Is there anything left of Korean culture? Or have they fully become a carricature of America?

Is there anything left of Korean culture? Or have they fully become a carricature of America?

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American culture is just whatever is most popular in the market for a particular region
We're not like other countries that have a set culture.

In the Southern U.S. culture is more southern "redneck"
North it's more urban, or "yankee"
Along the coasts it's more vacation, relaxation culture
Midwest is more agriculture and hard work

The reason American culture is so fucking dominant, so much more than any other culture in all of history, is because it can adapt and shape to another country incorporating bits of that countries culture into itself.

North Korea

I heard even thier language changed.

I like North Korea in how even though they are communist their language is traditional (not filled with English loanwords) and overall traditional.

I saw Koreans wearing American style shorts and even yogapants. You won't see that in Japan

I like the korean movies.

>The reason American culture is so fucking dominant, so much more than any other culture in all of history, is because it can adapt and shape to another country incorporating bits of that countries culture into itself.

Sounds like the literal definition of cancer m8.

and no youre cancerous not because youre inherently cancer but because youve been massively culturally exporting since 1945 because youre the richest fucking country you idiot

What kind of superficial question is this?
Do greeks have any cultute left? I cant even understand the question.


남조선은 빨리 좌경화 되고 있다

틀딱 새끼들 빼고 미국을 사랑하는 사람들 없다... 아니 미국에 대한 호감을 표현 할 사람들 없다

사실 김대정 석방한 날 부터 한국인들 마음 속에 있는 반미감정들 갈수록 빨리 들어낸 것이다

사실 빨갱이들 말이 틀리지않아 대한민국은 미국의 식민지다 한국인들의 반미감정은 그냥 독재정권에게 진압됐아니까 분명하지 않았다 한국국민들의 본색이 밝힌것이다

십년, 이십년 후에 남조선인들이 조선민주주의공화국의 통치를 받기 시작할것이고

그 때 오면 그들 레얼 독재정권, 레얼 감질, 레얼 기득권이 무엇인지 배울거임

하지만 그 때 너무 늦을것이다


너 외국인이지? 한국사람들 생각보다 미국 많이 좋아함. 지금이 2000년대 초반이면 니말이 어느정도 맞았겠지만 2008년 광우뻥 사태 이후에 반미감정 거의 없어졌다. 지금 반미 내세우는 집안은 소수 NL계열뿐.. NL도 통진당 해산된 이후에 이합집산할뿐 구심점이 없다.

>American culture is just whatever is most popular in the market for a particular region

that makes no sense and technically impossible

>Retarded joseonjok

yes, and the culture is nothing like america on the inside. also a stupid ass question to ask

basically this desu senpai baka

you tell me, their flag is literally pepsi

They never had a culture to begin with. They were a colony of China, then Japan and now USA. They were always an irrelevant piece of country throughout history.

South Korea have good cinema, no one can deny that.

*piece of shit

>old boy

you do know the source materials was not from korea right

And now they are a split nation. Poor sods.

We have something left but nobody gives a fuck

t. English teacher


Actually, what's curious to me is this Korean stereotype that English teachers are the most resentful among Westerners/Americans in Korea.

Actually, a lot of newbie English teachers, especially those who don't speak Korean, are quite happy with their warm bears and 3/10 old maid girlfriends.

The most resentful Americans in Korea are actually those with the highest status. Embassy officials (you don't think for example that anyone at the US embassy didn't notice that the man who stabbed and tried to kill Mark Lippert was a member of an organization funded by the current ruling party? You don't think they don't know who Lim Jong-seok is?), military officers.

Koreans, curiously for such emotional people, take a strangely calculating view of US-Korean relations from the US side. They assume that US officials will somehow completely ignore all slights from the Korean side, despite being accutely sensitive to any perceived disrespect from the American side. It's insane.

warm beers*


>Eliminate hanja
>artificially forbid Chinese loanwords

Yeah sure.

Please understand their situation ^^

AFAIK North Korea still uses hanja for special situations and in academia just like in South Korea.

Also nobody can get rid of Chinese loanwords. Hell the name of the country 朝鮮 is a Chinese loanword...

Is there any counter-cultrue in Korea? Mainstream media and trends seems to have a grasp on the entire population. You never hear about outcasts or satire or anything.

>Is there any counter-cultrue in Korea?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Italians, is in fact, Venetians and Italians, or as I've recently taken to calling it, masterrace and shitalians. Italians are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group made useful by based Venetians, a vital group thanks to which Europe exists.
Many Sup Forums users mistake Venetians for Italians every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Venetian group is often called "Italians", and many of Sup Forumsolerants are not aware that it is basically the Venetians, a Central European masterrace.
There really are Italians, but Venetians are no part of it. Venetians are different, much more civilized and stuff. This is essential for you to realize. Italians often include Venetians, but basically it's Italians with Venetians added. All the so called "Northeastern Italians" are really Venetians.


Dunno, I'm pretty sure that the government made efforts to reduce chinese loanwords (and in general loanwords). For what regards Hanja, afaik they're absolutely not recognized in official settings, even though they study more of them than SK.

광주는 어 그거는, 총기를 들고 일어난 하나의 그 폭동이야~~


pls stop lying about peaceful democracy protestors

nomuhyun was the most cruel dictator who killed innocent gwangju citizen ㅠㅜ

Is this a meme or you just put that into it?