What does Sup Forums think of the greatest movie ever made?
My house phone started to ring as Sam played "As Time Goes By" on the piano and my house phone rang. I was so angry that this telemarketer interrupted it that I snatched up the phone and answered it by yelling "I'M FUCKING WATCHING CASABLANCA!" and hung up the phone.
Austin Edwards
>What does Sup Forums think of the greatest movie ever made? It's pretty good.
Kayden Rivera
that's not spring breakers
Jose Morris
Having seen just about every other notable Bogie film i only just watched this for the first time last week. It's a very good film great even.
Tyler Wood
Do we all agree Bergman's character is a horrible person?
Jaxson Torres
Bergman a CUTE
Need more Bergman films desu. I've seen Journey to Italy, Casablanca, and Notorious.
Jaxon Williams
>My house phone started to ring as Sam played "As Time Goes By" on the piano and my house phone rang. >My house phone started to ring as Sam played "As Time Goes By" >Sam played "As Time Goes By" on the piano and my house phone rang. Cool proofreading.
But yeah, cool movie. Everyone singing La Marseillaise is my favorite part
Jace White
Gavin Rogers
Why? With a face like that you could rape a puppy and still look innocent.
Isaiah Lewis
terrible movie for 80 year old females
Austin Hill
Shieeet. I didn't sleep last night.
David Rodriguez
we'll always have paris
Asher Morgan
Humphrey Bogart is one cool cat in Casablanca.
Josiah Gomez
>A bunch of people hanging out in Casablanca and nothing happens >The greatest movie ever made
Connor Hall
It's a good movie, far from the best, it's just a typical hollywood blockbuster in the 40's. Never understood why it became such a cult sensation.
Lucas Gomez
It was revolutionary for its time, it broke most of Hollywood cliches. Even current film are more conservative in that sense.
However, ultimately, its just a good film.
Noah Flores
Not quite my friend.
Matthew Myers
Would she really regret staying with Bogie? I get he wants her to go away for safety and all that. But do you think it would have worked out for the two of them later on after the war or would she have regretted not leaving. Plus Rick & Cap Louis were the real OTP.
Kayden Foster
It's not about her safety, it's about the cause. Rick realized, and stated, it's more important than the passing fancy of two people.
Noah Sanders
I think it's pretty meh. Also, it's not the greatest film ever made. That'd be Kane or Vertigo.