Suicide Squad hate thread?

Suicide Squad hate thread?

This was the worst big-budget movie I've ever seen, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen in general.

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Found the reddit pleb

>he likes Suicide Squad
>he calls other people plebs

I mean objectively it's fucking trash. No question.

It's okay if you're viewing it through a pleb lens though. That's what I did my first go-around and it made me like it a little more.

still remember they hype and the awesome trailers.
was so hyped torrented the worst condition ever.
movie was pure shit. told my friends they called me stupid and said its cos the quality was bad.



It was astoundingly bad. I don't understand how they could possibly fuck up as bad as they did. It's worse than Schumacher's Batman films. Its fascinating, actually.

Well I fapped myself raw to that Harley

Enchantress was really hot for some reason.

This. It should be shown in college film classes as an example of everything you shouldn't do in a movie. It's so bad that it should be studied.

It's like tumblr reposts turned into a movie.

Was convinced from the trailers it was gonna be awesome and a proper classic.
Nope, just ferociously terrible.

You're reddit for talking about capeshit

>watching something to deliberately get upset

lol what a bunch of retards


Honestly the memes were of higher quality than the movie deserved.

you're reddit for not knowing this thread is pure bait

You're reddit for being Reddit

How long can you last

>This was the worst big-budget movie I've ever seen, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen in general.
This is all true, but i don't care because Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in hotpants.

you're reddit for knowing about it

I'm too intelligent to be intelligent enough to know reddit


Only made it to 2:37. That obvious basic bitch daddy kink pandering when Joker said "Come to daddy", Margot Robbie mispronouncing "Puddin", and that annoying slut giggle. It was just too much.

I stopped watching the DCEU movies with Man of Steel and I'm pretty happy about that

prove it checked

Why did Batman kiss Harley in this movie? Why does nobody ever mention it?

Does this sound like a Harley Quinn line to you? Cuz it fucking is. Holy shit the writing in that film was bad

I mean you are allowed to hate it and so does almost every film fan but if you look at the rating on it has a 4 1/2 star rating just as high as Civil War so I wonder if its badness even gets noticed by the general public? It seems like normies pretty much ate it up.

>This was the worst big-budget movie I've ever seen
Worse than Ghostbusters? Not likely.

it was awful.

One of the most iconic and loved villains in fictional history was marketed heavily and only had 5 minutes of screen time. There was no reason this shouldn't have been a Harley Quinn + Joker movie. That's all anyone really cared about. All the girls loved Harley and all the guys wanted to see The Joker.

He was trying to give her mouth to mouth. SHE kissed him. Then he pulled away.

No meme, it was.

she's got my back

Jared Leto's joker fucking sucked. He was abysmal. Absolutely abysmal. Batman was the only good character in this movie.

>There was no reason this shouldn't have been a Harley Quinn + Joker movie

Jared Leto spazzing it up says otherwise

This movie made me feel like I was going insane. The whole first 30 minutes were just introducing the characters three times? And then they introduced the dude who immediately died in a throwaway scene afterwards, which gave away the surprise of him dying, ruining the point of his character.

Seriously, the movie didn't start until somewhere near 40 minutes in, and wasn't interested until the bar scene, and even then as soon as they left the bar it went back to being terrible.

I couldn't even laugh ironically at Ghostbusters. It was pure cringe the entire time.

Movie really falls apart when they start fighting the Puddies from power rangers.

It got funnier and funnier as it went on

I was in tears when this happened

Yeah, but it was cringe the same way like one of those movies where tyler perry plays everyone was. It was, for all of the terrible shit in it, a functional movie that had a plot and things occurred.

This shit...I have never watched a movie with worse pacing.

Suicide also spawned a CANCER hot topic fan base and ruined Harley Quinn forever. Such a bad bad bad bad bad bad movie.

The only surprising thing about this movie was they were actually finally able to make Jai Courtney have some sort of emotion.

Jared was cringe worthy. But entertaining in his cringy-ness. But still less cringe worthy than Killer Croc, The Dancing Holahoop villain, and the rest of the literally-who no name cast.

No. He was a literal cuck, his costumes sucked, (inb4 they're from the comics!) and his growling/purring was annoying. Like an edgy 15 year old trying to be sexy.

Batman and Captain Boomerang were the best characters.

>Suicide also spawned a CANCER hot topic fan base
Among the many other cancerous Hot Topic fan bases?

>and ruined Harley Quinn forever
She was already a shitty character to begin, so no big loss.