Why didn't he just rape her? the day would have started over as if it never happened any way

why didn't he just rape her? the day would have started over as if it never happened any way

He probably raped everyone in town at least twice.

What if it didn't that time and he was doomed to life in prison?


Do you think he shot up a school just for fun?

For rape? You don't kill an adult after you rape them. If they aren't emotionally mature enough to deal with it, that's their problem not yours.

Per the internets: His total came to 33 years and 350 days.

any other "DUDE makes you think" kinda movie like this? not plot wise but by how weird the plot is

pretty sure he killed and raped everyone at least once

What the hell is wrong with his face?

Isn't it implied that he raped her, murdered people, etc? Or am I mixing it up with Steins Gate?

There was a time when I constantly confused Andie McDowell with Julia-Louis Dreyfus. I'm not sure if I can tell the difference even now.

Realistically he probably raped someone in that scenario.

Her nose is far longer than Dreyfus and her cheeks are shaped completely different. They look nothing alike.

She doesn't even look good

5/10 wouldn't rape

How does the Groundhog Day shitpost go again?

extensive alcohol abuse

Would all men rape if they knew it would be erased the next day? I'm more curious about people that think they wouldn't.

How do you tell if you're in such a time loop? My every day looks exactly the same anyway.

How does the Groundhog Day shitpost go again?


Is there a more perfect film then groundhog day?

Do you think he shot up a school just for fun?

of course he did
he's white after all

He might have been grateful, he already tried killing himself to escape it.

He looks 80 what the fuck

>ywn have 33 free years in which you will not age to become a super genius in a wide range of pursuits, intellectual and artistic

Sup Forums has the same exact threads over and over again.

wait a minute...


Raimis said he was trapped in that day for 10,000 years.

>movie set in small town in the 1980s
Imagine if he had access to the Internet

>mfw the loop start again... in jail

low quality bait toobeeonnest, deshawn
