Mfw a Bong says "anticlockwise"

>mfw a Bong says "anticlockwise"

Other urls found in this thread:

>when an american says "traffic circus" instead of roundabout


What do you say instead?


>an American tells me "gray" is his "favorite color"



>a Brit tells me he has "fags" in his "bumbag"

>oi mate can i bum a fag off you?

Was literally just metaphorically sick all over the floor

Sounds moronic, didn't expect any better though

>an tie instead of ant e

>aeronautics or airnautics?
>aerobatics or airbatics?
>aeroplane or airplane?

You fucked up not us.

>no mate this is not a fag in me mouth, just a lolly

What do you call lollypops?

a pop suckle

Lollipop, but no one calls it lolly, the same word used more commonly to describe underage females.
Let the naming rights be given to the inventors.

>Mfw I realise most of my English speaking ways are English and not American.


pic related is a popsicle. Lollipops are those candy things you get at the laundromat or the dry cleaners.

Ice lollies - Anything icy on a stick (this includes ice cream on a stick).
Lollies or Lollypops - Sweets on a stick