taped it.

"Emily (Lynch) is a teenager in foster care in Dublin, Ireland. She was very close to her father Robert (Smiley), a best-selling author, until he had a psychiatric break and was committed. When she starts in a new secondary school she quickly attracts the attention of her shy classmate Arden (Webster). After not receiving a birthday card from her father for the first time since he entered care, Emily is certain something has happened to him. Emily convinces Arden to accompany her on a road trip to Northern Ireland to break her father out and bring him home. With a little help from Arden’s Granny they manage to track down Robert and learn “about life and death, as well as loss and letting go”"

Let's summarise - a mentally unstable whore manipulates a poor friendzoned beta to commit an illegal act to help her accomplish her dream, for no recompense at all for the beta involved.

Classic nu-male propaganda.

Fuck off /r9k/, this is a film board, not a "project my insecurities and warped world view onto everything board.

They've figured out that it's shit, and now they use "I, _____" instead, hence the recent shitshow "I, Daniel Blake" that includes a single mother with half negroid children who we're supposed to feel pity for.

looks like a hard drinker

She looks like a dyke.

Beta who doesn't like his warped but comfortable view of the world to be shattered.


Some of us just want to discuss movies, not make everything so damn political. Politics is discussed in absolutely every facet of life these days, it would be nice to have a place to forget about all that shit and just discuss some film.

>Politics is discussed in absolutely every facet of life these days
That's because film makers put it in there. Films are now the political, and t's important to challenge that horrible underlying message in My Name is Emily that shy, pathetic men should carry out the wishes of mentally unstable women,

>horrible underlying message in My Name is Emily that shy, pathetic men should carry out the wishes of mentally unstable women

I thought the message of that show - if it even had a message - was "be good and good things will happen to you". It's like you're looking for things to piss you off, the other side of the coin from the Tumblr SJWs.

kawaii as fuck

It's fucking blatant you idiot. She uses the fact that a boy is infatuated with her in order to get him to do an illegal act.

everything is political or furthers society in some way by engaging in a dialogue of right v wrong.

escapism is literal "turn off your brain bro!" retard shit for kids.

Doesn't it get exhausting thinking that way? You work a full time job, get home and do chores, have to deal with bills, and the car, and your kids, and then you go to relax and enjoy yourself and there's still fucking weight placed on your shoulders.

"Yes, good Goy, just think about procreating and paying taxes, pay no heed to your culture being warped, heheheheh"


does she get naked?

Acting like a touchy whingebag doesn't help your apolitical cause.

big bush

No friend, it's you who is whining. I wish to just enjoy things for what they are, you're the one who whine about "white genocide" or "misandry" or whatever other thing your warped mind has you pretending to see.

I love watching her get bullied for her flat chest

What the fuck happened to my childhood crush