Obviously it's a Yoda ripoff, but there's literally nothing good about it.
a fucking grapefruit
WTF were they thinking, Sup Forums?
Obviously it's a Yoda ripoff, but there's literally nothing good about it.
a fucking grapefruit
WTF were they thinking, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Agreed user. Perhaps the most disappointing character. Couldn't be a more obvious Yoda replacement if they tried. Middle of the road design. Her running a cantina did nothing except give us the obligatory cantina scene. The use of CGI mo-cap was disappointing and her 'feel the force' moment was really forced
Like most things in JJ's movies and shows this character was completely superfluous and could be taken out with no real harm to the plot.
>b-but muh lightsaber!
Even more retarded than the map that ostensibly led to luke.
Everything about this movie was fucked user.
Did she died?
I don't remember it
Its Hillary.
Female Yoda.
Not every old character it's Yoda rip off.
It was extremely quirky but it was ok, and I obviously expected it to be a macguffin, what else could they do.
Nope, I think.
TFA was a fun movie but it and the rest of the sequels can't possibly be as good as the original trilogy
Disney has never taken a risk. All of their movies are safe
>meme color
>quirky XD
>guides the MC
>says superfluous long winded shit
but it's not a Yoda ripoff guys!
Shieeeeeeeet So more grand mothmaaaaa or whatever is her name?
endless crap