What do call this game in your cunt?

What do call this game in your cunt?

Gato (literally cat)

Tic Tac Toe


križci pa krožci (little crosses and little circles)

Slav is of inventive, yes?

Ta Te Ti

Sea chess.


Tic Tac Toe and sometimes X's and O's

Drei gewinnt (Three wins).

3 på rad
3 in a row


Cross and zero.

Crucifica o Libera a Dios.

Three on a line.

Äitini kakkahousut (my mothers poopy pants)

Hobo chess

Boter, kaas en eieren (butter, cheese and eggs)

oxo. literally oxo.

Sanmokunarabe or simply michi.

Trips traps trull

anxiety anger depression

*notices traps* OxO, what's this?

>trips traps trull
Eesti perkele stop being so Spurdo

Kryds og bolle.
Cross and bun.


Tres en raya
>Three on line

Jogo da velha (the old lady's game)

x o


X și 0

ma ru ba tsu game

Noughts & Crosses

De qué pueblo bicicletero eres?