As a non-american, can someone explain why is Nixon a villain in so many comic book flicks and cartoons?

As a non-american, can someone explain why is Nixon a villain in so many comic book flicks and cartoons?
Why so much hatred for the guy in american media, even after he's long dead?

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Tricky Dick looks like a villain to be honest, I think it is the nose and the voice.

Because Watergate is generally considered to be the most heinous instance of political corruption in the US

Because most of the people in charge of the industry now are boomers who were hippies during Nixon's era.

well.... until now ;)

He cheated.

He's linked to political corruption.

Hopefully the current situation will take the heat off him.

You have to remember OP, when JFK was shot most Americans actually cried. This was in a time when the president was loved and respected just because he was the president.

Nixon was the first guy to really show moral bankruptcy and get involved in a scandal.

*two years ago

will trump take his place in future movies?

If you ignore the period between 1840 and 1932, sure.

wtf i hate sean spicer now

>Nixon was the first guy to really show moral bankruptcy and get involved in a scandal.
You mean he was the first guy to get caught.

>JFK was liked by literally everybody

Have you even talked to somebody who was fucking alive at that time?

Hopefully. Won't happen without a Deep Throat of his own. Repubs sure as fuck aren't going to investigate.

I didn't say that, retard. But a lot of people had a strong emotional connection to the head of state. People were distraught when JFK died despite being a young Irish catholic with ties to the mob.

If Trump was shot half the country would be outraged and the other half would be celebrating.

Because blondes film better.

Yes, JFK was loved by alot of people.

Nixon is the easiest major political figure in U.S. history to accuse of corruption or wrongdoing, because he was found unequivocally guilty of having done so. If you wanna have a villainous American politician without inviting a partisan shitstorm, you need to either use some provincial nobody, invent a character, or use tricky dick.

A quarter would be outraged. Maybe.

Aside form makes tapes of himself breaking the law, he was generally unlikable, and a huge asshole.

>Nixon starts his plan to clean up the CIA during his 2nd term
>Watergate happens

Really makes you think

Because he's Hillary Clinton tier but also conveniently Republican.

he used government resources to spy on political opponents (not on criminals planning conducting criminal activities just people who will be running against him in the next election) which at the time was a big big scandal.

it would still be a big scandal in the US if it happened nowadays but many people would rather believe in alt/fake news and in "creative explanations".


I'm no admirer or apologist for Nixon, but he was a very astute man with a keen grasp of geopolitics. And he's more centrist compared to the neocons that formed in the 80's and onwards. He shouldn't have done that COINTELPRO crap because that was just plain stupid.

Harding, Grant, Harrison, and Jackson were far more corrupt than Nixon. Especially Harding's administration.

Pop shit about Jackson again motherfucker see if me and my homies don't ride up on you and your crew and drop lead on your ass nigga.

yeah on the real Jackson really is an American hero.

>Most heinous instance of corruption was a guy who spied on the opponent during the election campaign
>Americans still think their politicians are super evil and corrupt

>If Trump was shot half the country would be outraged
Nah less than that

Boomers and liberals. If he wasnt caught in watergate, hed be known as one of our best presidents

Liberal pieces of shit can't let go of his corpse. It's kinda creepy.
Let the poor old guy rest in the ground.

That poor old guy who sent thousands of American men to die in a fake war for a bunch of subhuman slopes. Fuck that piece of shit.

Nixon is roasting in Hell for eternity right next to Jane Fonda.

Yeah, it wasn't Kennedy's fault at all.

Nixon kept it going. Stop trying to push off blame on Kennedy you history changing heeb.

>Vietnam was Nixon's fault
uhh what

Johnson was President throughout the majority of Vietnam

>Trump attacks the intelligence community
>Is fucked

Based CIA

but LBJ did that.
nixon was the one who pulled us out of vietnam.

Jane Fonda is alive

good point. But 1840-1932 didnt have mass broadcasting that help the plebs hear and see their overseer.

The watergate tapes includes many of his deals, including selling the private water, selling the hospitals to the pharma and plenty more.

But LBJ got us into the war in Vietnam, not Nixon.

until whatever these chucklefucks are trying to pull get uncovered


kill yourself central banking kike

But he was the one that torpedoed the peace conference in order to get elected. Well, him and Kissinger. Humphry was a fool not expose him.

Because Watergate is basically a meme at this point. The Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations all did shit 10x worse than Watergate on a daily basis, but because Nixon was "omg litrally Hitler!!!!11" he gets remembered as the worst president in history. Nixon. The guy who pulled us out of Vietnam before the situation that his predecessors started could get any worse.

Fuck that neocon piece of shit. He introduced shit like affirmative action and other shit. Southern strategy my ass. i don't even get why neolibs hate him so much.
He was Reagan tier with his insane mexican amnesty policy.

Neo-liberals are 20 times better for immigration compared to shitty neocons. Fact.
Also his war was shitty.

media bias
got blamed for the almighty boogieman vietnam riling up the draft dodger hippies.

Not to mention that the idea of the government spying on people is an accepted practice nowadays. If watergate happened today it wouldn't even be a scandal.

He's a bad Republican president and Democrats will never ever let that go, or allow their bad presidents to be held at the same level.

>Harding, Grant, Harrison, and Jackson were far more corrupt than Nixon. Especially Harding's administration.

I don't necessarily disagree with that, but people will line up for days to have it out with you over perceived inaccuracies in that statement. I mean for fuck's sake, they're already doing it ITT.

Like I said in , you're inviting a shitstorm because nothing gets people more hot and bothered than correcting other people's political opinions with their own. Nixon is special because unlike other dubious politicians, his crimes were recent, well-documented, and firmly established in reality by court decision. There's just a lot less room for arguments, and that makes him a safer target.

>literally started the spoils system and took the funds out of the central bank to give it to democrat owned banks

The spying spying on people for the purpose of finding and capturing terrorist is acceptable to many people. Not spying for the purpose of getting an edge on election. But it wouldn't be a major scandal in the sense that many people are now exclusively getting their news from alt/fake/creative news sites so any tape or proof will be blatantly denied as untrue or "creatively explained" and altfakecreativenewsfans will believe the denial and/or explanation.

>to be the most heinous instance of political corruption in the US
You do know that the Obama administration used the IRS to target conservative groups that wanted tax-exempt status?

he was arguably to the left of kennedy, economically anyway, for that matter

Nixon was based.

>Richard M. Nixon: [to a portrait of Kennedy] When they look at you, they see what they want to be. When they look at me, they see what they are.

Nixon's proposed articles of impeachment included Nixon misusing the IRS to investigate opponents. Neither one was justified but Obama was hardly the first.

>Nixon is special because unlike other dubious politicians, his crimes were recent, well-documented, and firmly established in reality by court decision. There's just a lot less room for arguments, and that makes him a safer target.
His crimes also have no political spin to them. There's no real "ends justify the means" political moves, or simple cronyism. It was just straight felony conspiracy and fraud

>Richard M. Nixon: It's the President's personal property. I will never give up my tapes to a bunch of Kennedy-loving Harvard Democrat cocksuckers.

holy shit, where did you learn your history at?

>Why so much hatred for the guy in american media, even after he's long dead?
He was caught on tape talking shit about Jews.
Never forget.

Nixon prolonged the war to get the hawk/anti-hippy vote and only ended it once he secured a second term

>President Nixon opened his memoirs with a simple sentence: "I was born in a house my father built." Today, we can look back at this little house and still imagine a young boy sitting by the window of the attic he shared with his three brothers, looking out to a world he could then himself only imagine. From those humble roots, as from so many humble beginnings in this country, grew the force of a driving dream—a dream that led to the remarkable journey that ends here today where it all began. Beside the same tiny home, mail-ordered from back East, near this towering oak tree which, back then, was a mere seedling. President Nixon's journey across the American landscape mirrored that of this entire nation in this remarkable century. His life was bound up with the striving of our whole people, with our crises and our triumphs.

that's corny af

mainstream media chosen scapegoat

Jackson deserves the title of tyrant.

A president not enforcing a Supreme Court decison could have torn apart our whole checks and balances system.

he's one of the best presidents around


Because he named the jew.
And jews control the media.

lrn2history, morons.

Stupid cunt, Nixon did the most to get us the fuck out. Blame LB "Welfare State" J for Vietnam.

That was the CIAs fault in the first place about getting us involved in a war to stop the ideology war. It was the CIA who pushed the war on Vietnam prerogative.

I didnt know Raimi was a press agent

>Nixon did the most to get us the fuck out

Years after he sabotaged peace talks and bombed the fuck out of Cambodia, sure.

>we will have liberal Drumpf flicks for eternity

Liberals are very preachy and annoying. They just can't let go.
That is why I like right dumbasses more.

>nixon did the most to get us out

Check out the movie Secret Honor

Wow, crazy. None of you seem to know that Nixon and Kissinger were instrumental in actively sabotaging diplomatic talks between north and south Vietnam being brokered by the US. Nixon and Kissinger wanted the war, and did everything in their power to make sure it happened.

And I wonder why they would do that, what with their numerous friends in the war business who make money off of every war and lose money if America is at peace...

Sorry. Wrong link...

Here's the whole conversation without the
biased comments by the jew media:

Nixon was actually one of the greatest, and most red-pilled presidents ever.

He was merely a victim of character assassination because the "chosen ones" didn't like what he had to say about them.

>le military industrial complex

we know, we all figured this out in 5th grade

I have absolutely no idea. As a leftist, I'd say he was the last president that gave a damn about the working class and was loyal to the postwar technocratic tradition.