Ahh! Mister Garibaldi! You are reading this in my voice yes? Very good
Ahh! Mister Garibaldi! You are reading this in my voice yes? Very good
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ya got me
fuck you
Does DS9 ever get good?
nah, fuck you leather head
yeah, like next gen it just takes a while to get gud
I've never watched this series tbqh familams.
Looks really low budget
no, i never watched bablyon 5 when i was a kid. i wish i did cause i got into sci fi shortly after and watched tng, then farscape. should i try it, does it still hold up?
If this jewish board let me post webms with sound this thread would be ten times better
Meanwhile have fun crying
Isn't it strange, G'Kar? When we first met, I had no power and all the choices I could wish to make. Now I have all the power I could ever want, and no choices at all. No choices at all.