What does Sup Forums think of Bill Maher?

What does Sup Forums think of Bill Maher?

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He makes fun of trump too much. Fuck this cuck.

>it's I imagine myself arguing with Bill and the audience again episode

Is a atheist jew who blatantly insulted the entire religion of Islam calling all muslims radical a while back. Now that Trump said the same thing, he switched sides.

Stereotypical West Coast fuckhead, you faggots must have a factory that makes them

He's a genuine idiot.

Atleast you knew Stewart was smart. This guy is just a fucking moron. Hard to listen to. His comedy is cringey. I have to skip his monologues if for some reason I do put on his show.

The only thing he is good at is getting his guests to talk but most of the time he has on even dumber people than himself and they just circle jerk.



same fucking lame ass jokes that 50 year old construction workers were making 10 years ago.

To top it off he doesn't even know he's a fucking moron.
On one hand he is all jewish about Christianity and muh science and condescending as fuck about how smart being an atheist makes him. Then he goes on an anti-vaccine rant in the same show. Its in real how fucking in self aware he is.

And his greasy showered hair is disgusting.

Liberals seem to like anyone on tv who ridicules stuff and makes jokes so naturally he has an audience and nobody dumber than him realizes he isn't smart.

I pointed a gun in his face once. He threw cocaine at me and pissed his pants.

I have a boner

sometimes it feels like im the only guy on earth that likes him

I like his view on drug decriminalization/legalization. But hes a communist faggot in other respects. And he sucks cornel wests dick every episode even tho west is avg intelligence.

He's way too fuckin old for how he carries himself. He has the smugness and sense of entitlement that is usually reserved for the rich children of disinterested parents.

A coward kike

I admire the fact that he doesn't really give a fuck. But I find myself agreeing with his stances less and less as years go by, and his live audience is annoying and acts like they're at Jerry Springer or Morton Downey...

I like his smugness. He isn't likeable and doesn't care. And now he's old as shit on top of it which is even better.

I like him less now that I'm older. He was fun during the Bush era. I find he tries to hard now with Trump. The fact he still uses that "whiney little bitch" catchphrase is now just annoying when apparently liberals walk on water.

so much this

I wish that it was not in front of a crowd. They always cheer liberal thoughts and boo conservative ones. Gets kind of annoying and ruins the debate of his show.

That being said those building 7 people getting kicked out was entertaining.

I remember House of Cards showing everyone freaking out because Bill Maher made a joke about Underwood as if he's some sort of authority.

> construction workers
> talking shit on republicans

Naaa user

> like

He's not on your playground, asking you to the dance or a Facebook post. Either you respect him or not you dumb fag.

how has he switched? sam harris was interviewed the other week and they could talk about islam for 5 fucking mins cus batman wasn't there to interject.


Typical libertarian retard.

>I'm a single policy voter, and I think everyone else also sees the world in black and white.

le unfunny, unintelligent cuck who invites 2-3 liberals and one conservative for his daily gang bang

Jim Jeffries basically pulled a reverse Batman and Maher was agreeing with him.

Donald Trump...
I know, I know... Donald Trump... Sucks Russian dick!
>*Crowd erupts into laughter*
Hang on, hang on! I have to do another joke so my musician can desperately try and match a tune to my witty joke! He is black in case you didn't notice, which is better than white. That is how you know I'm totally progressive.
>*All the white men in the crowd instinctively show their girlfriends/wives a picture of black dick on their phone to show how progressive they are*

I think that's because Piers is just soo hateable even when when he's got a point.

Jeffries is batshit with that dumb Trump = Hitler meme...but at least he can be funny.

I agree with him a lot of the time but I still think he's a smarmy prick. I get a strong slime-vibe from him too, like he eats a lot of underage cunny.

Jewish Zionist shill for Israel who only attacks Islam to make Israel look good and goes from "liberal" to nazi whenever Palestine or gaza is mentioned.

He also really hates Christians and always attacks Christianity while he believes in the anti-vaccine nonsense.

He's honestly the biggest scumbag on television and always has been.

>biggest scumbag on television
there's far worse than him on the HBO network alone.

its funny how you guys don't even realize that you are the ones obsessed with black dick, not the liberals

I agree with most of his views, but lately he's been kinda losing my respect

2 or 3 weeks ago he talked about how left and right wing people cant have a civil conversation about their point of views and it just ends up to name calling, and no progress. Then last week he freaks out when he gets called out by the brit and just shouts over him and makes jokes.

But the main thing that pissed me off about him was how much of a saint he was trying to make out of clinton and saying how shes "the badass woman we need" I get he didnt want trump in office, and i know its hard to promote hillary without making too much of a saint out of her. But the guy acted like she was the most perfect candidate when she was far from it. yes she was a better option, but not by much. She was barely a little less shitty than trump.

Also his audience is fucking cringy as fuck. You know they are the types of liberals that make the left wing look bad

Sup Forums 60 IQ detected. No one cares about your biased delusions you mentally ill alt right shill.

Bill Maher: "Pizza Hut is objectively better than Dominos"
>Crowd cheers and claps
Bill Maher: (Holy shit, these idiots will clap at every thing I state)
Bill Maher: "Sucking shit skin, sand nigger dick is the best thing EVER! And if you don't suck dick then FUCK YOU"
>Crowd goes ape shit, whistling, clap up a storm

Blow it out your ass, yid.

He is so obvious a biased kike, only ever talk shit about muslims to prop his fellow chosyn.

The working class in most non southern areas are mostly liberal since they aren't evengelical enough to vote against their own interests.

That isn't even an alt-right view. I am extremely liberal and I completely agree with what he said.

>He thinks either party cares about the working class

lmao okey doke, let me just take another billion dollars from Saudi Arabia before I help the working class. Ooops I destoyed another Middle Eastern country despite shitting on Bush for invading Iraq. Woops I did it again with Syria. Woops and again with Yemen, oh woops did I mention I fucked with Egypt too. But it's OKey DOkey though cause if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if the liberals don't protest, it's cause they don't give a shit about the middle east and only care when it's a Republican doing it. But don't ban Muslims, your allowed to destroy their countries, but you can't ban them BECAUSE WE CARE!


>he makes a completely fucking sperged out, meme-riddled post
>he's clearly not joking


This is, honest to God, the stupidest fucking post I have seen on this website in years

inb4 "jk lol just pretending to be retarded"

What is Maher's tax policy?

>lol ecksss deeee XDD the show
>You want me to support my claims
>smug condescending face.jiff

I lean to the left about as far as possible and still find him intolerable. He's not funny and his smug pompous persona is fucking awful

Sup Forums "thinks" whatever Sup Forums "thinks" about everything.

I seriously do that too. You gotta admit Maher is an entertainer, he makes you want to kick his ass in an argument.

A free thinker, which is the worst crime you could commit for right wingers

I think he's a Danky Franky t.b.h. bby. One time I watch him and he say "Me no like Trump man!" and that's all he ever said after that? This guy needs a new job because honestly just saying "I hate Trump" over and over isn't something someone should be paid for.

>my brain can't even process basic sensory input when it makes me wrong

2/10 false flag b9

Let me tell you cunts something.

Any and every late night talk show is absolutely garbage, and will cease to exist once millennials start dying.

stop blaming millenials for everything

The Millennial generation will be the last viewerbase for late night talk shows. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm stating a fact.

Its really the worst, like playground bullying. They never even give the conservative a smattering of applause if they make a good point, every single fart a liberal barfs up gets wild standing ovations.

Jim Jefferies lost so hard to one of the most hated people in the world that fucking JK Rowling had to do damage control but that couldn't stop millions of people from cringing.

So Sup Forums is basically like your version of Trump? What is it with liberals and getting scary obsessed with things? Only one guy really spewed hate on this thread and about 5 liberals shouted out how bad Sup Forums was.

You guys even do that with things you like such as Beyonce, Ellen DeGeneres or Obama.

Millennials don't even watch TV I keep reading that here anyway. Honestly, the worst pricks are those Gen X and Early Boomers. They mean what they say.

Millennials are bad but usually only doing it for social media likes. They couldn't care less about what Trump does.

You might be right maybe about the Late Millennials who are 28-35.

Trump isn't a republican.

joke: religious people are so dumb, islam is cancer, everyone should be atheists, the world would be way better without religion.

I'm genuinely curious what Maher's stance on Israel is, but I've only seen a couple of his shows. Does anyone know it?

They tried voting for their interests with Obama. See how that worked out?

yeah, it got em a couple nice things and, unfortunately, enough complacency to trick them into believing there was no way they would lose this time around, and so their turnout lowered and they got reamed.


He's a comedy legend considering he invented this genre

He's right about 90% of shit

Show is always entertaining as fuck, which is the point

People get asspained when they are ridiculed for their dumb beliefs, which he does often

>michigan flips red
>Pennsylvania flips red
>still makes this argument

>Please take me serious when I'm trying to make a point. Comedians can make good points too.

>HA! Did you see Trump/O'Reilly/Any conservative responded to my criticism last week with a legitimate retort? Doesn't this moron understand what comedy is?

He's from New Jersey

Yeah man, clearly the guy who's had a 30 year career in show biz has no fans


>Bill Maher invented this genre

>bill maher inventing anything

top kek

Gen Z already watches late night talk shows.

I feel sorry for him, and a lot of the late night talk show guys, except Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah, because they would be obnoxious cunt's regardless of which republican was president.

Most of the other guys career up to this point was making fun of the most ridiculous thing happening in politics, left or right, even if they had a left leading agenda it didn't get nearly this tiresome, and love or hate Trump it's hard to not see him as the most ridiculous thing in politics right now.

They watch car seat karaoke. Maybe they watch the occasional late night clip cause on YouTube since they've been getting shilled hard on the recommended feed lately.

I'm drink, ignore the typos

>What about Bill Maher? He’s both political and an outspoken atheist.

>Yeah, yeah. I find him completely unfunny. Like, maybe the unfunniest person I’ve ever encountered that’s called a comedian. I like his show because of the arguing back and forth, and he knows a lot about politics. But the worst is when he forces you to sit on the panel while he does his New Rules, which are just a bunch of jokes. And you have to sit there, a foot from the dude with a camera in your face. You’d think he would just excuse them, but no, you have to sit there and watch.

>And you’re expected to laugh.

Yeah, of course. You have to laugh like a banshee. I like watching actual political guys who know their stuff. One time Bill Maher was on Meet the Press, and it was hilarious. George Will like tore into him, because once you get in with the big boys who actually do it for a living, it doesn’t matter what you know. George Will had huge contempt for him and was slapping him around, and suddenly Bill Maher wasn’t confident at all anymore. It was really funny to watch. [Maher and Will actually sparred on ABC's 'This Week.']

>So I take it you wouldn’t do Real Time? Or would you if Maher asked you?

>(Laughs.) No, I would not. If I did I would just do jokes. I remember Garry Shandling once went on the show and did a great joke and Bill Maher stepped all over it. Maher was talking about the war in Iraq, and Garry goes, “I’m against the war, but at least I wish we had cheaper f—ing gas. Didn’t we steal their oil?” And it starts getting a big laugh and Bill goes, “Yeah, we go in wanting to get WMDs and we get STP.” And the whole audience stops laughing and Shandling goes, “Thanks for the help.” So those are the two levels of comedy.

norm is funny but he's pretty fuckin dumb tbqh. and a shandling was an overrated, rude, narcissitic autist

Jew loving cuck.

norm only dislikes maher because he says all christians are morons and norms hyper sensitive about that for some reason

>jew loving
well they are his people

Maher was talking about the war in Iraq, and Garry goes, “I’m against the war, but at least I wish we had cheaper f—ing gas. Didn’t we steal their oil?” And it starts getting a big laugh and Bill goes, “Yeah, we go in wanting to get WMDs and we get STP.”
mahers joke was better. shandlings was hacky as fuck everybody made that joke

*insults your audience*

anyone know when milo will be on? bill maher said he would but not when

I give a lot of credit to Bill Maher for really helping my interest and love of current events and politics grow into what it is today. I have been watching him since I was 14 years old and will continue to do so as long as he rules the round table format on Television. With that all being said, I don't take every word that he says as truth, I don't like the way he goes after people for their own personal religious beliefs, I don't like the "God complex" that he tends to exude, and his opening monologues are boring, old, and tired. Unless someone really cares to challenge the format he holds the crown to, he will still be King in my book though. There are far worse personalities on Television.

Cornell West may be of average intelligence but, there aren't very many black men who have gotten to where he is and been able to make an impression on people through Television like he has.

Its his show. He always gets his opinion out there right or wrong. I don't know of anybody who hosts a show that doesn't play by those exact same rules with a round table format with more times than not, a guest that they themselves know they are going to disagree with 50% or more of the time.

he was great when he triggered ben assfleck with a giant redpill but now hes a fucking idiot who cant wait for his country to be overrun with open immigration and he has never let his guests finish their points if they disagree with him, which makes him as bad as antifa as far as im concerned

I can understand that Piers Morgan was a guest on his show but, you have to understand that it wasn't just Bill Maher that disagreed with Mr. Morgan for half of that show's content. It was also weird to hear Mr. Morgan state that he isn't a Republican but, then defend a lot of the things that Trump has done while in office but, then say he doesn't believe in Trump's policies. Mr. Morgan wasn't very strong in his convictions during that show. The organization that Mr. Morgan works for has also been removed from Wikipedia.org for being, a "non-reliable" source of news as well. There was a lot of hoops for Mr. Morgan to jump through during the filming of that show and he didn't do very well.

>But the guy acted like she was the most perfect candidate when she was far from it.

That is outright fucking bullshit! Bill Maher even said during one of his shows that he knew that Hillary Clinton wasn't a perfect candidate. He even said there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. Don't be a bullshitting exaggerator.

Oh you mean this isn't the time for the ol' THANKS OBAMA!?!

>Reads Forbes for political advice and current events but, isn't a part of the 1%.

Wow. Just fucking wow.

Sure, Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah are much better comedians but, Real Time isn't just about the comedy alone. His end segments of New Rules are really interesting and almost always make the entire show worth watching. I can't imagine Samantha Bee or Trevor Noah doing that for an entire hour show with no commercials and tons of ad revenue streaming in from every show that airs. Have it your way though. Trevor and Samantha won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

I'm not sure but, that show should be interesting either way.

Jeffries should never live that down. It was more embarrassing than that infamous Affleck appearance.

>Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah are much better comedians

But Sup Forums loves Israel now

if you like samantha bee and trevor noah are in any way respectable then you dont have more than 80 IQ

>The organization that Mr. Morgan works for has also been removed from Wikipedia.org for being, a "non-reliable" source of news as well.

But Wikipedia isn't a reliable source either.

I hate Piers Morgan, i think he is a little weasel but I did agree with him on the show. People are being over the top in their reaction to Trump. Bill and his guests were arguing the Hitler comparison by saying that Hitler built up to the violence, but he didn't. The Beer Hall Putsch and the Night of the Long Knives are evidence of this. When did Trump try to organise a coup? Morgan was right, save your outrage for when it is warranted.

Samantha Bee is such a cunt. She spent the entire primaries attacking Bernie and his supporters as 'sexists', bashed Gary Johnson, bashed and made fun of everyone who supported a candidate other than Hillary, and then freaked out when her shrill bitch didn't win the election. Fuck off cunt turns out calling people sexist over and over won't make them vote for your bloodthirsty candidate.

>Atleast you knew Stewart was smart

People actually think this.

vade retro satana

>You are now manually missing Garry Shandling

Maher loves hating on Islam, i have no idea what you are talking about...

>what do you guys think of Confirmation Bias: The Show?
He's Trump's re-election away from a heart attack so idgaf.