Foreigners often wonder why do Slavs squat

The answer is remarkably simple: sitting on the filthy ground and getting your clothes dirty is considered uncivilized and downright barbaric. Frankly, whenever I see Americans, Brits or whatever, just sitting down in their best clothes on the concrete, it nauseates even me a little bit.
>b-but what if the ground looks clean
Not so fast! Slavs wouldn't sit on the floor in their own homes! Unless it's either the living room or the bedroom. It really is such a strong, unspoken taboo. I know, weird, but that's what different cultures are all about.

>wouldn't sit on the floor in their own homes!
why would u sit on the floor?

only eastern slavs aka subhumans squat

Squatting is a Turkic custom that can also be found among nations that have been influenced by Turkic culture such as the Russians and the Albanians.

>improper squatiquette
>phones out
>no tracksuit


basically this

couches and chairs are too expensive for them

I don't know. But hypothetically if you did that, somebody would inevitably yell at you that
A. You're gonna catch a cold
B. It's dirty, you'll mess your clothes (even if it was mopped like 10 minutes ago)

wrong, Western Slavs also squat. Seen it with my own eyes

> sitting on the filthy ground and getting your clothes dirty is considered uncivilized and downright barbaric
of course,but the discussion was never about squatting vs. sitting on the ground, but squatting vs. standing.

ur point would be much stronger if those two women hadn't pissed in those bottles

Are you ok from the hurricane?

>literally on the other side of the world from the hurricane

because they are bad girls

>alrighty then
WHAT did he mean by this?

for the thousandth time, only russians do that


>Slavs squat
I would expect this kind of post from a western European or an American...

Nah senpai.
Turks dont squat

only russians squat

>only russians
Also Poles Ukrainians and Belarusians.
Basically all the slavs that are remotely relevant. Dont know about you guys.

Russians don't squat. Never seen it irl.

Bulgarians were graceful enough to bestow language, arts and culture to these East Slavic barbarians. Show some fucking respect

all useless, in the longterm

To Russians sure. One and only achievement. Probably wouldve done fine without them too like Poland.
>arts and culture
Not so much

>wrong, Western Slavs also squat. Seen it with my own eyes

Maybe they do now because it's "hehe funny le ebin memes", but I can assure you, squatting was never our thing, we simply sat on benches and drink cheap beer and smoke, or hang around in children's playgrounds in the evening. I've also seen that in Hungary btw.

Do you also try to deny the tracksuit epidemic of 90'-00's?

>Be vietnamese
>Somehow I'm turkish
I'm not hairy so NO NO NO



Congrats you found one
Never denied tracksuits. Sweatpants and hoods were worn too as well.

Just saying squatting was nowhere near as prevalent as in the East.


>let me tell about my country

I grew up during 90s cunts, so fuck you. Though granted I didn't grew in the worst of places.