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International #793
Tfw being f*nn
Why do Latinos perform so much worse than whites and Asians in IQ and SAT tests? Technically they're about 50-75% white...
/Bauernhof/ ehemals /deutsch/
Alexander the Great was a
What would happen if Europe was like that?
Why are there so many normies here?
American movie
Remember the fact that it is one continent
Europe is just a fucking PENINSULA OF ASIA
Why do they hate each other?
/Flip/ General: 1st edition
Life is meaningless
I once aroused when i moved his hand when it was on my neck D: then it went onto my penis his hand accidentally and i...
Your parents arrange a marriage with one of these girls
What is best Sup Forums reader app?
/Antifaschistische Aktion/ ehemals /deutsch/
The absolute state of estonian """"""men""""""
Alpine state when?
Why do gooks suddenly appear every time Japan is near?
On this day in 1853 French-British-Ottoman coalition defended turkish balkans from R*ssia
Turkey shots down r*ssian jets and kills r*ssian ambassadors
Redpill me on Germanic peoples
North Thunder
Moving to Norway
Ywn be manhandled by a tall strong swede
Teach me a cheap meal to eat at 500 yen (5US $)!
Why are France and Germany not a union state?
Is this how you want the world to see you America as indian givers?
Is it true that Scandinavians, Iberians and Italians are handsome ?
It's 1 month of sunshine and 11 months of gray and rain here in my city
Imagine being forced to crossdress by a tall manly swede and whenever you spoke a language that is not swedish he would...
You hate black people but sandniggers are way worse especially Egyptians and Saudis
1. your country
Why are Turkey and the U.K. so fucking FAT?
Is this what the avarege italian looks like?
Bigzil is BIG
/luso/:Pretos Boiolas Brasileiros edition
Do aussies hate slavs?
Hate myself hate my life, I have never done anything right
Edición muerta de bajas expectativas
Sweden is long
/nederdraad/ --> /Bourgondië/
Blacked memes
Egyptians aren't white
Left or right?
Eye thread!
Eastern euoropeans
Fine, there are a bunch of bosnians at my local mosque, and a white person converts every once in a while...
Shitted :D
Is there anything left of Korean culture? Or have they fully become a carricature of America?
/ex-ussr/ general
What called is American????
Meta thread
Do Japanese people see the occupation of Japan as an overall good thing?
WTF i hate sex robots now?
Do you have Roman emperors as ancestors?
How can we get rid of weeaboos forever?
Korea is very popular and respected by people of whole world because of Korean fashion, outfit...
I wish Africa had internet so that I could talk with people from there and learn about their countries
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
What do you think of the Canadian seal hunt?
Which language will help me earn the most duckets and why? I already know French
Kurva anyátok
Last evening
Define first world
Italians are arap rape babies
What does the typical Brazilian house look like?
Finland. This country with population of 6 000 000 (six million) people is creating 50% of all the good menes
1. country
Could they pass as locals in you're cunt?
/sino/ - 中文
Do you like Germans?
Something interesting is bornings at Finnish chan Ylilauta
He imagines himself leading a nation forward to prosperity granting greatness and justice to the people
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do we bring back Al-Andalus?
/v4/ + friends
Hilo latino de redencion
/nachtschicht/ morgen /deutsch/
Be wh*te
Brazilians come here
How would you kill a Finnshit subhuman roach?
What would you do if your mother decided to leave your father for a black man?
Latinas master race
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
My home int is down forever it seems, so this is my new home now. Advice?
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Having a bad day?
What language would be better for a scientific career?
What's his problem?
I want to become able to speak English fluently
A syrian man did a call to prayer in the alhambra palace in spain
Meanwhile, in south america (venezuela)
Where did this "usa is 56 percent white" meme come from...
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
What was Scandinavia like in the early 2000's??
Tfw the Turks, not the Finns, are the best shitposters now
Latin America thread
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Nice third world infrastructure you got there 'Murica
What do Sup Forumss parents drive?
Would you rather live in a cold country or a hot country?
Sverigetråden - ????
How common is this flag in France? why won't they use it as their official flag?
1. you are a cunt
/ita/ il filo
Ukrainian thread about Ukraine
What is prison like in your country, Sup Forums? Have you ever been, or known anyone who has? Tell us about it
What are your thoughts on the Rohingya Muslim people currently being exterminated in Myanmar?
Try and name one country in Europe that has a more empty, pathetic, subserviant history than Finland
When you realize that Polish is actually very similar to Russian
Tfw pure TÜRK born in England
Is Iceland real?
No culture
Why are East-Asians soooo smart?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/fat smoker ehemals deutsch/
1. country
Is it true that Americans buy their food in frozen containers and then microwave it to eat it?
G*rmans are subhumans
Are you racist outside Sup Forums?
Give me your country's
Why don't europeans like Lincoln and Cadillac?
Holland please explain this
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Whats wrong with them?
Tfw can't laught at anything because the years of posting here have shaped your sense of humour in extremely...
/ex-ussr/ general
Grandma's being a white supremacist again
See a bad thread with no replies
Post ur city's cops
Turkics thread
Could i pass for a local in your cunt?
Foreigners often wonder why do Slavs squat
Your country
The absolute state of germany
How come there are some Turks with white features?
How the fuck does this work?
/Tod und Verderben/ auch /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Deistiska upplagn
What does Sup Forums drive?
Why are Swedes so gay?
Life is meaningless
This intimidates the german
At least you live in Europe
Are McMansions the biggest crime ever commited against humanity?
My girlfriend from Cali has a SAT of 2400. I have no idea if this is good or not. Is this average? Better than average?
/ex-ussr/ general
In what country can you grab a womans boobs in public?
Tfw krautchan is still down
Why did the Czech word "robota" (to do work without payment) spreaded to every language meaning an artificial automaton...
Your cunt
This could be the best country of all
Jajajajajaja el perro caca
Post "Literally me"
Maximum enlargement of the EU
What is the most aesthetic nose type and why is it the Nordic nose?
I fucking love my country
/v4/+normal people
What has the Memorial been like in your country today?
Why did Americans help Germany, Italy and Austria, ie the enemies, Spain got nothing?
Tfw no qt european bf
Father in !Kung
Make Germany Deutsches Reich Again!
/cp/ Culture Pals
Romance languages showdown: French vs Spanish
Be j*p
European replies to my post
W-w-wanna be my bf, a-user?
How are you preparing for the Asian Century?
2,996 deaths
/meds/ - Mediterranean general
You are ALL shtiskins
Today it has been six years when rogue dogs killed Kukko Pärssinen...
/v4/ + pals
What are beaches like in your country?
Your cunt
How to find Swedes?????
Let's admit it. European Union was a mistake. There is no logic behind it...
Come on user let's show those Russian imperialists they can't destroy Ukrainian pride!
/vong/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are there second world countries???
Itt; the true descendants of rome
Today is the national day of Catalonia (La Diada)
ITT:Unpopular opinions
Happy 9/11 everyone!
*Blocks your path*
Americans deserved 9/11
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Which country should I move to as a doctor?
Guess the country
Who wants to kick some anglo ass with me?
Do you want to move from your country ?
Why are germans so evil?
Is Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck more popular in your country?
Sverigetråden - Ingen fv upplagan
Is USA first world?
Russian humour
Refute this or cease to be racist
/nusantara/ - Daulat Tuanku edition
Your cunt
We thank countries for the things we love
Estonian """""""'"""""men"""""""'"""""
Is it true that most Americans don't learn philosophy at school?
1. Your country
What's your opinion on Putin? I think he's the greatest leader of the world. Bringer of peace. Brother of God
Why are Aussies so barbaric?
Are they russian?
/deutsch/ Nusspli > Nutella-Ausgabe
/frühschicht/ a.k.a. /deutsch/
Do you have slang for these in your language?
My 2 brothers have blue eyes
/MENA/ ''the fucking madman actually did it'' edition
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Why are Asian mainlanders so based?
What do they think of each other?
How can I help the japanese to have more sex?
Rest in peace, sweet prince. ;__;
Where were you when 9/11 happened in you're country?
Not only us
Do you love commie blocks
Is Portuguese basically a more beautiful sounding Spanish?
/ex-ussr/ general
Fuck you too
Can we get every flag on Sup Forums ITT?
Talking with a Jap
No meme replies please...
Kurva anyátok
Your country
We Thais are a very proud people
Why is this albumn so british...
The future of South Korea (my prediction)
Post a girl that looks like your GF (or ex)
Are pakis white?
Hilo latino
Seriously, who did 11/9?
Your country
Check out what just happened in Canada
I'm an Euroboo
Why Americans don't celebrate 9/11?
Pooman edition
Is it true that a lot of black people are immigrating to chile?
went to buy snacks to nearest conbini
Words to live by
Why do Finns have an inferiority complex toward them?
Which Game of Thrones faction is your country most similar to?
Are there people on here who really believe that Vietnam was justified?
How's your country commemorating 9/11?
Rate this girl pls
What's wrong with int and pol? I'm non-white and have several white friends and my current gf of 2 years is also white
Be canadian
How is your country's space program
Post Latinas from this countries
Are Pakistanis the worst Muslims?
Why are slavs so racist bitches?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Hehe long boi
What happened to Krautchan?
Father kicks me out because i make too much money
What's your favorite country, Sup Forums?
You wake up in Perth, Scotland
Hilo latino
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und später dann wieder /deutsch/
Can we finally be Nordic now? Thank you Europe
The most depressing country on earth
Which ethnicity do you find the most attractive?
ITT: People post their names and speakers of other languages translate other user's names into their equivalents in...
Why does this country cause so much butthurt amongst Europeans?
Sovereign nation of Apple
Happy 9/11
An hairly bestia reply to your post
Be American
It's 9/11 here in France
Is it true that Prison rape is only an American phenomenon? Are Americans just really gay?
Post this meme from ur cunt
Why do the Canadians want us to learn languages? What is their end game?
¡Hola! Estoy aprendiendo español
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Good day
Why do they all speak English?
/fr/ - le fil frônçais
Wake up
The entire american and NATO superarmies
What is your country's greatest cultural export?
Post handsome leaders
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1905
Why do swedish guys have more balls than american guys ?
/v4/ + friends
/mena/ /moan/
Is EU good?
How many countries have you made a poo in?
What do call this game in your cunt?
You can repopulate Europe with 3 out of these 5
/Kampf/ ehemals /deutsch/
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Aren't Florida people afraid of having their evacuated houses looted in the midst of the hurricane?
Why are people from here so disgusting? why do they always have this sleazy look in the eyes...
How do people that live in interior states go to the beach?
Stop bullying france
Mfw a Bong says "anticlockwise"
Be in Milan
Post most american picture you have on your computer
What is your and your country's opinion on gay marriage?
Arabs are extinct
1. Your cunt
Why do North Germanic languages sound so feminine?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Americans have annual seasons of earthquakers, tornados and huracans
Your core values #2
There are cute bois browsing this board right now
Does your country go fast?
How similar are Quebecois and French people?
What is your favorite American television show?
Why are White American males so much more masculine than Eurocucks...
Is this the daily KARA BOĞA thread?
How is he remembered today in Japan?
Post your country's best friend
This confuses, shocks, frightens, disturbs, angers, and surprises the brazilian man
100 word essay due tomorrow
Tfw smart but also really very lazy
French people are such assholes, it's the worst people in the West with the Germans
/lang/ - Language Learning
ITT post and guess ethnic group
Why does Russia seem to be such a sad and melancholic country?
Half brown half white is the future
Swedes and Slavs come here
Get away with being racist and xenophobic because they're not white
Which upcoming superpower country do you respect more: India or China?
/polska/ aka /sarmatia/
How are Ethiopians so attractive?
Sverigetråden - Rikedomsupplagan
Dont commit crime
This is future of housing
Ready for the Asian Century?
1. You're country
You have 10 seconds to name a famous person from Portugal
Portugal is literally the greatest nation to ever exist on this universe. We are worthy of godhood
What do you think of my country?
Why are 4chanons always so triggered and buttmad when it comes to us?
What can you do in Oulu?
Tfw a qt girl killed herself
It truly is a utopia
What do the modern French think about Céline?
Why are Japaneses so insecure about their woman to get laid with Korean?
Tell me what you think about Austria RIGHT NOW
What's this called in your country?
Tfw grew out of racism
This is an Albino Ethiopian
Why is prostitution so widespread in Germany?
Has America ever lost a war?
Why does Jap cartoon tend to be depicting the charactors always fancy and pretty...
/dixie/ - The South and Friends
/polska/ AKA /prl/
Why are Med women so obsessed with Nordic men?
Literally every country on the planet can be bantered
Why are Lithuanians so criminal?
What is your hobby?
Big euro cock
/v4/ + mates
Tell me which European country you consider the best and why (it can be economics, quality of living, climate...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
His country is named something arbitrary like "canada" or "spain" and not something descriptive like "the united...
Yesterday our capital celebrated 950 years
Do you know the Japanese lawyer Takahiro Karasawa?
Is Jackie Chan well known in your country and do you like any of his movies?
/fr/ - le fil du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why do frogs, poles, and anglos have an inferiority complex toward them?
Post the richest person of your country
/cum/ croatia uzbekistan malta
How will you celebrate 9/11 tomorrow?
I just want to be isolated from the western world, alone deep in the woods. Yet I still want to communicate with you
Tl;dr me about the genocide of Muslims in Myanmar please
1) your cunt
Hong Kong or Singapoor?
What do you think of Russian cursive?
France is the best country
/IRA+STAN/ ''The Lion of Panjshir'' edition
My dream
Germany's minister: "All EU countries should pay as high benefits to refugees as Germany so refugees would arrive to...
Why is Anime so popular among autists?
Mountain Thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What is it like where you live?
Brazilians girls loves argies dicks ;))
Is New Hampshire the best State?
Sum up a country with a pic. I'll start
ITT: Rate how hard it'd be for your country to invade another one
How come no one ever talks about switzerland around here
Be American
Germans first thought they were intellectually superior which lead to the creation of Marxism
/ex-ussr/ general
Why don't Europeans have children?
According to Japan, the average Finnish man looks like this. Is it true?
Why do japanese women look as if they had down syndrome?
Is iran white?
Today's NEET thread
/ITA/ - il filo
What do you think of epicanthal fold?
What do they called skilled laborers in your country
Kurva anyátok
What is it like to be non-White with a White man's name?
High speed in yellow
There are 280 times more chinese than finns
Why is everyone here so mean to each other?
Are Japanese really that brutally honest?
Why are the Dutch so gay?
Have you ever met an Indian girl irl?
Whites are literally not evolved for planet Earth
ITT: what you last ate
Hilo latino
You must like Japan
/deutsch/ am Sonntag Morgen
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Wow.. why do you know so many Finnish words, user?
Is Russian a useful language?
Are Whites extra terrestrial beings?
Why can't anyone say nice things about us?
>Distinguishing results of different races
Tfw everybody is out rounding up sheep and getting drunk while I am home alone
What is your favorite American film?
Just watched horror film
Flag tiers
When will there be war between American countries?
His country's flag is 3 shitty bars of color
Homicide rates in SA cities
Hilo latino
The Aussie dream is over boys
How hard will america try to make us feel sorry for them tomorrow?
Does your country have redheads?
Where are they?
It truly is a utopia
Are there any Greeks in your country?
/nusantara/ -Edisi riadah di Ahad yang indah
Be american hurricane
Hermanos, this is the path towards progress
19yo and virgin
Sverigetråden - Lyxupplagan
Kill all, Burn all: Myanmar military orders
Hello, Sup Forums
Would you race mix with a Swedish girl?
How true is this map?
Hey can I be Norwegian? I heard you guys like death metal and are cold, just like me...
Florida is officially Latin American now kek
Beef doneness
Your cunt in one pic thread
WTF is wrong with the Netherlands???
Will we ever become superpower?
What's your favourite country in the world?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/ita/ - il filo
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Latin America Thread
Who are the best Slavs and why? Who are the worst Slavs and why?
Do I have an epicanthic eye fold Sup Forums?
Tfw no North American Union
Why are Europeans so unintelligent?
If you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?
ITT: Post your countries highest mountain
Asian tourists ask for directions
Any As*an Americans in here? Here, hold still!
Any KC refugees here?
/carib/: Mad Max edition
/fr/ - Le francofil
How do you think South America will be in 50 years?
Sup Forumslang - the Sup Forumsolerant language
We russians are the saviours of europe and the last bastion of morality and traditional values
Do you hate Sweden?
I'm a virgin in Brazil this is good or bad?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...