Joel era

>Kevin has been marketing Mike as the "brains" and the "there from the beginning" shtick harder than anyone because he himself wasn't an original performer

I don't understand what you're getting at with this statement. Is the "he himself" Kevin? Because Kevin is the only one that stuck around for the whole series. If the "he himself" is Mike, then why would Kevin want to market him as "the brains" simply because he wasn't one of the originals? Not trying to be snarky or anything, I'm legit curious what you're getting at here.

Kevin personally harbored deep personal resentment to other performers and writers on the series who he decried as "traitors" and Hollywood sellouts.

Unfortunately, most of these "sell-outs" were there when he was still just a confused cameraman. He positioned those that stayed as the "True riffers" with his "Film Crew" (which was considered too close to what was then Joel and Jim Mallon's intellectual property) and later his Rifftrax brand.

Mike is a well-meaning fellow, and just wants to have fun and keep people employed.

How bad is the new season going to be?

>Jonah Ray
>Felicia Day
>Patton Oswalt

Oh it's going to be amazing.

Mike was always the head writer of MST3K. He's also the superior riffer and actor. Joelfags are literally just retards feasting on nostalgia.

I'm going to wager a guess that most of the jokes will be memes and internet culture jokes that are already outdated by the time the show airs.

The Siffy Channel killed this show

mike for life fag.

I'll admit that the Mike era was generally more laugh a minute when it came to the riffing but something about the Joel era is just so much more comfy. For example, I'd much rather hang out with the persona Joel had then the one Mike had. The skits were better in Joel's era as well.

I'd say the only real problem the Joel era had was that a lot of the movies they riffed were just old Black and White B-movies that were generally just dull more than anything. Whenever they riffed on something like Pod People or Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, it was gold. Season Three in general is probably my favorite.

They didn't want anything to do with it and he said that they could be a part of it