It all ends here.
Are you ready, user?
Why do the entire X-Men have to take a back seat to wolverine? You tellin' me not ONE mutant would also be there for him? He's in that serious grave conditions? It's implausible to think shit would get hat fucked up. They're the X-Men but no Hugh has to have this big grand solo send-off that doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things.
I'm referring to Professor X being alone and Logan being the only one able to care for him
>Hugh Jackman will die in your lifetime
Lobezno Inmortal y los globos
What a shit photoshop.
A movie where the Cenobites torture Wolverine would be better, because, you know, the healing factor and everything. Anyway, I lost count as to how many freaking Wolverine movies there are, and not just the solo Wolverine movies. But hey, give props to Fox Studios, they know how to develop a character like Wolverine.
Doesn't logan kill all the mutants?
Really sucks Liev Schriber won't be in this