Damn, not only have I not yet seen this flick, I had not heard this spoiler, AND I intended to go see it

What are the odds??

>never tell me the odds

>avoid Sup Forums for weeks leading up to release because I know people are going to spoil it
>some asshole uploads this image on gelbooru

it's like there was a concentrated effort by autists to ruin the movie for people

NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some asshole printed it out and put it on the message board in the lobby of my dorm room building

i was so fucking pissed that day

faggots btfo

this was spoiled for me before seeing the movie but honestly, as soon as Han walked out onto that bridge I knew it was coming and I would have known it was coming.

It's a fun simplistic kids flick and nothing more. The people who deify Star Wars like it's some deep complex sprawling saga are cringe inducing man-children. They're bare bone standardized films for the whole family.


Han might have died, but he took Leia with him


ya think?

does anyone have that webm of the streamer girl where some guy mics up and yells "did you know that i hate NIGGERS AND HAN SOLO DIES YOU STUPID BITCH"

nvm no sound on Sup Forums lel

hehe whoopsie ;)

Han dies in the movie

A year later Lieh dies in real life


People spoiling things has never really upset me. If a certain scene can only provide shock value then it wasn't good to begin with

dude... too soon.

You should all kill yourselves.

>caring about spoilers
What are you, a 13 year old girl?

keyboard warrior troll go to hell

>saw this image before watching the movie
>but didn't know what the fuck I was looking at

Thank god my brain was too dumb to make out the image

You guys are the fucking faggots here, you need to go back.

you need to take a long look in the mirror and rethink the way you treat people


>Wasn't spoiled on Star Wars 7
>made it out by just avoiding any Sup Forums related placed for 2 weeks
>got spoiled on Batman V Superman
>Someone uploads image of Superman Dying
>with big red captions saying
>disregard it because Zack Snyder couldn't be stupid enough to kill superman in the second film
>he was

I was seriously more mad at Snyder than the spoilerfags.

no, you should kill yourself

so brave huh? bet you'd piss yourself if someone actually confronted you about your behavior

Maybe reddit would be more your speed you shitcunt

No, i'm not some 19 year old cuck like you. If people are acting like faggots i'm going to say something.

I regularly browse Reddit already as well as Sup Forums.

You cant stop me nigger.

I bet you fantasize about beating up your school bullies haha xx

Where do you get this shit user? I haven't been to school in 15 years. I rarely think about it at all.

You're transparent, I see right through you

Speaking as a mod of /r/movies you should really all get over yourselves


Keep it up then kid

The movie already ruined itself.