Who was he talking too?
Who was he talking too?
Donald Trump having ties to Russia of course.
He was projecting his own insecurities onto Finn. Can you not into children's movies user?
The emperor's new tax policy
You're right brother! We should go to war with Russia immediately!
at what point did liberals turn into war mongers?
They literally will not be happy until were are in total war with the east. holy shi
>No sources at all
Also how do you explain the Flynn?
Well you might get your wish now, lol
>being this much of a beta cuck
This is honestly terrifying.
do we really have to endure 8 years of your daily shilling?
Russia would get steam rolled, China too
>deleted my traitor file
Me, he's talking me
obviously calling for backup from his most trusted stormtrooper
>"umm shouldn't we investigate these allegations?"
And at what point did the right suddenly decide that evidence of foreign meddling in our government was something to be ignored and downplayed?
The sensible move is to investigate, if it turns out to be nothing than the left will look like the fools that they are. If it turns out to be something than its a damn good thing we looked into it and put a stop to it.
>i read the buzz feed article on Sup Forums insults
interesting. the question now is where does satanic pizza-based pedophilia fit in
Right below the space reptiles
>The national security advisor quitting in disgrace after he lied about colluding with Russia before the election isn't evidence of anything
Nothing strange going on here at all! Russia is a good boy he dindu nuffin
>American patriots are traitors for trying to dissolve hostilities with the east
wow really MAKES YOU THINK
what difference does it make?
Yeah he was such a patriot he had to cover it all up and lie about it. What a hero. He's such a hero he had to quit because he fucked up so bad
Trump's tax returns :^)
Any evidence brought forth you'll just claim is made up, exaggerated, or a tool used to brain-train sheeple.
>The cuckold is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cuck and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>wow its almost like the lefist establiment has been proved to be a propoganda machine constantly lying to the entire country?
The pendulum is swinging back hard cuckbois, you better pick the winning side before its too late.
You mean against Trump? How's that travel ban coming along?
>pendulum swings back an inch to the left after Bush
Hows that direct defiance of the constitution coming along?
t. cnn viewer
lmao the president is being blackmailed by Russia
>inb4 17 agencies
All confirming what a recently released PDF says - which said nothing but god forbid people actually read through it actually presenting no evidence. Plus this is the same CIA that lied to us about WMD's in iraq which the left complained about so much, but now suddenly they trust so much.
>inb4 private security agency
Their investigation only turned up that some of the code used to hack the DNC server was bought from the Russian Mob - which is fairly popular for script kiddies to do and proves nothing.
Sorry, but the CIA tellin me to trust its word doesn;t mean anything to me.
>inb4 tax returns
What exactly would be uncovered? You realize that for Trump to release his tax returns it would takes possibly thousands of accountants to take of all the industry this man has control of?
>inb4 only the right will believe conspiracy theories
Topkek you're exactly like the tea party fags who said that Obama was a muslim kenyan.
>its almost as if they have chose to ignore every single thing the cia has done for the last 60+ years.
they without a fucking doubt killed mlk, and we all know about jfk
The nigger