characters who literally did nothing wrong
Characters who literally did nothing wrong
Literal cuck couldn't take a hint. Also
>starring as yourself in your own biopic
He evaded paying income tax
He would only be a cuck if they actually were lovers. And she obviously regretted shooting right after was about to make love to his dying corpse before he shot her
All he wanted was a Jewish waifu
>Literal cuck couldn't take a hint.
read what a cuck is my newfriend
>starring as yourself in your own biopic
not wanting to star in a movie that will inspire millions to make the reich great that's is being a cuck
Daily reminder that today is anniversary of Dresden holocaust.
Never forget crimes of the eternal Anglo.
we killed our brĂ¼der and now look at the world, a vile paradise where racial inferior minorities and homosexuals thrive. im taking my own life today.
no pls don't ;_;
rest in peace