Greatest business movie of the past decade? If no, which is better?

Greatest business movie of the past decade? If no, which is better?

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The social network is the same movie.

Side note, that trailer for the founder is shit. Spoils the entire movie.

>Spoils the entire movie
Well it's based on real events so it can't really be spoiled

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>The social network is the same movie.
Nahhhhh. Besides the different story the atmosphere is completely different.

Well, considering they basically point to a Jew as to why McDonalds took off, and that without the Jew, the "founder" was basically bankrupt due to his own inadequacies, ya, I'd say it is a fairly decent film representing business.

>it's a businessman Jews his business partner episode

No thanks. These types of people need to be gassed

Explain how he Jewed his business partners by making them filthy rich entirely on his own effort.

It was fairly disturbing to realize that McD became what it was through land grabbing and not innovation, as the beginning of the movie specifically tries to impart you with the idea that the real value was the speedy system or whatever.

>land grabbing and not innovation

I'd say it is a little bit of both. That is, without the innovation, McDonalds itself wouldn't be around today, but that the land grabbing/aggressive expansion techniques are characteristic of any national/international franchise business.

So ultimately, if McDonalds didn't expand like they did, some other large fast food franchise would have adopted all of their innovations and made it nearly impossible for them to expand like they did because someone else would have stolen everything that made them unique.

It's why it's hard for any small business to take off and "make it big". As soon as the big players in that industry find out about your success, they will steal/buy whatever you have and make it their own.