SNL Obama Blackface

Reminder me again how the fuck they got away with this?
Fred kept this up until 2012.
Just five years ago, a Venezuelan-German-Japanese man wore blackface every Saturday to play Barack Obama on the most popular and influential late night comedy show--and nobody gave a shit.
Imagine if this happened today?
Imagine if, say, Beck Bennett started playing Obama?
Imagine the outrage.
So, how the FUCK did they get away with this?

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>So, how the FUCK did they get away with this?
Why are you so puffed up over it? Who cares?

>So, how the FUCK did they get away with this?
He actually looked like Obama, who was half white anyway.

he was already semi-brown to begin with

He's not wearing blackface.

>So, how the FUCK did they get away with this?

White supremacy was much more rampant back then. Hopefully Trump and Pence will get impeached soon, and Paul Ryan will call a special election, allowing Clinton to get in. Once that happens, white supremacy can finally get dismantled

>Its another "op tries to make people get angry over nothing" episode

Because it's absolutely mind-bottling that a non-black man played the most famous black guy in the world and nobody gave a shit--and it was only 5 years ago.
If Fred did it today on Portlandia his career would be over.

because it wasn't done to perform a racist caricature

it was done to better resemble somebody from real life

>the most famous black guy in the world
Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, and Redd Foxx are way more famous than 44