Did he really do it? Did he get another person's show cancelled?

Did he really do it? Did he get another person's show cancelled?

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no, sam hyde just can't admit he's not funny.


I actually like Tim's work. It's too bad he's turned into a huge faggot.

They both went on the political bandwagon to the extreme and should both commit suicide imo
Politics and comedy shouldn't mix

Why are the alt-right guys all about might makes right up until they stop getting what they want? They are so whiny and bitter. Sad!

Honestly who FUCKING CARES?

More like Tim Hyde Decker


Yes, he's a cuck.


No. He did not.

Sam just can't admit the show sucked and his fans will continue to shout conspiracy and that it was too 'cerebral' until the end of days.

Sam couldnt even scam bronies (the Dark Skies kickstarter) without getting doxed and losing money ( he payed a pony artist for the artwork in th Kickstarter video)

>Politics and comedy shouldn't mix
It can work when they're willing to make a mockery of everyone/anyone. But it's literally impossible to be funny and self-righteous at the same time, I've never seen "comedy for a cause" that successfully functions as comedy instead of just lame propaganda in the cadence of a joke

If the show had been profitable they would have told Heidecker to fuck off even if he did try to get it cancelled.

Nobody outside of Sup Forums watched it because it was shit, and the people who did watch it all ripped/ streamed it so no ad revenue came in.

You have no one to blame but yourselves. And Sam Hyde for being unfunny.

Did he really do it? Did he really let another man fuck his wife?

That was the funniest thing he's done and you know it.

I think it was more Gellman's fault, but yes guys who were higher up got someone else's show cancelled for no good reason, and the show was even performing well. Both of them are fucked up for doing that and I don't like it at all.

>literally the whole board got together to watch and discuss World Peace.
>some annons even gave the most Kino scenes indepth analysis (that actually made me think)
> now that its canceled we act like it wasnt good

i hate this place


when i don't like someone i work with i get them fired. them's just the breaks

I don't even know what you're referring to, he's done a lot of "political comedy" in the last year or two

Well Sam Hyde has done shitty vertically-videoed open mic stand ups that are funnier than anything Tim has ever done so at least he has that going for him

>this faggot memes unironically IRL

i hope he really did get his show cancelled

Yes. He did so.
The three guys made a good show that was doing well, and they were fucked over by someone even if Tim is telling the truth.

hey sam

Stop ever doing this on fucking Sup Forums you faggot

>act like it wasnt good


Yeah sucks, I mean WP isn't revolutionary but it was interesting, would have taken off with more seasons.

Can't MDE just do make World Peace on Youtube?

>Can't MDE just do make World Peace on Youtube?

not when they can't even afford health insurance lmao

Are you tired of capeshit threads, "meme" threads, celebrity gossip threads, political threads, and porn threads?

If you're looking for Real film discussion come join us at /lbg/ at /lbg/ we have Real film hobbyists, who have Real opinions about films we love (and hate, haha)so if that's your cup of tea, come on down.

And please, don't be an embryo.

I never understood this, you have a general for some social network for movies on a board for television and film, is there a facebook general on soc? What is the purpose? should your general not be on soc as well?

I like MDE, but what an awful show
the opening is nice though

Not really. Adult Swim just didn't want the backlash of employing a Neo Nazi

It was good but Sam Hyde shot himself in the foot by being openly racist and talking about assassinating Hillary

I mean what the fuck did he think no one was gonna notice?



This is embarrassing...

The guy may as well throw on a guy fawkes mask while he's at it.

The unwritten rule is don't fucking meme outside the internet, it's not hard to understand

sup dude

>literally the whole board
it's a Sup Forums says things that obviously aren't true episode

>Can't MDE just do make World Peace on Youtube?
who do you think was paying for it you idiot

this is the level of intelligence of MDE fans

>some annons even gave the most Kino scenes indepth analysis (that actually made me think)
These were incredibly cringey

>literally the whole board
uh, no and you don't get to bring "reddit" replies

Why doesn't Sam Hyde just get healthcare through the exchange? It's pretty easy to get affordable healthcare if you're single with no kids.

his shit was still pretty low budget and he has name recognition now. if he was competent he could easily surround himself with creative people and do some more low budget surreal content

Sam bit T&E's style so hard that the master tapes of Tom Goes to the Mayor still have teeth marks on them.

yeah, tim is a faggot. the great thing about these people is that you know a leftist is always more miserable than they try to get other people to feel. you see a picture of this clown recently? the fuck face is in full on mid life crisis mode

Imitation is the least sincere form of flattery. John K. has thrown any number of his students under the bus because he wanted them to study Tex Avery, not him.

I just made John K. sound like a good guy. Someone kill me.

> antihumor faggots finally eating each other alive

The only thing that could be better is Mike Lazzo being fired with nowhere to go in entertainment. All of this is his fault directly for taking a slot created for """adult""" cartoons and instead greenlighting cheaper live action productions. Loiter Squad and MDE are two sides of the same shitty coin.

Personally, I think Tim had some say in the show getting pulled because he has some sway with Adult Swim.

Also, Tim, in the past few years, have been going deep into politics and is very left wing. It wouldn't surprise me if he got a show that was labeled as "Alt Right" cancelled.

I hope he didn't though, because that's low.

>not comprehending post-irony

>Yes. He did so.
prove it

>The three guys made a good show that was doing well, and they were fucked over by someone even if Tim is telling the truth.

got canned after 6 episodes, at what point did it "do well"

If there is anyone to blame, blame Sam. It was well known during production that Sam completely disrespected and flew in the face of the CN and TB reps. Sam is another ignorant hipster who thinks he's smart enough to get away with doing whatever he wants. This was a nice kick in the ass from reality.

Incorrect. Sup Forums hates movies.

I felt like Colbert when he had his show on Comedy Central did it well