What would you add ?

what would you add ?

The Orphanage

I would take off The Shining and The Thing.

that's kinĂ³

Why are you ignoring reddit movies you like? Are you a redditor?

lol, those are the essential ones

Are you the guy who wants me to add possession?

They're good though.

>someone took the time to make this

says the perpetual shitposter

shitposting isn't supposed to take effort

>If I call something reddit Sup Forums will think I'm cool

I like a movie
You like a movie

the image didn't take any effort to make
shh baby shh



OP is a butthurt redditor masquerading as a dank Sup Forums memer

The funny thing about this is no one likes The Pookepsie Tapes, it being a relatively unknown movie doesn't automatically make it "overrated." It's just a shit horror movie

House Of The Meme
Meme Tomahawk

No matter how hard you force this image, nobody but you will post it.

I'd imagine it's because of the one gif with the killer crawling along in the mask that you see get posted without context.

added to my shit movies list

these are all good films, this "reddit" forum has good taste

