The only saving grace is leaks mentioning a jaeger war
ITT : sequels you regret wishing for
Owen Gomez
Other urls found in this thread:
Luke Wilson
>The only saving grace is leaks mentioning a jaeger war
Joshua Garcia
>Gypsy 2
Absolutely disgusting. Where my Cherniggers at?
Nathan Moore
>Hyped as fuck to see Cherno fight
>Gets shut down in three seconds
Fuck you Del Toro
Benjamin Butler
why do the robots look like ass now
Anthony Baker
The creators are fans of Eva
Nathaniel Jackson
Typhoon got it worse. You literally heard nothing from its pilots
Isaac Harris
>Stephen Deknight
>showrunner for Daredevil and spartacus
He'll do a better job than that fatfuck
Caleb Perez
But not on the fucking jaegers?
Jackson Adams
What leaks?
Also I like the new designs. Keep in mind they are possibly a decade after the first one and they have seriously improved jaegars