Is friends with dude his age

>is friends with dude his age
>calls him "mister"

was it autism?

Samwise was a second class citizen

In the books he was much younger

Frodo was his employer
and was a much wealthier and renowned hobbit from a better family

>tfw theyre even gayer in the books

lol k, but im talking about canon

He was literally Frodo's gardener, and therefore his servant. Your post is autism

Jesus Christ this. Or at least Sam was. That interlude where he watches Frodo as he sleeps.

and beats off on his socks


I thought Frodo was in his 50s while Samwise was way younger

>Belladonna wn burgle your heart

That's nothing. All those flashbacks frodo has of bilbo in book 1...

Bilbo fled bag end to escape frodo's lust

>lay your head on my lap mr Frodo. He won't get you while my arms are round you!

>he doesn't show proper respect to his friends by calling them mister

It's a travesty that he didn't win an Oscar

that book he wrote utterly ruined the movies


>it's an autist neckbeard doesn't understand loyalty or friendship episode



Frodo is nobility, Sam is his gardener

Sam is much younger and a servant; not a friend.