What's the first hipster show ever?
What's the first hipster show ever?
Ryan Russell
Kevin Evans
napoleon dynamite
Bentley Taylor
Gavin Moore
I can't believe this piece of shit is still going
Brayden Murphy
Show is making fun of hipsters and SJWs, you would know that if you ever watched an episode.
Michael Watson
Mission Hill
Isaac Perry
Rats are the best skit
Joseph Fisher
I kinda enjoyed Portlandia up to season 3 but everything after that is just bad, really bad.
Carries a huge milf too
Charles Hill
"Don't talk to me!"
Ethan Rodriguez
>remember seeing bits of mission hill on tv when I was younger watching ytv
>nothing ever stuck out
>decide to watch it on jewtube
>We're going to a party, but you're not allowed to come because you're not cool
>there's a ska band playing