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Television and Film
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Television and Film #794
Television and Film
Reminder that nazis didn't hate blacks
What are your reasons for not watching John Wick 2 at least 3 times?
Is this Tarankino?
I french kiss
Rose came out as a lesbian at the age of 12. Because of her sexuality...
Freakazoids is one of the best cartoons of our gen-
Rear Window
Oh you made it user! We were betting on whether you'd come or not. Sorry all the best seats are taken
The Brothers Grimsby
You're an ideologue, buddy
Its a Francis episode
What is Fincher's best film and why is it clearly Zodiac?
*blocks your path*
We can all agree this is the best American Dad episode, right?
We're all in agreement this is the best Lynchkino right?
He's a pope but he drinks liquor and has sex all while they play pop music like i'm sexy and i know it
The Predator Is ‘Not A Sequel’; Schwarzenegger Cameo Unlikely
/got/ general
COLOSSAL: Kaiju Movie With Anne Hathaway Gets New Trailer & Poster
Mr Smith has arrived
Betty best grill
The Young Pope made me cry like a bitch
I'm Kino Reeves
Do you think it was a good idea going nude so early in her career?
The affleck family problem
What is the best Simpsons episode?
Song to Song - Terrence Malick
Ive already seen every Youtube Poop worth seeing. Prove me wrong
Why was Rogue One so forgettable, Sup Forums? What went wrong?
What is the greatest movie fight scene?
How did they get away with naming the LOTR sequel the Two Towers when 911 was only a few months prior?
Is Gotham worth watching?
Childhood faps
You guys excited for the next DC movie?
Redpill me on patton osawlt
Would you have gay sex with CIA?
"Sir, we can't afford Natalie Portman."
Heres to the finest board on Sup Forums
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Now that the dust has settled can we safely say that this was the best movie of 2016?
ITT we post our movie ideas
Shit taglines
I mean really, WHAT is the deal with her. I don't get it.. Do I like her?
Ahh! Mister Garibaldi! You are reading this in my voice yes? Very good
Girls wanna fuck him even though he just talks to them autistically
Should Jackson have kept the deleted scene where Aragorn fought Sauron?
Just a simple reminder that there is not a single bad superhero movie in existence...
Barely any quips
Would Mads play a good Kira?
This is undeniably the best episode of the series. Try and prove me wrong
You are now having dinner with the cast of the last show/movie you watched, how long before you embarrass yourself?
Favorite Its always sunny moments
Finally, after all these years, we have become, THE WALKING DEAD!
Are you hyped for The Last Jedi?
Get me a futuristic looking fully automatic weapon
What did you think about Mahershalalhashbaz "Mahershala" Ali's performance in Moonlight...
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Why does he have an N on his shirt?
35 yo
We got ScarJo instead of this for the Major
Americans unironically think it's a political show about Trump Pope
Woody allen
This is the apex of British comedy
Well, hello
Delete celebrity threads
How come porn never converged with mainstream cinema like so many predicted in the 80s and 90s?
What went wrong?
Make typo
This was a 10/10 in 1985
The phone call that saved film
And your other gun
Can we save her?
We will never have Cavill's Cinematic Universe
New hairstyle for Rey in The Last Jedi
"Heroes" who literally did nothing
Why did Daphne fall in love with Niles again...
Alejandro González Iñárritu
"The only white dad on television who is not slovenly dressed, overweight, womanish, drunk, drug addicted, inept...
Mel Gibson lined up to direct Suicide Squad 2
The Americans
ITT: Lowest Point in an Actor's Career
If you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic
Hey, what's up?
Whats your favorite animal documentary, Sup Forums?
Why is he such a pleb?
And your tongue, is as sharp, as a SOUP SPOON
Sit on my face
Bryan Cranston wrote a response to a retard on IMDB back in 1999
WB DC is this who you really want to direct your films?
What do you call this, Sup Forums?
Arrival is the best sci-fi of all time confirmed
Constance Wu to Star in 'Crazy Rich Asians'
If you cried during this movie, you're a fucking faggot
My thoughts and idea for a legit Metal Gear film
Characters only flaw is that they are homosexual
Why Gore Verbinski’s Bioshock Movie Fell Apart
The Last Jedi
Memeber when south park was actually funny and SJW-unfriendly?
So anyway how is your sex life, anything happen on valentine's?
Hayley Atwell is the only logical choice for an older Rey
Leave live-action anime adaptations to me
What does his expression truly convey?
What if the girl from the Ring married Jason Vorhees?
Films numales and women will never understand
ITT: we talk about what's the last movie we've seen and if it is any good
What was his catchphrase again?
Get me Joaquin Phoenix!
Post essential horrorkino, preferably from more recent times but good oldies are always welcome
What are some of the biggest Oscars injustices in history?
Let's talk South Korean cinema. Which one's your favorite?
Why do trailers spoil somuch these days?
I'm the guy
If you've actually seen the movie this makes no sense. the sex scenes are incredibly tame
Why isn't she texting back
What are some movies where a conspiracy theory turns out to be true?
Looking for a HD stream of Rogue One? I Google and just get lots of shit or screeners
Sup Forums hotline, how may I help you?
Movie is about a queer LGBTQD poc
American Horror Story Season 7 Is About the 2016 Election
Be ramses, third pharaoh of Egypt's XIX Dinasty
Is there a more overrated celebrity?
Character gets punched in the face
Best movie off each year of the decade so far
Mr. Smith has arrived
This is Mathilda say something nice about her
Is this actually worth watching? I gave up on syfy a few years ago
Was anyone else disappointed at the final season of Breaking Bad?
What was his fucking problem?
When it came out everyone was mocking the plot(lmao the dog!11) and only a few people on Sup Forums saw it for the...
I haven't pooped in 3 weeks
"..... Quip"
Animated struggle of Iranian armed forces against Invading US Army
Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you
Best and most surreal depiction of aliens in any movie?
Are you ready, user?
Is RLM capable of making a passable film if given sufficient budget?
Native American has a flashback to European colonisation
Uhhh what did she mean by this'?
/jrg/ - Joe Rogan General
Well heloooo beautiful
Reminder that we are getting 4 Avatar sequels
Is There Any Chance This Movie Will Be Decent?
What are the top 10 most crazy 'live on tv' events?
This show is so ridiculously cheesy, schmaltzy, and feelgoody...
She was in 3(!) movies this month
Now that the dust has settled, does this still stand up as one of the GOAT nude scenes?
Why do normies love this so much?
Cool, scarlet. Just convert to islam and you can enjoy being one of four wives to a muslim man
Why's he smiling?
SNL Obama Blackface
Make a deal with WB 2 years ago where you get total control of the Batman
Am i a psychopath if I haven't ever cried in any movie ever?
Watch movie for the first time
Why are there no good movies about the ancient period?
Why isn't this guy a bigger actor? I think he has a unique charisma and intensity to him
Who are some actors that are heroes in real life?
What's next for her career?
Milo is coming on Bill Maher's show THIS FRIDAY!
there were only 3 other people in the theatre and i didnt want to miss anything so i pissed in my popcorn bucket
Just watched this
When will reddit fuck off?
''I was tired of the bullying,” she said in a phone interview...
Name THREE (3) things wrong with this picture
Yo some sweet user showed me a streaming site...
Would you do it?
Fucking based
What makes this show the GOAT?
What if he won?
So what did he say to her?
This is what happens when you mess around with camwhores
What did F.R.I.E.N.D.S stand for?
Serious replies only
Suggest a really good film you don't see talk about often...
Was he /ourguy/?
Red-pill me on Dan Schneider, Sup Forums
Your reaction to the last show or movie you watched
Well a mountain lion will fuck you up dude... just a small mountain lion, like an eighty pound mountain lion...
Thor Ragnarok Director Promises to "Keep People Laughing"
What was her end game?
North Korean assassins look like THAT?
Why was she so edgy?
Kino Reeves
I've always wanted to see a really legitimate Mortal Kombat film. Anyone else?
I don't like Star Wars
How many of you are out of the loop?
Do you remember how they planned Shia LaBeouf to be new Indiana Jones? How would it end up?
Keeps landing leading roles in kino after kino
Let's settle this once and for all
What's her fucking problem?
Name a better ending in cinema history
Hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to
A teenager who's lived a sheltered life because she's allergic to everything, falls for the boy who moves in next door
ITT: Actors who are probably dicks
So this is what women get off to, huh?
Always say 'celebrities should keep their political opinions to themselves' or 'why do celebrities think their...
What are your issues with T2 being called the perfect action movie
These girls knock on door and says 'trick or treat'
Expanse Thread
In all honesty
Reed needs help thinking of a team name! What's it going to be?
Music Video Kino
Why was he such a dick to Crowder?
See you later, dorks!
Come here Miss Grande.. I hear you want to be a star.. come into my office and I'll give you a microphone to sing into
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 12x07
Why doesn't he just release his tax info?
Has it all been downhill since this?
Find a show that's comfier than 1993-1998 x-files (when it was shot in Vancouver)
Can someone please photoshop her eyes closer together?
They Live is communist propaganda
Always Sunny
Why didn't she just say it?
Does your film and tv taste dictate whether you're a good person or not?
I feel like watching a nice comfy Indiana Jones movie tonight. Which one should I watch Sup Forums?
Arrival is just ok
How can I view photos from a private Instagram account?
ITT: Post /cores/
When Denzel Washington asked for too much money
This was the most powerful scene of the last 10 years of film
Holy fucking shit
I want Christina Hendricks to ______________
The episode where Jim pranks Dwight bigtime by bombarding him with gamma rays until he develops Leukemia and then makes...
Joel era
Is Herzog God or a fraud?
Good film to watch while tripping on acido?
Throws out a quip before he dies
These girls knock on door and says 'trick or treat'
What would you add ?
What the fuck is this even about?
"Get in the center, user."
Leave live-action anime adaptations to me
Anybody else just love this movie?
Wes Anderson is a pedophile
Who wins?
What mod deleted the old thread? Every board is allowed a meta thread to discuss the board
ITT: Post a picture, get a recommendation for a movie based on the picture
Mfw overhear women talk about film
ITT we post reddit actors
The 100 Live Thread
You will never lick her feet
'Zero Dark Thirty' Writer and Producer Re-team for New Project About 2016 Election
Fuck, Marry Kill
What went [?]right?[/?]
How long till sunny airs?
Legion | FX
What did he say?
What did you think of this movie?
Who would you cast for his biopic?
Who the hell carries 300cc of thorazine with them on a date?
Is Sauron considered a Lich? I know he was called a Necromancer...
What did you think? It seems cute/funny
Reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb
JRE podcast live
Should this Korean show be remade in America?
Claim your 4+ hours in the makeup chair waifu
Sup Forums was right again
What went wrong?
Wilder vs Depp go!
300lbs was considered morbidly obese and would label you as a pariah in 1995
Did he go too far?
So now with Kong Skull Island nearly out
I miss Dexter
Did he go too far?
How do we save Sup Forums?
Mel Gibson In Early Talks To Direct SUICIDE SQUAD 2 For Warner Bros
What did he (he, as in director Stanley Kubrick) mean by this?
How does this guy look in this picture?
Great news!!
Nominated for five Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture and Worst Director, a record for a documentary film
Who was in the wrong here?
What will RDJ do after his capeshit career ends?
Is she right?
What are some films about single mothers?
Which season is this from?
What does Sup Forums think of Rooney Mara?
As a non-american, can someone explain why is Nixon a villain in so many comic book flicks and cartoons?
Historical film
Oh yeah pull that up Jaime
What the fuck did I just watch? I've seen the tv show, but this was nothing like it
Repeat after me. Lord of the Rings is overrated
Let's discuss American Psycho
What went wrong?
Whats the best VICE documentary and why is it Suicide Forest?
This was good, but not very memorable
JRE General
Flim takes place in England
Who Would Win Mirror Thread - Sup Forums Edition
Was Sup Forums too beta to enjoy this movie? It was pure chad kino
Mel Gibson Was Approached To Direct ‘Suicide Squad 2’
Post your ultimate Peep Show qt
College movies
Suicide Squad hate thread?
What do you think about dubbing?
We can all agree that the magic in Harry Potter is shit and the series is full of deus ex machina and bad writing
Ur in da club
Who's the best and why is it Q?
ITT : sequels you regret wishing for
Character gets shot in the chest
Is it racist to think this is going to be bad for the child's genetics? Look at that woman's fucking skull
This board won't shut the fuck up about ghost in the shell
ITT: Brutal/disturbing death scenes
WHY is this allowed?
>when Sup Forums says SNL is liberal propaganda
Just finished watching this a few minutes ago. What the fuck did i just seen?
Hey Ani, if I really wanted to break your balls, I'd tell you to get into your fuckin' pod
We all know Treebeard was the oldest living thing in Middle Earth but, what was his tax policy?
Just finished buffy. How can this one man be such a cuck?
What if Kubrick, Togashi or Urasawa directed Harry Potter?
If you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic
Nine seasons
Was this the quintessential 'reddit' flick?
So... what was Galadriel's tax policy?
We can all agree on this, yes?
ITT: Dead careers
Best TV Series Since 2000
What the hell was up with the ending? did anything happen at all?
What is Wes Anderson's best film and why is it obviously Moonrise Kingdom
Webm Thread
His new special on cuckflix
Who win
Movies where the crew abandon the sinking ship?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Dark City (1998)
Watching this
Sup Forumskino? """Documentary"""
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
She's A Slut
Do I stutter bitch
It's okay
What went right?
Has Ebert ever been as wrong as he was with Tommy Boy?
What the shit kind of premise is this...
Is Shailene Woodley JUST?
Who was he smiling at?
Did he ever do anything wrong?
Is Amanda Bynes talking about Dan?
Why is Seinfeld so comfy?
The 100
Tv shows that turned boys into men
So what was in the briefcase?
ITT: television programs that are awful
Two Decades later
You can choose any 3 sitcoms to watch for the rest of your life, but only those 3. What do you pick?
Childhood faps
This is going to be Marvel's biggest blockbuster. Just you hella watch
Scenes that made you laugh more than they should've
"We make the terror."
So we got a Chris Kyle movie,but why no movie about the best sniper in history?
It's a Lord of the Rings thread
How did SNL get so good recently?
Wtf is wrong with this bitch, why does she talk like she's gargling sperm
If you call me Batgirl, can I call you Batboy?
Describe, in detail, the exact moment you realized you were smarter than RLM
Character "dies" offscreen
Why are the prequels so hated when they're more imaginative and memorable than the OT?
John Wick is pissed off and after you
Why WW1 is ignored by Hollywood?
Anyone know any good obscure horror movies?
Ghost in the Shell 2017 - Shelling Sequence
Watching Star Wars for the first time
Is there a torrent site for tv that doesn't suck ass shit...
Star Trek General
Can anyone stop this man?
I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins
ITT: you become for 24 hours a main character from the last movie you saw
Hold the door
Listening to the Kermode and Mayo interview Denzel
It's a Lena Dunham makes us look at her boobs and vagina episode
Warner Bros Plans For The DCEU
Which celebs face gets used for unauthorized adverts the most?
Male and a female character look at each other
I don't claim to be an expert in gender politics or whatever but this whole subplot about Mac having sex with a tranny...
Its a lets give inception a maximum dosage of steroids episode
For my intro to Film class at York University we have to write a feminist essay about the female characters in Love...
Tell about this movie. How good is it? What rating would you give it?
Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this movie? It easily has to be one of the top 5 best war movies ever made
Sick last weekend
'an Alliance once existed between Elves and Men' ... an alliance between NOLDOR elves and men...
Netflix - Dear White People
Finally watched Drive last night. I thought you guys were just memeing about the autism stuff...
Don't mind me, just pirating this wallet
Did he murder the Mulatto girl? Did he go into some kind of violent trance after drinking from the bottle she gave him...
Lowbrow masterpieces
What are some recent films that are unironically pro Christian?
Anyway how is your sex life, anything happen on valentine's?
Memes aside, Chrissy would've demolished this senile fuck in a proper fight
*blocks your uterus*
Itt celebs who are literally you
Mark Antony has coupled himself to THE SORCERESS Cleopatra, and promised her dominion of all Rome!
But seriously, is there anything this woman can't do?
Remember Deimos Sup Forums
*tsss ts tsss ts tsss*
What are your thoughts on this show?
Crowned king of a nation
What did they mean by this?
Which one, Sup Forums?
"Anakin... you're ___ my ____."
It's a dream where all your teeth falls out episode
What did Animal Mother mean by this?
Miss me yet?
"There are no attractive German wom--"
This is going to be a massive fucking trainwreck worse than ghost busters and you know it
Is this the greatest dialogue scene in movie history? I bet Sup Forums can't name one better
Is this the greatest action trilogy of all time?
*blocks your path*
What are some good...
What went so, so right
What's the first hipster show ever?
Jenner, you daughter-of-a-bitch!
Hencforth, you shall be known as Darth... Tax-evader
2500 word essay due in 5 weeks
What a joy of a movie
What are your favorite movies of 2016? Let's get a proper discussion thread going for once
Who was Rust shooting at?
Character begins a road trip
I can never tell if Emma Stone is attractive or not
The one and only wandkino
Characters who did nothing wrong
Who would play him in his biopic, or in any movie with him in it, for that matter...
Is this Kino?
DAMN! Linkara looks like THAT?
It's a Louis is a depressed father of 2 girls and shows the audience that middle aged single people with or without...
Let's have a 3x3 thread. Post your favorite films. Rate, recommend, discuss!
Film people that defend their presence online on forums
Well helooooo beautiful
Are there any movies about dropping university?
Neo Cyborgs don't have genitals
Start watching a promising movie
Who will play this qt in the biopic?
What does Sup Forums think of Tomi Lahren?
Lucky bastard
ITT: lowest point in an actor's career
What the actual fuck did I just watch? Is this one of those that people just pretend to "get"...
Saved by the bell reunion show when?
Ben Affleck Reportedly Wants out of DC's Extended Film Universe
What white people have to do...
Han was killed off specifically so Ford would never have to be in Star Wars again
Post an obscure as fuck movie youve seen that youre 99% sure no one else on this board has seen
Computer says no
And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to
Female cast version thread
Taking a girl to see this tomorrow. I know it's gonna be really boring
I wonder where that escaped convict could be, uh, what's his name?
Babylon 5
"Careful sir, the butter is hot!"
No-one else seen pic related?
No director has a perfect filmogra-
Leah: Yo Yo Yiggady Yo
What's next for her career?
Watching 9/11 youtube video
Ellen Page came out as gay three years ago today
Jesus Christ, even Chris Rock has alimony problems
Recommend my mom a movie
That episode where bam brings a dead deer in the house
Be honest, ya gonna go see it?
It's in your nature to destroy yourselves
Find a flaw
With time, will it be recognised as the masterpiece that it clearly is?
Sup Forums
Thoughts? Just finished the second season on Netflix
WebM thread
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Bane?
Was it that good?
Who should realistically be the new Batfleck now that Ben Affleck is quitting? The two obvious picks are Hamm or Hammer
Imagine being Trudeau in that meeting and having to be all like "damn, Ivanka, you fuckin' fine...
What did you think of Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace? How would you feel about it being brought back to Adult Swim?
What was his fucking problem?
Grab my arm
What are some shows and movies with Egyptian MC?
Favorite Star Trek and why is it DS9?
Anakin did nothing wrong
How the hell did anybody in Bateman's building not hear his chainsaw and maniacal yelling?
What are some movies that deal with the negative effects of fluoride?
Has any other reviewer ever hemorrhaged viewers and their fanbase by pretending to dislike a movie solely to get...
We will not comply to President Trump's hateful rhetoric!!!
Predicted the pigfucker
Honestly.. I don't get it
Cast her
Mom watches nothing but Judge Judy, Investigation Discovery and Chopped
What is he tasting?
Good movies involving rain/with rainy scenes
Is there such a thing as a GOOD soap opera?
Sup Forums relate fuckups
Is Ò«unny the path to enlightenment?
''I was tired of the bullying,” she said in a phone interview...
How has this show not been cancelled yet?
Post your personal top 11 of all time
Movies where the bad guys actually end up being the good guys?
Loving (2016) and other similar films
ICE Raids 20 ‘Maternity Hotels’ In California Full of Pregnant Foreign Women
Are Kids in Mature rated Movies and Shows allowed to watch it?
Freemason occult, New World Order movie right here
Sup Forums sounds like some commie gobbledygook
What if Raimi directed ''Starship Troopers''?
Tfw I didn't go to movies, I went to film school
Entertainment Industry in the PC Era
Post your #1 favorite film of all time, and guess eachothers personalities
Now that the proverbial dust has settled, which one did you prefer?
Character sleeps fully clothed instead of being completely naked
Is your vagina unhealthy Sup Forums?
Literally Crazy Ass White People: The Movie
Thank you for a wonderful time George
I can get two HDR UHDs for free, which would you pick
Does he have a blacked fetish or something?
He lost his virginity to an incredibly old and used hag
Why don't actresses ever do sexy photo shoots like this?
These girls knock on door and says 'trick or treat'
Sup Forums Discord Channel
This really makes my prick think
Oh look the retards of /x/ and Sup Forums were actually right for once
All this people who said he would get impeached after 2 years are dead wrong
Why doesn't Iron Man just build suits for the other Avengers...
Did you honor your waifu this valentines day Sup Forums?
Absolute fucking moron who let his dick make the decisions and he got what was coming to him. He deserved it
Will the next Star Trek be good?
ITT: Comics you'd like to see adapted to film
Why didn't you go to the theater today?
I am legend
It would be extremely slimy
Let it go Jenna
What is next for this actress career?
Who is your favorite character?
Why was it better than Big Bang Theory?
Can someone rec films about all of it crashing down?
Name a whiter movie
Find a flaw
Unironically uses the term mansplaining
What does Sup Forums think of Bill Maher?
Is Alan Davies the greatest character in television history?
Archie Comics Signs Development Deal With Warner Bros. TV
What is the best south park episode of all time?
Why are marvelfags such babies?
Prove me wrong
Taboo Thread: Episode 6
Pull it up Jaime
WTF MAN, Why Didn't he they just use that Time Turner to Go BACk and Kill that VoldyMort and save his Fucking Parents...
Find a flaw
I'm about to get high as fuck. What are some good movies to watch?
Baby Orcs?
Does Jewllywood seriously believe this is fooling anyone?
Plagiarizes a comic to make a short film
Find a flaw
But what about the droid taxation on the Wookies
Is this the pinnacle of Canada kino?
Terrence Malick Returns to WWII
Is Hilary Swank hot?
Why hello beautiful, and you are beautiful
Find a flaw
This was actually good
Why does this show not get any recognition? Granted...
Is this better or worse than the AVGN movie?
Where did she go? I heard she disappeared because she was uncomfortable with comments people were making about her...
Metaphorically stares into the abyss
Best Tom Hanks movie?
Orson Welles
Will we ever get a worthy reboot? possibly even a continuation of the 'canon' , what ever that is
Audience howls with laughter
Movies with the cringiest fan base
Why did Disney think this would be a good character?
This is the best looking movie Joker. Admit it
ITT: Scenes that made you nauseous
How do you save this franchise?
LotR Taxation Redub
What's going on here? Were they rehearsing for a role?
Kerry Washington Could Be Domino In DEADPOOL 2
Characters who literally did nothing wrong
Hey I'm feeling horny. Which pornstar should I jerk it to?
Has there ever been a better interrogation scene in the history of cinema?
Without using lava or acid, how do you beat him?
ITT: Murder scenes that felt sexual
Harrison Ford's plane involved in airliner mishap
Say nigger
How did they make a movie worse than 3 and Salvation?
'Suspiria' Remake Has Finished Filming
Does anyone else worry that season 9 is just going to be an SJW pandering shitfest that plays it safe?
Will he ever top this video?
Hey Sup Forums you looking forward to Alison Brie wearing neon spandex and getting sweaty on your screen in the...
Why do they do this?
Do you think /our based guy/ gave them a tax break for filming this scene?
Is there a single pornstar in the industry that just really finds the concept of fucking black men despicable...
"Tell me about Bane! What's his tax policy?!"
Is George Costanza the greatest character in television history?
Ghost in the Shell
What was his motive?
Everybody keeps telling me the prequels have awful CGI, but I can't see it
Why haven't you fucked off to Alaska with a ten pound bag of rice and a .22?
This is Wonder Woman
Why do right wing people constantly fail at comedy?
This board thinks the two newest SW movies are better than this
The Batman: Ben Affleck Reportedly Wants to Leave the Role
What was Smaug's tax policy?
So former Harry Potter actresses are going nude in Playboy now. What went wrong?
I want to die
What's the best episode of Always Sunny?
The Expanse General
So, Snoke is totally this guy, right?
Greatest business movie of the past decade? If no, which is better?
He was white, Peter
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Why are you still on Sup Forums on valentine's day, Sup Forums?
/got/ general
Does anyone love Frasier as much as i do? might be the comfiest show of all time for me
What did she mean by this?
Emma Stone
Don't worry ugly bros, as long as you're funny, you to can land your own Rosario Dawson
Can television and film really be called art? Is it really on the same level as literature and painted art?
Rihanna is playing Marion Crane in Bates Motel
Why does this board hate Avatar for a generic storyline whilst praising Marvel and Star Wars films for the same
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice-pack while doing my stomach crunches...
John Wick 2
It's just.... good business
Try and name a flaw
Fuck you bitch
What do you guys think of the new bachelorette?
TARS, set funposting to 100%
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Do people still really think this show is the greatest ever...
What happened to this show? The first season feels so tightly plotted and well written...
Who would you like to see in true detective season 3 ?
Never in my life have I ever been so disappointed with people's ignorance
Is Get Carter an accurate depiction of Newcastle? Is that how things really are up north?
He'll be fine
Starship Troopers
When you see it
Ariel Winter #feminism
I'll be meeting Rooney Mara in a couple months, what should I say to her?
Stagnetti did nothing wrong
Fuckin' thing SUCKS
Sooo, why are we not talking about Legion ?
Post sex scene
Penelope cruz
Edge of 17
Can someone explain this MDE sketch to me...
So, Donald Trump
Tfw The Shire gains its independence and you don't have to pay Aragorn's taxes
How long until we finally get a better Batman film than Begins? Or at least as good
What are some films about treason?
Now that the dust has settled, how's Annie?
Pull that up Jaime
Dumb shit you thought when you were a kid
Captain America saves the day again!
What film
Jurassic World 2 Officially Starts Production
Just marathoned the Captain America trlogy. You first avenger really is the best of the three
Where does this Wonder Woman film fit in the DCEU timeline?
What's with celebrities and stupid child names?
Why didn't they just pay the eagle tax?
Really good grades
'John Wick 2' Box Office: Keanu Reeves Sequel Scores Explosive $30M Weekend
Holy sh*t do american kids actually live like this?
This was Emily Blunt in EoT when she was pregnant
Are you rated to repair the M-3 Tactical Helmet, Rico?
Doctor Strange was a Good movie
Why are slasher films always set in some mundane, peaceful lilly white town instead of actual murderholes like Detroit...
55 seconds of logos *ting*
Stranger things
We can do this the easy way, or the hard way
ITT: characters that are literally (You)
2016 had the record for most box office bombs in a year with a whopping 13 blockbusters failing to make profit and yes...
What do YOU think?!
Where Hands Touch: The story of an SS officer falling in love with a black Rhineland bastard during the height of WWII
Be mexican
How does Sup Forums feel about Eraserhead?
What emotion was he trying to convey here?
This is what Africa would look like if white """""people""""" didnt fucking ruin everything
I demand a Battlestar Galactica thread
This show makes me hard
How do you define "comfy", Sup Forums? What qualities make a show or movie comfy?
What went wrong?
What is his greatest film, Sup Forums?
Who was in the wrong here?
Watch Mr. Robot
What were Coppola and Jonze trying to tell each other?
I Cuck
Did you like Knight of Cups, user?
Best netflix original series is back everybody
/wsg/ tier memes
What did McNulty mean by this?
Wtf i hate kids now
Goodbye pewdiepie
Are they dating?
*taxes your path*
Did the people who lived in Angmar have to pay him taxes?
Black guy and white woman are on the same team
I'll be meeting Tom Hardy in a couple months, what should I say to him?
What are some movies to make you feel better about being a monster nobody could ever love?
David Mitchell
How did AMC get away with this?
What is some good desertkino?
Any good?
I feel asleep. Tried too hard to be like Bravo Nolan. Intelligent alien design to instill fear...
TIPTOES (2003): The movie Hollywood doesn't want you to know exists
What do you think about Sup Forums discussing online videos/podcasts?
Why does this show want to make us believe she's out of his league physically?
Barry Lyndon
What made him such a nu male?
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
Who is your heroinchicfu?
Ladies Vacate
Yo, homie
All memes aside, literally what was his fucking problem?
Dear White People
What the absolute fuck was his problem?
What went wrong?
What's the worst film you've seen recently?
"You just don't get it, do you?"
Hey Earl
How come a Chad like Aaron Taylor Johnson married a roastie who's twice his age with two kids from her ex-husband?
Have you seen "skam"?
What's the most lewd film of 2016?
So what did you guys think of it?
Well this wasnt actually all that bad
ITT: thins you've experienced that only happen in the movies
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...