Yfw this is an actual screencap of yesterday's The Walking Dead new episode

>yfw this is an actual screencap of yesterday's The Walking Dead new episode

lol what the fuck is happening in this series?

t. someone who hasn't watched since season 2A

it's not tho


Are there really ayys in the series now

>yfw atys are responsible for the zombies and the show just went full Ed Wood

why would you lie like that?

can this show get any worse

Aliens where in the comic bro.

It's not, it's just an admittedly funny meme showing just how much the show has jumped the shark. Just look at Fear the Walking Dead.


No it isnt

>mfw this is an actual screencap of yesterday's The Walking Dead new episode

i disagree. I think Ayys make more compelling villains/monsters at this point in this shitty pointless pleb garbage

>10 mins later
he's still fucking talking

Those kids are laughing now but they won't be laughing when they face a full cavalry charge.

maybe in America

Was Rick smiling at the end of the last episode because there was an ayy leading the dumpster group?

>he didn't stay until after the credits

*rubs balls whilst leaning back profusely* hey rick l'masketta u summin big guy

theyre laughing because the monkey is for lunch and the pig is for supper
also monkey penis good for chinkee "medicine"

what happened with FtWD?

ayyy lmao's

Why are manbabies still watching this show?

What is this Maximum Overdrive shit?

He realized they were the ayys all along

I see someone read ahead in the comics.

He's gonna persuade them to fight negan