Why was Rogue One so forgettable, Sup Forums? What went wrong?

Why was Rogue One so forgettable, Sup Forums? What went wrong?

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It has no real impact on the other movies?

I liked it better than TFA and I think it was objectively better. But while I remember every detail of TFA, I can't even remember what Rogue One was supposed to be about.

you think it is supposed to be part of the grand trilogy, when its not, its just a stand alone story

>Why was Rogue One so forgettable

Explained one line from a late 70's adventure film. And did so with "IT'S xXx2016xXx" writing, pacing, and CGI.

There weren't enough cantina-oriented scenes featuring alien jazz. Also, how am I supposed to empathize with or understand the characters' bonds of familial love or their internal moral dichotomies without scene after scene of exposition? I mean, Star Wars is actually an intensely narrow IP and there isn't much one can do with the concept of space knights. Really though, could anyone have been expected to enjoy the story without an endless parade of belching bug-eyed anatomically over-designed fucking aliens?

i remember every moment of this movie

stick with your BvS garbage, OP

>I can't even remember what Rogue One was supposed to be about.
Is this bait? I haven't even seen the movie and I know what it's about.

I remember her plump bunny butt during that scene when they're climbing to get the plans.

The plot is retardedly simple...pay attention more

It would be literally impossible for a "good" film to be made under these conditions. These new Star Wars productions are the ultimate example of filmmaking by committee, they're overproduced and focus-grouped and test-screened until all the edges have been sanded away to nothing.

There's not a single moment in this film, not a single line of dialogue, that was only one person's idea. EVERYTHING has been touched & edited by at least 10-20 people trying to make sure it'll appeal to the broadest possible audience.

There's nothing genuine or personal here, nobody is actually putting themselves on the line creatively They've created conditions where it would be impossible to embarrass themselves with a truly bad movie like the prequels, but those same conditions make it equally impossible to make something truly great, or even good. They will produce a series of predictable 6/10s, get a great return on their investment, and that's it

Because Disney only makes shit movies and then build hype with shills and bought critics

It's a decent flick. However, it will be less and less remembered since every year we get a new star wars movie.


The movie doesn't work because they didn't properly develop the characters. The ending falls flat because the viewers hardly know shit about the characters or care about them.

I've talked about that with multiple people and I get the same answer every time, that they felt the most sad when the fuckin robot died.

Just overall the movie was mediocre, bad pacing, boring music, awful CGI on Tarkin, there isn't much going for this movie.



movie was shit and I felt like leaving.
also the only awesome part was the dart wader part.
I dot see how they can have spaceships but can't send messages online

3D was so bad. it was so blury I couldn't even see any detail and my eye sight is good.
last time I went to a 3d movie

literally has nothing to do with rogue one

It's kind of meh


My only real problem with it was that i enjoyed the movie until the ending scene, thats the only thing i think about rogue one now. It just got overshadowed by that one scene for me

Think of it as a highly customized product designed to take in the most money opening weekend and that's it. No art, no flair, not even basic kinography

They really shouldn't have done CGI Tarkin and Leia. I love Guy Henry and he did a good job with the actual performance, but it just straight up looked like a cartoon.


The movie was actually decent. Definitely a step in the right direction after the horrible Episode VII.

How does one fix Clichéa then? How do you not make things cliché?

hello PLeddit

>its just a stand alone story
And an incredibly boring one at that.

No, I seriously meant all that. It's all highly calculated "fan service" with a total lack of understanding of why people actually like these types of films

CG Tarkin looked fine.

W H Y N O T P A U L W A L K E R ?




Making these movies as bland as possible is the point. TLJ is just around the corner and they have to start the marketing cycle so it's good for Disney that everyone just forgets about the previous shit they put out and gets hyped for what's to come.

>Wasting someone like Mads on some shit character that only had two scenes

Is this the Death Star DLC for Battlefront?

-Too many characters so all of them turned out boring and underdeveloped

-Plot based entirely on one line from ANH that didn't really need to be expanded on

-Action was visually impressive, but still kind of boring at times because the plot and characters are so empty and lifeless

-Dialogue ranging from mediocre to groan inducingly terrible

-Best part of the movie was over the top fan service, even if it was entertaining

>I think it was objectively better.
Spot the retardation in this statement.

Did they CG paul walker in fast and the furious? I thought they used his brother or something.

They didn't need the cast they had.

The film should have just focused on Gaylan and that's it.

Its the 4th fucking movie about the death star. TFA was about a death star all but in name, making it 2 movies in a row about a fucking death orb.
Shits getting OLD

Not to mention, no character development, no motivation for half of the characters. Fights were way too... big, its hard to care or stay focused.

Shit should have been a romp in the Star Wars universe with NO ties to the other movies.

b-but our research indicates that the Death Star was something that people liked about the originals. Our research indicates that you actually enjoyed those Death Star scenes very much. Maybe you'd better watch it again and re-calibrate your opinion, we don't much care for outliers in our target market.

I wonder how much was actually cut during the reshoots.

None of the actors seemed like the gave a fuck.

You sound really dumb, no offence