Why is Seinfeld so comfy?

Why is Seinfeld so comfy?

everything isnt super bright and colorful.

this is why seinfeld, frasier, fresh prince are comfy whereas Friends and modern sitcoms are not

>gray door, gray cabinets
you're on to something. i never noticed it until now

Is Frasier actually comfy?

I wrapped up Curb and Seinfeld and thought I might give Frasier a go, but saw that there was so fucking much of it. Not sure if I could commit to it because I traditionally despise laugh tracks.

It lets the characters stand out so everything doesn't look so busy.

no negros

i see what you mean. friends was really garish now that i think about it

very consistent
larry wrote almost everything
most of the characters are interchangeable
stuck to being a serial well

.. this is why I loved it.

I never even realized before now.

I can't watch it because I didn't see any of it before I started watching Sunny, and Sunny is my favorite show, with all it's shortcomings. I feel like I can pick between Sunny or Frasier, but this is an uncomfortable and unexciting mix of the two.

>despise laugh tracks
You've watched Seinfeld right?

It's a little pretentious but I'd still give it a solid 9/10.

I don't even think it's really pretentious, it just lampoons pretentiousness in general but Frasier doesn't seem to grow at all as a character, I guess that's the point, that everyone around him is growing up around him. It would be 10/10 if he ended up with Roz and got her to stop being such a slag, before she had the kid.

Seinfeld is a very stressful program to endure.

Isn't the laughter in Seinfeld from a live audience? I've definitely seen clips where they had to stop a shot because the audience was laughing too much.

That looks good without people in it. Once you add the characters moving and talking, too much is asking for your attention.

On the topic of Curb, anybody think the SD, kind of homevideo, look suits it way better than HD?

Its a mix, they'd add in canned laughter to smooth over cuts from different takes. That said, still a laughtrack.

Everything pre-9/11 is comfy

yes, even beyond how hd doesn't do larry and jeff any favors

was much more evident how it was handheld in hd

I loved how Louis C.K. and company did it on Lucky Louie. It could feel weird watching it at first, but the genuine reactions were a neat experience.

>" Lucky Louie was a multi-cam that went out of its way to make the sets as unadorned as possible, keeping all of the audience reactions, for better or worse: if there was an extended applause break because C.K. fired off a particularly inspired one liner, the cast had to wait a few extra beats. If Laura Kightlinger mused that “She’s a teenager, not a person” and there was dead silence where it is very likely the writers believed a decent sized laugh would appear, the cast just kept on going."

>Is Frasier actually comfy?


It's good and comfy but the last I will say 4/5 season are pure downhill. 8, 9, 10 and 11 are a disaster. Also, it has a lot of annoying cancer-class character. Be ready.

Watch the first couple of season and if you like it, just keep going. You can dropped it after season 7.

I disagree, the show wasn't shot in a way that allows for the set to hamper anything because rarely is it in focus and characters in general move enough for the viewer's focus to always be on them. In general these shows are filmed in a way that seems to sort of abandon the visuals and focus mostly on the actors.

No niggers

Despite occurring in NYC during the AIDS crisis no one ever has any knowledge of it. Kids runs concurrent to Seinfeld.

how so?

fucking Mel made me want to peel my skin off holy fuck

It was comfy in the early years (aka, before it gut gud)
then there was the golden age (seasons 4-6) and then it got too wacky to be comfy.


My negro, I still watch Supernatural season 12 and I hate it. I don't drop shows. I power through. Should I still watch it? Does the earlier seasons make everything worth it?