Be celebrity

>be celebrity
>start posting on Sup Forums

>lose your job
Why do we keep doing this to them guys??

Other urls found in this thread:

His job is youtube and he still does that tho so...?

>Multi Millionaire loses one of many streams of revenue

oh no!


oh no.

I guess he'll be crying into his $110 million stockpile tonight

hes /ourguy/

based pewdiepie

Nice seeing him being awesome again

wtf I love pewdiepie now

>tfw /our guys/ keep getting blackballed

this is another shoah

fuck off reddit!

He's been a Sup Forums user since at least 2009. Why is this surprising.

being anti-jew is being anti-trump now

>Trump tweeted that he could no longer allow Israel to be treated with disdain and urged Israel to “stay strong” until he takes office on Jan. 20.

>In response Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted: “President-elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear-cut support for Israel!” The tweet included Israeli and U.S. flags and tagged two of Trump’s children, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

Why are jews so sensitive?

It seems the star of the party has shown up!

Why do PDP threads get deleted? It's 2017 and it's about time Sup Forums accepts YouTube celebrities carry as much weight as their Hollywood peers. I don't understand this resistance against threads that talk about Digital media.

If you're over 12 no one on youtube is "your guy."

>mfw I was a Chad before coming here

Felix is an alright dude. He did a couple of great videos where he was just being himself and basically called out every shitty youtube gaming channel on their fake and forced positivity

When will swaglord and co stop pandering to Sup Forumsedditors on Sup Forums?

>Disney invests in youtubers

What the fuck?


Why would he care?
He literally has more money then he knows what to do with.
Kids across the country watch this guy so there is no doubt that the next generation will grow up similar with republican beliefs because the internet is their secret club.

They're the chosen people, now suck my cut dick, goy.

They've been shoahed over 100 times

These anti-Trump retards are going to find themselves in a pickle whenever they find they need a favor

>Its ok when Liberals make anti semitic jokes on shows like Family Guy and South Park, but when a conservative does it its "Literally Hitler"

>idiot does idiot things
>lol what an idiot
>idiot does something considered antisemitic
>what a hero! /ourguy/
They toss you a fish and you honk like trained seals

>pewdiepie is actually conditioning kids to be red pilled

Wtf? I love pewds now!

Like a dam breaking?

>Death to all whites!
>"Wow, so brave, fuck drumph and fuck white people!"
>Something negative about jews

If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.

I dont get this one. You got shit ones mixed in with some really cool people in there

this desu or give a dedicated youtube board

anyways sjws will call anyone not hating on trump with every fiber of their being every single second of every day a nazi now. im god damned tired of it


Mods are stuck in the past. Its why they hate podcast threads too. They don't understand Digital Media is here to stay. Its a new phenomenon. Netflix shows have slowly gained acceptance despite youtube being around longer. Its only a matter of time till other Digital Media becomes accepted too.

Already happening my dude.

Go to Sup Forums where you belong, bane tourist


this is a big board

>They pointed to a (now-deleted) January 11 video in which Pewdiepie paid two men to hold up a sign that read, "Death To All Jews."

lmao based pewdiepie

>stuff that never happened
stop falling for their clickbait articles

>starter pack
thats a fucking deluxe pack my friend

>YouTube celebrities carry as much weight as their Hollywood peers.

This is a television and film board.

youtube is neither television or film.

some youtube gets a pass because its reviewing television or film

>A youtube celebrity spewing Sup Forumsshit
Hello my fellow redditors :^)

>he fell for the pewdiepie is rich because of youtube meme

Dear White People is ok though right?

I mean fuck white people and fuck drumpf right lol

He should give them the money, but money that would normally go to sanctuary cities.

Also fuck Commiefornia, never shut the fuck up about Durrrrrr we duh biggest economic contributor hurr durrrrrr but are a huge drain on federal resources.

Also these people are still clueless about Trump. Look up his video on YT about revenge


Its tv you retard. A computer can be used exactly as a tv. What is the difference than say me watching an hbo documentary on hbo site or app

I hate this board.

you really think he is broke?

back to r3ddit!

Scary how accurate this is. Only ones out of place are Always Sunny and Bane-posting.


it certainly help that his mom was the cio of a big european company and his father is a ceo of a engineering company

He definitely has over 10 mil.

he's literally a nazi now

>watch this and a couple other of his related videos after

Hmmm he seems like a cool dude. Some of his videos made me chuckle. And Sup Forums told me Swedish males were ultra beta faggots but pewdiepie seems normal I'm confused. He's charismatic, handsome, etcc

he's said that he wish he had that much money so i doubt it

still has 50 million subs

who cares

and the prank was funny anyway. He's just proving that jews and corporations can't take jokes (unless it's a jew making the joke)

epik for the win.
i will totally subscribe and leave a like on every video
if you want to see him in agony

Have you even seen the movie Dear White People is based off of?

it is fucking mind blowing how many subs and followers this cunt has

He's obviously not going to flaunt his money you spectacular autist.

Fuck off cucktrip

>has a Sup Forumsedditor seen a movie that isn't capeshit or some flavor of the month "action is saved" piece of trash like mad max fury road
nice one dark skin

lol this

movie/product shills.

wow nothing happened the video