Official LOTR power thread

Official LOTR power thread.

Rank your most powerful Tolkien characters.

Gandalf the White>Sauron>Saruman>Gandalf the Grey>Witch King of Angnar


wtf is your ranking faggot?

Gothmog>Smaug>Gandalf>Durin's Bane

fight me.

Tom Bombadil > All

You can't refute this.

Eru >

who the fuck is eru?

What is google?

Sauron and arguably Witch King are stronger than White Gandalf

obviously gandalf is not more powerful than sauron

Fingolfin > Turin Turambar > Feanor > Hurin > Finrod Felagund > Glorfindel > Tuor > Fingon > Turgon > Huor > the rest of Feanor's sons >>>>>>>> overrated faggot Beren who lets everyone else do the fighting for him

A social media site you fucking faggot

Is there a book I can read where Elrrond gets his shit pushed in? I hated that fucker in the movies. Made me hate all the Elves honestly.

Shouldn't you be off somewhere kinslaying or something?

Batman>Fingolfin > Turin Turambar > Feanor > Hurin > Finrod Felagund > Glorfindel > Tuor > Fingon > Turgon > Huor > the rest of Feanor's sons >>>>>>>> overrated faggot Beren who lets everyone else do the fighting for him

Bergerond is the real hero.

Also the witch king was garbage.

shut the fuck up the witch king was dope af to be honest

>fly dragon
>talk shit
>get kilt

How was he dope af desu?

don't call me desu you nigger

Also if we are going off the books, to add depth, the witch king was visibly shook after being challenged by Eowen. He was weak af

Dead army>eowyn>everyone else just got lucky

Oh I get it. You're a lonely kid on a Saturday night that wants to feel good about starting a LOTR thread but know nothing about the lore and also wants to be an edgy Sup Forums kid. Got it.

Oh I get it. You're an ugly neck beard who plays with MLP action figures while masturbating to your waifu. Go back to R3DDit FAGGOT. Am I doing it right?

Sauron for sure, but the Witch King I doubt. Though he was ready to throw the fuck down with Gandalf at the gates of Minas Tirith so who the fuck knows.

You're getting close. Toss in an anti Hillary and pro Trump post, plus a name reference and you're there.

Fucking COMMIT SUICIDE faggot.

Lurtz > Melkor > Ancalagon > Sauron > Smaug > Saruman
debating this is pointless, fags

So close


how old are you

old enough to fuck your mom fageeto

Gandalf would have been able to kill the Witch King, since he's a maiar, and not a man.

Everyone forgets eonwe, the based motherfucker that humbled sauron

>Gandalf the White>Sauron>Saruman>Gandalf the Grey>Witch King of Angnar
Do you realise that hardcore LOTR fans will piss on your corpse for shit like this?

Allah > Muhammad > everyone else


yeah but i'll piss on your mom

Illuvatar > Melkor > Manwe > Ulmo > Yavanna > Aule > Mandos

>killed by just some guy
>Above anyone


>faggot Beren

Guy had the heart of a true warrior. Although his girlfriend and pet did do most of the fighting, it was the effort which got him the sympathy vote from the Vala

That wasn't just some guy you faggot that was Bard the Bowman. His grandfather even knocked a scale lose now kill yourself PLEASE.

gr8 b8 m8

acceler8 to your own death please.

Not even fucking memeing, Bard was nothing special. IIRC, he wasn't even descended from Numenor. Just a dude who got lucky with a shot.

I got lucky with your mom BITCH

>he wasn't even descended from Numenor

He was the son of the king of Dale who didn't need Numenorian blood to slay a dragon. Sounds pretty incredible considering Beren the guy whose line the Numenoreans descended from was basically just rescued by the wolf and Luthien everytime trouble arose.

Galadriel is the most powerful, next level power. She could have honestly fought and destroyed Sauron and Saruman at the same time

Galadriel(minus ring of power)=Glorfindel>Sauron>Saruman the white>Gandalf the white>Durins bane>saruman many colors>gandalf the grey>anything and everything else

>above sauron


she's above sauron when she's bouncin on that dick am i right? you know he hit that shit don't you?


what the actual FUCK

how is durins bane more powerful than gandalf the grey

cause he kicked 'dalf's ass

OP's autism is clearly the strongest.

shut your FUCKING face before i kick YOUR ass. Agreed? thought so honey.

Case and point.

Cause he had a ring of power, and a powerful sword in glamdring

I'm gonna grab my gun from it's CASE and POINT it at your fucking face FAGGOT.

The Witch King smokes Gandalf the White in the shortest duel in movie history.
P.S. Tom would BTFO all.


that's a fair point