Well, has it happened to you?

Well, has it happened to you?

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good day

no, i only go with girls under 22

Yep. But fortunately the apathy that comes with aging means I don't care. Just kinda numb.

yeah happened when I was around 14 and started listening to led zeppelin

I still listen to mainstream radio when I'm in the car

But when I'm at home it's nothing but golden oldies

I think I'm turning into a 40 year old housewife

me too but i'm 28 and it's definitely happened to me

Hitting wizard status soon tends to do that to you


Being a social outcast, I was never with it

Like most people here it has with some things, not with others. Frankly there were some things I was never "with" to begin with, there's some things that I've fallen out of lately, and there's some things I'll fall out of later on. I think it's a slow and gradual process.

Music today is garbage and I have trouble understanding meme culture.

baka desu senpai

>Music today is garbage
Only top 40 stuff, if you go even ever so slightly beneath the surface there's plenty of great shit

It happened to me when i was 21

baka desu senpai

It happened to me when I started noticing people younger than me wearing jogger pants and pic-related abominations. And I'm only 25.

yes and i only turned 20. fml

Sounds like you're still with "it" faggot

I'm not only with it; I AM it.
So far ahead of the curve, by the time everyone notices what IIT is, I'm already on to the next IT.

years spent lurking this site, I probably understand the "in" generation better than my own.

>tfw the true numbness and apathy about life finally settles in your early 30's
>no longer care about finding a gf
>no longer care about sex
>no longer look for relationships
>no more getting upset with people, online or off
>no longer feel anger or sadness, even at the worst moments it only lasts like 5 minutes before you forget what you were upset about
>sitting for hours in comfortable silence in your room
>just sitting there in peace, staring at the monitor
Its not depression, its more like a comfortable, numb feeling that nothing else around you matters anymore.
I've often wondered if this is what monks feel like when they reach Zen.


I was never with it but looking at what is being pushed onto the younger generations as popular: selfie sticks, emojis, etc. Makes me go "Really?", I think I stopped caring fully when social media became a must have for every normalfag.

>I think I stopped caring fully when social media became a must have for every normalfag
This wouldn't be that big of a deal if LinkedIn wasn't borderline mandatory for professionals. You want to have a career? Well you better join this Facebook for businenessmen or else you're crippling yourself.

>tfw you discover a great band, only for them to become famous for one song a few months after, and have to watch as pressure from their label forces them to make their next album sound like that song

Linkedin is the true evil of society.

>be draftsman
>sit in back of the office on computer all day
>rarely interact with coworkers for more than 5 minutes a day
>sometimes go nearly a week without talking to anyone
>almost never interact with anyone outside the company
>still baffle my coworkers by not having LinkedIn

>mfw 28 and dating a 21 year old

>>sometimes go nearly a week without talking to anyone
God damn, I wish people would leave me alone to that extent.

Happens everytime I come here and I see people blame reddit

>someone posts cartoon image

I'm not sure if they're actually angry or just emulating what others have said in a poor attempt at finding their own personality.

joke's on you, I was ever with it to begin with.

Name literally one

I was never with it to begin with

you are a lucky guy,so what?

sufjan stevens

baka desu senpai

skinnyleg jeans and pants are as ugly and stupid as 1970s bellbottoms

Yes with music, sort of with movies, no with TV.

But that sort of follows objectively how those things have gone over like the last 15-20 years. Starting around 2000, mainstream music started becoming way shittier. So, I stopped following what was popular because I outgrew it, but also because it sucked.

There are a lot fewer good movies than there used to be, and most blockbusters/capeshit sucks, so I'm not as with it as I used to be.

Factoring in for nostalgia, for the most part, TV is much better than it used to be, so I'm still with it. I don't watch a ton of it, but I keep up with the new shows.

>tfw wear joggers daily for about two years now and am also 25

Sup Forums isn't the "in" generation anymore, the average age of a Sup Forums poster is going up and kids don't care about message boards anymore..

>yfw even Sup Forums is getting older with you

Kinda, I'll be turning 27 soon. I just dont see the appeal in things like twitch,

I spend almost all my time on the internet so I still keep up with a lot of things though

It was forced on me in college, with people in my dorm yelling TShirt Time during Jersey Shore, nerds playing Skyrim in class or hearing the same Calvin Harris songs at bars. But now I cant name a single song from 2017.


33 year old wizard. I can confirm this. I don't really do anything anymore. Work, sleep, eat, shit, piss, fap.

Im 31 and I feel like there's more good music being made now then at any other point in my life. The fact that you can find so much good shit through the internet instead of being spooned it through the radio is a huge factor.

There's also more bad music being made now than ever.

>mfw 29 and fucking a 22 year old

I was very much into late 2000s hipsterdom, which was about ironic nihilism, dance punk, and drinking PBR, but I can't fucking stand 2010s hipsterdom, which is about actually caring, indie folk, and drinking local craft brews.

So yes, yes it has happened to me.

Their only good song is Stairway to Heaven. Queen is better, hands down. And the Beatles are overrated as fuck, son.

26 year old here. Past 2007-8, I rarely like any new music coming out. And the music I did like while in high school wasn't even that good. Mid 80s to mid 90s is what I like, some early 2000s music as well.

So fucking sad to see how music has become. I thought emo was gonna be the gayest rock could become, I was wrong as fuck. And rap/hip hop is basically chanting along to shitty over-produced beats. I'd never though there would come a time when Fiddy would be god-tier compared to modern music. Fuck.

There is just in general more of everything being made.

You don't have to use it. You can get work without it.

I was never with it.

I'm ahead of it, like a proper Channer.

This. Must be nice to have some alone time.
