Nuff said

Nuff said

Swap Arrow with Jessica Jones

isnt the director of daredevil doing new batman film?

No, he's doing Pacific Rim, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes guy seems to be closing the deal

go away, pretty boy. This isn't the place for a imdb boy like you.
Pretty boys like you don't last long here.Go while you still have your boipucci intact.

You utter twat.

>what is olicity
Arrow is pure Tumblr


They realized the mistake and reduced her screen time to the minimun possible this season

Arrow is great again

I wish.

No but he said on twitter he was a fan of Snyder. He knows his capekino

For once Reddit was right

Lol fuck off as long as guggie is in charge and its on the CW it will always be capeshit

I stopped watching Daredevil in middle of the first episode when it became clear they were going full whiteknighting that bitch.

Iron Fist is /ourguy/

Daredevil is kino, fuck off

>Sup Forums
>celebrating CW capeshit
nice try m8, Sup Forums is capekino Legion.

Sup Forums is Supergirl, Reddit is Agent Carter

>Being autistic

Flash is better than both though

capeshit pls go

all capeshit is plebbit

What's wrong with Daredevil?

Overall rankings:

Flash > Daredevil > Arrow > Luke Cage > Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. > Jessica Jones > Gotham > Legenda of Tomorrow > Supergirl

Seasonal rankings (only for seasons that have finished)

Flash S1> DD S1 >Arrow S2 > Flash S2 > DD S2 > Arrow S1 > Luke Cage S1 > AOS S3 > AOS S2 > JJ S1 > Gotham S2 > Arrow S3 > AOS S1 Gotham S1 > LOT S1 > Supergirl S1 > Arrow S4

But Arrow sucks, I don't want it.

>Picking Supergirl over Hayley Atwell


based as fuck

> > Jessica Jones

>Sup Forums is BLACKED central



can someone veresed in capeshit please explain this scene?
Why is he using a bow and arrow, why is he floating along with the helicopter, why don't they just shoot him, how can he draw the bow so quickly with that thin frame of his

because hitler was right

>why is he floating along with the helicopter
he shot the arrow with a rope on a helicopter.

how does this improve his ability to deal with armed guards?

The retard thinks Flash and Arrow are good and better than any of the Netflix shows.

This is 映画。

>Why is he using a bow and arrow
Because it's his gimmick thats why he's called The Hood
>why is he floating along with the helicopter
Because he shot it with an arrow with rope since he knew they'd just hover around that area instead of flying away and dragging him to his death
>why don't they just shoot him
Because in the show guns are just batons that are used as clubs as soon as the fight starts
>how can he draw the bow so quickly with that thin frame of his
Because he spent five years on an island

Do you seriously consider any of the shit CW shows to be better than any of the Netflix shows? I mean, you can like or dislike individual characters, but the production value is so low in the CW shows I can't even watch them without laughing at how shitty everything looks

body armour

Arrows garbage


Remember the cw seasons are twice as long as netflix though, and netflix make everything at once making sets and such easier while cw are still filming the current season of shows that are airing now

how is that a concern of mine? I judge the quality of the resulting product. The fact that CW "has it harder" doesn't really make the product any better.

far right even


Arrow is pure garbage taht treis too much at being fucking Batman. Also, half of the show is fucking filler, and the part that isn't is just offensively bad. Daredevil is better, but not something that I'd vouch for. If you wanted to do a quallity bait you should'ev put The Sopranos on the left and the Wire one the right, even though the latter is the best show ever made.

b a s e d

You complain that the production quality is lower and then say the fact they have less money per episode is irrelevant

nobody is forcing them to do 30 episodes per season
It's better to have 10 good ones than 30 shitty ones

but legion was crap too...

And yet everyone bitches about British shows only being 3-6 episodes

>Muh City
>Muh City
>Micrasoft Surface Product Placement
>Muh City
>Muh City
>The Island
>Muh City
>Micrasoft Surface Product Placement
>Muh City
>Muh City

Arrow in a nutshell ladies and gentlemen.

It was far from it, exluding last 2-3 minutes of course.