She's old and bitter...

She's old and bitter. You guys forget sarah Silverman is like 50 and in Hollywood she can't get work anymore in movies and who wants to listen to a 50'year old woman rant onstage not being funny?
Being a cunt on twitter is all she has. I mean these are obviously construction markings but being privledged and never having to work a real job she wouldn't know that . Patriarchy

Other urls found in this thread:


It's probably markings for sewer or power/telecommunication lines.
Basically she's a retarded cunt.

her meltdown at the DNC is already more talked about than any movie, standup special, SNL skit she wrote, and anything in between.

>tfw I'll never have enough free time to be riled up by electrical gas and plumbing marking paint

Feels bad man

My math teacher keeps drawing swastikas on the board, what do I do?

Jews see antisemitism everywhere. And they sure dont have a clue about what working men do for a living.


but somehow you have enough free time to shitpost on Sup Forums

is this for real?

Just the appropriate amount of leisure time my friend.

savage as fuck, holy shit

You were never funny Sarah.

Isnt that some markings for electric/cable lines?

If Sup Forums is your idea of leisure, your life is severely lacking

Better online sites you'd recommend?

He said while on Sup Forums

Why is she mocking jesus in one of her skits?

"On my way to get coffee while you plebs work..."
She was raised in a privileged wealthy Jewish life she has no idea what real work is she looks down on people who work

Reminder this bitch thought getting dressed as Hitler and doing le funny poses and talk is considered funny.

Yes bro check her twitter she's legit spoiled

I'd still fuck her in the ass

there is some chance she's joking
maybe she lived to midlife without seeing utilities markings, but there's also just a chance she's joking

comedians never joke

Holy shit, rightwingers actually fell for her bait.

It would have to be a self-depricating joke making fun of the fact that liberals like herself see racism in everything, even construction signs. That seems highly unlikely because one of the main traits of a liberal ideologue is that they can't see how ridiculous they seem to the outside.

what is she about to say?

>I was merely pretending to be retarded

>I said something super fucking retarded that proved how ignorant of the world I really am but u r smelly lol
ahahahaha what the fuck is wrong with this cunt?

Is she serious?

>She stated she does not want to have biological children to avoid the risk that they might inherit her depression

What's the deal with 40+ year old childless women going absolutely crazy?

Everyone I follow is reaming the dumb bitch

I lost.

>unironically compares her getting called names on social media to the actual holocaust

Well, fair enough, guess that hope was dashed against the rocks

kek now it's Trump's fault

pretty based desu

>innocent mistake
>Hey I only started a rumour of hatecrime against construction crews

Are people really too stupid to realize she was joking?


>if you mention everyone but the jews you are literally hitler and love the holocaust

neck yourself m8

Why is she having meltdowns over non-existent swastikas when she dressed up as Hitler on television less than a year ago?

>history's greatest monster
when will the jew overlords give up this angle? Others have killed tens of millions

You've never actually see her act, have you?

Because Hitler wronged the Jews, God's chosen people.
That makes Hitler literally Satan.

If your joke is pretending to be dumb to be funny and it's not funny, you still deserve to be mocked.

You haven't read her follow up tweets, have you?
She was 100% being serious.

ITT: autists who are incapable of detecting humor.

No she wasn't.

Tell us you're trolling and not actually this retarded.

>victimise yourself as a jew receiving hate
>dude its actually my humour
Imagine my surprise its not funny

>that english
Sup Forums should have grammar check instead of captcha.

Everybody is just mocking her in the replies about the swastikas and now she's trying to bury it by retweeting random anti-Trump tweets.

You know if she was actually a decent comedian and not ultra Jewish, I'd consider the tweet as a joke.
But seeing as how we're talking about Sarah Silverman, I really doubt she's smart enough to make a joke even remotely similar to

B-but it was such a hilarious joke, why is she trying to bury it? She totally got those stoopid right wingers! hahaha...ha ha...ha.

And neither of those things are even worth retweeting, she clearly just hit retweet on thefirst two things she saw

also see her entire twitter meltdown. she is not pretending to be retarded, she actually is.

>all these idiots actually defending her

She ignores the fact that the Jewiest Jew blessed Trump's inauguration, that Trump's daughter is an orthodox Jew named Yael and that the only grandkids Trump has are orthodox Jews who go to a Hebrew school.

dont forget he and bannon are israeli shills and Netanyahu actually praised Trump for his wall. Btw Israel actually HAS a wall that works. I dont see anyone whine about that.


How do people, even people who hate Trump tolerate this shit? Every week retards like John Oliver, Seth Myers and Colbert has this new plan to finally take down Trump, and every week it's just them over-reacting to every little thing Trump does.

The Wailing Wall is actually just a retaining wall, it doesn't keep any nationality out like Trump's wall will, bro

>The Wailing Wall
are you an idiot?

wow you and sarah are really good at pretending to be retarded

>What does the white working class do all day?
>I don't know...clip coupons and try to hold on to their pathetic existence?

If she's so tired of seeing them, then maybe she should stop drawing them then.

maybe she has a victim complex

I bet she'd love to get fucked by a guy in SS uniform

you should tweet that to her

you're not alone in thinking that

What an obnoxious retard.

>Put on this Hitler costume and meet me in the bedroom

What do?

go ahead, triple down

8 years

Man she is losing her looks fast

All she had to do was to pretend she made a stupid joke.

>a la native americans with cows

How can you be 50 and completely illiterate?

>talented hack comedian who's gimmick was being offensive decides to become a hack comedian who's gimmick was being offended

How did this even happen? I swear like 5+ years ago the only time people mentioned Sarah Silverman was to make fun of how unfunny she was and that her whole shtick was just to shout "vagina" to be crude and offensive.

>literally anuddah shoah
You can't make this shit up fucking HAHAHAHAHAHA

Literally this. If she played it off it would still look stupid but just seen as a lame joke, now she comes off as an actual idiot who is on the major defensive.

Probably because the Holocaust was a deliberate effort to exterminate "undesirables" that didn't fit the Nazi ideal and not just someone that went "lol who gives a shit?" like Stalin or Mao.

11 million people deliberately exterminated, 6 million of which were Jews.


>Tell us

only you think she wasn't dead serious talk for yourself

ho my god she is disGUSTING

t. kike

>Communist purges were entirely at random xD

A jew with a victim complex.
What are you on about?

>dude lol 50+ million just randomly accidentally died under mao


Fuck off. The commies killed as deliberately as the Nazis. You're just making excuses for why your favoured people(s) and/or the victims of your ideological enemies should be counted more than others.

Oh look, another faux-Jew who only brings up their ethnicity to play the Holocaust card. I bet she's not even religious at all and doesn't give 2 fucks about Jewish culture.

There's a reason why secular Jews vote Republican while Americanized kikes vote Democrat.

>How did this even happen?
It all started when Jonah Hill called her old at some roast they were doing. Not even kidding, that's the exact moment she changed.

>let me change the narrative to improve my victim complex


what the fuck is this post? stalin and mao killed any manner of "former elites" or anyone who they thought stepped out of line
>b-b-b-but it wasn't targeting specifically a race or religion so it's not as bad
are you THIS retarded?

Because the Jews control all media and will keep shoving it into your face as long as they remain in power. Hitler was right, although he went about getting rid of them the wrong way.

>Stalin regime kills 48 million EXCLUDING wartime deaths
>lol who gives a shit?

Your victim complex is showing

>6 million

the official REAL number is around 4.8 million which is pretty close

what does it matter if it's 1.2 million off. it doesn't change anything




>clearly a dishwasher