Holy shit is this how autists actually think?

Holy shit is this how autists actually think?

That comic was truly written by someone who has no sense of reality and probably has never had a meaningful relationship

i don't understand

also off topic

Nope. Thread over.

autists need communication to be clear and literal. they hate it when people don't say what they mean. they are incapable of perceiving unspoken inference. they always demand the rest of us communicate on their level yet simultaneously believe they are better than the rest of us for being so logical.

Yeah, I bet you just love it when normies say "a heha, what? heh" when you say something they don't understand

Man, I probably actually am somewhat on the spectrum

you don't tell girls you like them

that's not how it works unless you're a fucking anime character

What does one do then?


saying "I LIKE YOU" is putting everything on a platter, giving it to the chick, and going "this is your problem now. Deal with it."

>implying telling a friend that you like him/her won't completely change the friendship and eventually ruin it if the feelings are not mutual

oh man this is so funny look at these people explaining their inner monologue as they desperately scramble to maintain a nonexistent social standing where there should be a meaningful exchange of feelings between two human souls.


I will never forgive the internet age of robbing our generation of the ability to understand love and loss.

>meet girl
>talk to her for a bit
>if you like her, ask her to coffee
>if you still like her after an hour + spent in isolation with her, be honest and say you like her and want to do this again.
Isn't rocket science. If you have chemistry just saying "I like you" is enough. You have to learn to be honest with women if you're going to spend the rest of your life with any of them

that's different from going up to a girl and saying "I LIKE YOU"

Ah dear God. This gig might not be me for me after all.

I have to confess something.

>Like a girl for a year
>Do stuff with her all the time
>She starts dating just as I grew a backbone
>"If she is happy, I'll just go somewhere else"
>Never find somewhere else
>She dumps the guy
>Couple of months later, get the back bone again
>Message her
>She says "I don't have feelings for you and probably never will"
>Go full spaghetti and make up bullshit that my computer was open and jack asses used it
>Want to continue the friendship but haven't messaged her in weeks due to my embarrassment.

I've met someone else but I'm afraid I will go full autismo again. Is there a time window before you get friend zoned?

women aren't that different, senpai

if you put pussy on a pedestal, you're probably a huge faggot that no girl you give the spotlight would want anyway

If you are a Chad you never get friendzoned in the first place.
So good luck user.

autist here i confirm this

Go post this on r9k you fucking faggot. This isn't even remotely related to tv.

Stop being an asshole/idiot user, suppress those feelings.

>get swol
>go up to some fine looking ho
>Have sex, right in the vagina

It's not rocket science nerds.

Fuck, i've been going out with a female friend for 4 months now. Should I just straight up ask if she wants to have sex?

>wont let this affect our friendship

This is the most retarded thing a person could say.

Nothing tastes better than swallowed tears right?

holy shit

You might actually get something then

if you've been alone in a room with her and haven't made out, you never will

what? how can you be 'going out' with her and not have sex?

Same desu

Question, when did you start growing a backbone? I'm somewhat recent myself

ALSO YES. There is a time zone where you get friend zoned, basically.

Just move somewhat quickly. Make your intentions clear. Ask her to lunch or something on a high note (she's giggling, the interaction was good, etc...Just ask her when it makes sense and feels right)

Think of your bros. When you meet someone whose just a cool dude, you don't just awkwardly bring up grabbing a bite or playing pool out of nowhere, it makes sense and feels natural in the conversation because you both have a mutual understanding that it'd be fun to spend more time with one another. Like the other guy said, girls are no different, there's just a romantic twist to it

>female "friend"

>he doesnt have pretty dames as friends to constantly meet new women
Girls go through friends like my shitty ass goes through toilet paper

>Is there a time window before you get friend zoned?

Yes, and it's VERY narrow. Essentially, if you don't flirt / compliment her looks the first or second time you meet her, forget about it.

>Ask her to lunch or something on a high note (she's giggling, the interaction was good, etc...Just ask her when it makes sense and feels right)

Here's the problem: For an autist, it's never clear when this time is.