Give me 5 reasons why I shouldn't move to Canada

Give me 5 reasons why I shouldn't move to Canada

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Because you probably dont meet the requirements as a frogposter.

A ticket to Canada costs more than your wage for half a year.
You're not a negro or arab therefore you're not wanted in the western world.

Because russia has history and non-anglo culture. You are lucky to be an old-worlder.

filled with canadians

There's tons of Russian and Ukrainian immigrants in Canada though. They actually have skills though.

I don't give a fuck about muh history
I just want to live in first world country, not in a shithole where 500$ is considered a decent salary

he said 5 reasons not 1 you turds

What sort of skills I need to acquire to be useful here? I still have some time to learn shit before it's too late.

cleaning toilets

We each contributed a reason, there will be more than five in total

That's dumb, but okay.
Maybe you'd like to live down in mullahsauga or bramladesh. All this diversity is making up for all the babies whitey didn't have :D

Russia has no culture and whole russian "history" is nothing but a clusterfuck of wars, revolutions, famines and mass murders.

Degree, work experience, knowledge of French and English(preferably both), some money, not be a criminal

>live infirst world
>earn let's say 2000€
>spend 1200 for rent, the rest to travel , eat and stuff
>I am rich boy

Ah yes and Canada that's existed for 150 years has more culture and history.

Both outlr countries have culture, ours is just bland burger culture though. Yours is not.
What you said sounds like history to me.

Just don't bring that godforsaken attitude Russians and Ukrainians always seem to bring. You all seem like edgy assholes because you think it's tough to be emotionless robots

As long as you are white and not a leftist commie scumbag you are very very welcome here

>mfw the opposite is actually true
Can't wait for Singh

1. cold
2. share a border with america
3. share a culture with america
4. share sports with america
5. cold

>ours is just bland burger culture though

Seems the liberals agenda of minimizing our heritage worked pretty well if most Canadians don't even fucking know anything about our actual culture and heritage

it has canadians

lmao. As "liberal" as Canada is we still wouldn't elect a fucking turbanfaggot, let alone a fucking NDP one

The only reason anyone is paying any attention to him now is because muh racism. He won't win anything

I thought that place was Korean central (heard it from Koreans in Toronto)

Russia exists for only 26 years.

>Yours is not.

Our original culture was completely wiped out by the commies.

>The Russian empire has only existed for 26 years

>Our original culture was completely wiped out by the commies.

We tried to help stop it. We should have done more.

You have to admit that it's quite americanized at the moment at least
He has a 60% chance of winning

No, that's North York and even then, they share the space with Persians.


only reason you need

>He has a 60% chance of winning
What? NDP leadership? I hope he does. So many retarded Liberal SJW voters will turn to him instead of Trudeau and split the vote in the Conservatives favour

Good point, I suppose.
Shame we got Scheer, our system just doesn't allow anyone or party with an anti-immigration stance in.

Modern Russia is a remnant of the Soviet Union, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Russian Empire

At least you tried.

>No, that's North York and even then, they share the space with Persians.

Hmmm, kimchi joojeh kabob?

>tfw this can actually work

How good are you at cleaning toilets?

>tfw we were so close to have Mad Max as PM

Still fucking mad. Sheer was supposed to be this SoCon guy but since becoming leader he's been nothing but a prime example of a cuckservative.

I still think he'll win, just because people are going to be so fucking sick of Trudeau by then

Okay well if you actually want to come here do some actual research on whether you meet the criteria or not.

What were conservative party members even thinking? Is this THE ABSOLUTE STATE of conservatives in this cunt?

That image of both Republicans and Democrats saying "Hey goy Im the good guy vote for me" meme really applies here.

Am i welcome in Canada if i will say that i'm a fag and my government is opressing me?

>Is this THE ABSOLUTE STATE of conservatives in this cunt

Not conservatives in general, It's the Conservative party that's a joke. It's hardly conservative and has no fucking backbone. It's just the Liberal party with less virtue signaling. I was really hoping the party would collapse and something new would form in it's place, like something like Stockwell's old Canadian Alliance party, but no. It's even WORSE now than when Harper was in charge.

If they lose in 2019 the entire party leadership should kill themselves and let new people take over and start a new party

>if you actually want to come here

Why would you think I want to come to Canada? I'm not OP of this thread.

Oh I thought you were. This isn't Sup Forums homie I cant tell who's who

lol no. Seeking sanctuary in Canada can be harder than getting it in the States.

Just fly to one of the northern US states and walk across the border. Seems to be an epic new hack to get quick free access

Unless you're nigerians crossing the border right in front of rcmp officers :DDD

i live on the border in WA, and they started moving in some pretty gnarly weaponry, pointing it North. It ain't going to be pretty, that's all I'm going to say.....

An hero

This is retarded this guy is just doing satire

To get picked up, their claims registered, and packed off to a shelter. If they crossed into Canada from the US, it'd actually be harder for them to get in because you're supposed to claim asylum in the country that you land in.