Meta thread

seeing is > makes it seem like ledditors and leftie-pol have moved in thinking just because we hate pol means we are lefties

or is it just because KC is down we have a bunch of them here?

I think you're overeating a bit.

We are neither. Should have started with that op

Doing an allnighter so I'm just b o a r d

Stated it by saying we hate pol which is the same as saying we are neither far left or far right just pro autism and memes

And maybe some gay erp since LGBT is shit

don't care what political affiliation people are anymore as long as the mods start cracking down on gay anime ERP and people reposting the same shit every day

P-pls crack down o-on me amarica same :3

Just KC combined with mods not doing their jobs today for whatever reason. Also, fucking namefag.

Aren't you going to be tried tomorrow though?

wtf? I thought it was a girl?

But they're doing their job? They just deleted a cuck thread

>wtf? I thought it was a girl?
Astolfo is a guy

those are my threads you're talking about you fucking shithead

My posting makes a net contribution to the quality of this board by around 86%

Be happy that I don't tripfag

Have a ton of meetings and shit to do so I'm gunna be jacked up on coffe

They let a lot of shit threads stay up for hours today. They had been doing a decent job in the last months, but today wasn't the case.

gay erp belongs in /lgbt/, no need to bring it here

It doesn't make sense, even her seiyuu is a girl. Why would a guy dress as a girl?

That is not a shit thread

>Why would a guy dress as a girl?
it's cute. I dress as a girl sometimes

It is a shit thread since you're pushing to turn it into a faggot thread

Sorry but if you keep pushing faggotry I'm going to spam porn in it


Not this one, the SHITTED thread

It better be cp

Why do you want to be cute? Don't you want to fuck cute girls instead?

Not Sup Forums related Turk spam Shit thread /r9k/ shit Eceleb nonsense /trash/ shit + 3-4 kc spam threads probably already in the archive

Just to mention a few. A week ago, they would all have gotten deleted in minutes.

Back to scum.

Nah, don't want to get countries banned for nothing
Just porn 'n gore should be fine

That's fine lad I'm talking about people that clearly don't fit in using this place as pol 2.0 with ledditors spouting commie shit and pol autists getting triggerd by the w*ite posting

>Don't you want to fuck cute girls instead?

/lgbt/ is full of trannies, there are no gays there

>ledditors and leftie-pol have moved in thinking just because we hate pol means we are lefties
Newfags need to learn this, hating Sup Forums and stormfags doesn't mean this is reddit or

the state of the board lately has got me worried.
did janny die? I know we meme him a lot but please come back to us.

>A week ago, they would all have gotten deleted in minutes.

Int has always been like this senpai

From tfw no gf swede to jorge

E-celeb shit is pol creeping in as I said Turk spam is just shitposting trying to trigger people

Uhhh no sweety xxx

It's in the fucking name assplugger
Do you have cognitive dissonance?

Usual stuff Nice pun faggot You are correct in the rest though

>A week ago, they would all have gotten deleted in minutes.
see Are you a fag or something?

>Not Sup Forums related
That's very Sup Forums related. The rest aren't.

They were, which is why half of Brazil is banned thanks to the turk.
Yeah, but the turk always gets banned in minutes, the same with kc fags and their threads. Not today.

int is for international discussions but all I see are blacked threads and 9/11 spam

>Are you a fag or something?

the fuck
captcha: calle anglais

My condolences. Watch some cp, you won't regret and you'll feel like a man again. Just imagine they're realistic lolis

nothing wrong with banning us

No rude posting in my thread

I agree, which is why I'm complaining that mods didn't do their jobs today.

I'm gonna be as rude as William Bennett if I want to there's no need for me to deal with gaynime posters


but is a great thread?


I remember a few years back somone made a filter to remove anime threads

Still fair enough I'm getting sick of it as well especially since it's just 5 faggots blog posting while /Balt/ is used for that anyway

Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums lite redditor. Most of our maymays are right wing
>argentinia white
>sweden yes
>alberto barbossa

You don't understand
Anime poster =! Gaynime poster
I know they're swede, russian, finn, lithuanian, estonian, bah, what the fuck
I'm not dealing with their shit

>>alberto barbossa
banned on Sup Forums now btw

>I'm not dealing with their shit
Then don't

it's like you want to be assblasted

Just because we are casual racists doesn't mean we are full on aspies like pol getting upset about everything

I don't care if you think blacks are subhuman as long as you don't try to bring it up constantly like what we are seeing with the lefties and the pol autists

This board is for memes not politics and feelings

I'm gonna spam the shit out of them
And you're gonna suck cock like the shit kicker you are
Cause that's what you are, a foreskin cut shit eater

Finally, a forum for me to influence and bring about change on this ineffecient and backward website.

First of all, ban Americans and Australians. They are the meanest posters on this board, and their absence would be a blessing to us all.

Get rid of /cum/. Awful general.

We need to get more African and Asian posters on here too. Africa has billions of people, yet you rarely see an African poster here.

t. ahmed abdolio

W8 really?

>a thread died for this

so you're a man of culture as well.

and the gaynime posters are this ones: russian faggot who "owns" estonians, and the estonians who are tsundere with this particular russian, and then we have the gay swede who influenced a fag dane into this shit

Sup Forumseddit is really fucking bad anyway

Carl fuck off

>spamming a spam thread
oh no

how will I ever recover

>a blacked/america spam/current pol topic was pushed off the board for this

This is what I mean by good int humour in comparison to the autism we are seeing
>being this upset
Lad I'm not denying this board hates Muslims much like me Sweaden yes came from here but that doesn't mean we need aspies bringing politics constantly into this board

Good one OP. Made a meta thread and turned it into an lgbt extension. Not happening faggot

*shoots you*

>W8 really?

>new assassins creed game revealed at e3
>literally opens with a pyramid and the word "we..."
>youtube stream gets a massive flood of "we wuz kangz" instantly and so does Sup Forums
>game feature black people
>meme catches on to other websites
>massive complaining all the sudden on Sup Forums
>it's now deleted on site meme not allowed anymore

>the board's shit so I get to be as obnoxious as I want to be and make everything worse

Make better threads then you lazy cunt

frogposting should be a bannable offense
generals should be moderated a bit more

Is combat mission hard?

Nah there are tons of good tutorials to help you out just don't go into it thinking it's going to be a cool tacticool men of war game

You need tons of patience

You are just a faggot trying to push your faggotry man

>We need to get more African and Asian posters on here too.

Why would they come here at all?

this board is virtually perfect
just needs less Japanese, Brazilians, Canadians, Americans and Swedes.

meta threads are cancer


wtf is a kc

krautchan (german imageboard that suddenly went down 2 days ago)

We are leftists, tho

youve lost ur way my son

No u


no Sup Forums is a radical centralist board
leftism is for autists

You are misstaken. Sup Forums stands for the Internationale, and socialist internationalism.