This is the best looking movie Joker. Admit it.
This is the best looking movie Joker. Admit it
OP's mum is the best BLACKED movie actress. Admit it.
Yes it is, he should have been the main villain, the madness is definitely there he just needed more screen time
Yes. And that's the problem. The Joker shouldn't be good looking.
Every time one of his scenes came up, I had to pause and pace around the room.
He wasn't what was wrong with the movie. He was fine.
He looks too gangsta, specifically a 13 yr old from the suburbs idea of gangsta.
His look (maybe not the tats, but the rest of it), dialogue, and mannerisms were spot on for the Joker. The ones who didn't like him are plebs who think Ledger's mumbly "wanna know how I got these scars?" Joker is how the character is supposed to be.
>He looks too gangsta, specifically a 13 yr old from the suburbs idea of gangsta.
This, he's like nigga Joker
The closest resemblance in terms of persona to the comic
Ledger was a cool as fuck villain, but he was nothing like any edition of the comics
Nicholson was bad, and anyone who says different needs to rewatch the 1989 batman, he played essentially the same character in The Departed
I love Letto as much as the next Homosapian but a good joker does not a Letto make.
He's an exaggerated character, the protagonist is a fella called 'batman' for fucks sake, who flies around with a cape, grappling hooks and pointed ears on his head.
That Hans Gruebers not gonna fly here
I liked the Meta
Not an argument
He's nigga Joker
Now I want to see him get blacked.
You can literally only pick one you faggot
Legend looks better.
as a true joker, he is a 1/10
now, if he wasn't actually the joker? and was actually someone else entirely like robin or another good character, who was secretly "relatively" sane in the sense that his "crazy edgy joker" persona was fabricated as a sort of psychological/emotional threat towards batman? his current damaged psyche being the result of a psychological and moral breakdown as a result of traumatic events caused by, and centering primarily around, batman and his failures to uphold his own values? basically the "joker" being a self-made living reminder of batman's mistakes, meant to psychologically torment him.
well he wouldn't be a 10/10 joker but it would at least be a somewhat engaging character
something like batman, in an effort to kill the joker (breaking a moral rule), chose to let robin get caught in and shot by harley in one of joker's traps, and then leaving him to die afterwards when the police show up. robin survives and suffers a complete mental breakdown, adopting his own edgy flanderized version of the joker as his criminal persona, as a permanent and explicit reminder to batman, and a reversal of what batman chose to let him die for.
Without the tats and broken teeth he would look the best.
>AHAHAHAHA FAGGOT: the character
Meh. All adaptations were shit, because the source was shit.
Its not really a hard race to win. you have a pudgy Jack Nicholson, Ledger had a great suit and could've looked better if he had combed hair and non-runny make-up.
>The Joker shouldn't be good looking.
I was talking about his silver suit, metal teeth, and accessories. I won't defend the tattoos though I don't think they soil the overall look. Why do you think the Joker should be ugly? He was handsome in TDKR and probably pretty handsome in BTAS since Harley Quinn probably isn't going to fall in love with an ugly fuck just because he's nutty. She's still a woman at the end of the day.
the point of heath's joker was that he was literally just a random lunatic who put on some clown makeup one day and started fucking shit up because he disagreed with batman's philosophical ideals.
normal joker is fantasy crazy with a real world flair, heath joker is real world crazy with fantasy flair.
Ledger looked better
Nicholson looked better
Even Romero looked better
And if you count cartoons, then Mark Hamill's Joker looked better.
They really tried to catch lightning in a bottle twice after Ledger's joker. And considering he was the most hyped up figure of the movie and is barely in it, it's obvious they wanted to sell merch
I really liked the long haired cartoon joker
My favorite iteration was probably pic related
Even fucking Jerome from the Gotham series pulls off a better joker than Leto.
Come on
Too much gangster, not enough clown. Im still waiting for a movie Joker that has Joker-Toxin and party gag weapons. So yeah basically the BTAS/Arkham version
Nicholson had that stuff.
This user get's it.
>Joker in Mask of the Phantasm.
>Mask of the Phantasm had a wide theatrical release.
>Making Hamill Joker BEST Movie Joker.
I liked him
I like mark hamill's joker the best. even in video games he is good
they should just copy that instead of trying to turn him into some edgy mad king performance