No director has a perfect filmogra-

>no director has a perfect filmogra-


>what is Sydney

>Hard Eight
>Inherent Vice

Mel Gibson directing is perfect

overrated general?

I cant wait for his upcoming Viking epic "Berserker"

whats wrong with inherent vice



>boogie nights
>literally just a bunch of cinematic shots stolen from other movies

good photo

thank you

youre welcome


what is going on is Sup Forums being wholesome now


It's the final evolution of shitposting.

>the master

whats wrong with the master and inherent vice :(

It was a decent debut.

He's talked about how he got screwed with it by the financiers. Give him a break. The guy's a significant genuine talent. He's not a hack as Sup Forums would have you believe. He's highly original and satisfying at the same time.

>inb4 The Master
It gets better with every viewing. Try it.

Hard Eight is decent, but it doesn't hold a candle to everything that came after. I'm a huge PTA-fag. I actually got to meet him/smoke weed on a party bus next to him on Inherent Vice opening night.

m8 I love PTA but the OP is claiming he has a perfect filmography, which he doesn't.

Magnolia barely makes it to mediocre.

Perfect filmography doesnt mean all his movies are perfect. It means all his movies are good movies - which his are.

the things wrong with the master is ironically shown in the master

too much self masturbation

His movies are all well made

I remember catching Magnolia on TV and I was like holy crap at the ending. His style changed quite a lot though, his scenarios became more dramatic and his style is far less accessible since PDL. TWBB was probably his peak but of course his latter movies are good as well

Unironically this, Tarantino literally has never made a bad movie.

Not saying he's fucking amazing or anything, but everything he's made is at the very least solid.

no director has a perfect filmography, only near perfect ones

No movies below 7/10.

Most household directors don't have an objectively bad movie.

With that said Nilan has already three secondary classics to his name (Memento, TDk and Inception) so yeah he's great among the best even though he is directing big movies

No movies below 7-

Oops, forgot The Game

Magnolia was fucking horrible

I'm not saying he's a bad director for this, cause I actually like PTA

But fuck I couldn't stand Punch Drunk Love. By the time they crooks got his credit card info, I was already fucking tired of the movie, so I just shut it off.

>choose a good movie
>say its horrible
>add thread to thread-watcher
>wait for replies
Enjoy my (You).

The Game is easily a 7

I ain't baiting. Magnolia is so ridiculous and overproduced and overwritten, it's like a parody, the constant jumping between the stories just for nothing to happen basically

you stupid cunt

I don't know how you could earnestly say that when you're talking about the man who unironically wrote, directed and released the "film" Death Proof.

It ain't easy being a pseud is it? Magnolia's fatal flaw is that it's so inorganic, it's a synthetic flick

>it's so inorganic, it's a synthetic flick
>calls others pseud

>watchable without tipping your fedora

>incapable of critiquing movies without memeing

the game is lucky to get a better score than a 4

But to be fair The Game is easily a 7

>Scorsese has never made a bad fil-

>Gangs of New York.jpg
>The Departed.jpg
>Shutter Island.jpg

would also be acceptable

sure, if you're a pleb

But to be fair its you who is the pleb.

>Jesus will never return to eart-

Literally all miles better than Raging Bull

nice b8

>every opinion I don't like is b8

no one is saying the master is bad though. for me it's his joint strongest with TWBB

But that's his best!

No movies below 7-

Oops, forgot Howl's Moving Castle

Literally one of his best. His top 10

Age of Innocence
The Last Temptation of Christ
After Hours
The King of Comedy
The Aviator
New York New York
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
The Colour of the Money

HM: Gangs of New York


he's not wrong though

roger ebert begs to differ

>jawless dead guy begs to differ
no one cares

Oops, forgot all his fucking filmography

>thumbs up

>no taxi driver
>no raging bull

both shit

Death proof is great. Hell of a lot better than hateful 8

>replying to bait

Who has the most honest filmography?

>Both good films

this guy

Louis Garrel
Bruno Dumont
Paul W S Anderson

ye its nice to see a real high res photo

>stop liking what i don't like
Shut up you fanny

>Bruno Dumont
The fuck you smoking? His filmography is about as honest as HRC's presidential campaign

>No Taxi Driver
>King of Comedy that low

Don't fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread.

make me


say that again bitch


This guy isn't me

Ya bitch do like its told

Magnolia was the most pretentious load of dogshit I've ever seen.


>implying you even know what that word means