What's your vote for your favorite series? I'm trying to decide between between pic related, The Wire, and Mad Men.
Best TV Series Since 2000
In terms of writing, it'sSopranos no doubt
The best is The Wire
My favourite is still Game of thrones, it was the first I truly loved
All the memeshit aside, Six Feet Under.
The Wire
Mad Men
Mr Robot
Breaking Bad
Its gotta be either the Wire or Breaking Bad.
I loved other shows, but those two are objectively nigh-flawless
House, M.D.
>So I see you're running Gentoo GNU/Linux
>House, M.D.
would have been a good show if it was on HBO and had other competent actors other than laurie but alas, it was wasted potential
Hannibal at the very top.
Fargo might be somewhere on that list.
I feel like I'm obligated to say Breaking Bad, even though it left a bad aftertaste for me.
London Spy wasn't bad.
I wish Almost Human was worth mentioning. I'd have loved to see Karl Urban on a more regular basis.
And I feel like I'm leaving out something important but I can't think of anything else right now.