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International #801
Does this mean we'll have Catalonia flags on Sup Forums?
Why do the Latinos here hate Catalonia so much and defend all of Spain's actions...
Post the personification of your country
HAPPENING: Unilateral proclamation of independence
You know what white men...
What went right?
What does Sup Forums think of the U.N.?
/deutsch/ jetzt CreeperDarkos Gedenkausgabe
Sverigetråden - The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
Sverigetråden - Oanständiga upplagan
1. Your country?
When you ask Europeans to find states on a map, they can always find California and Texas, usually can find Alaska...
/fr/ - le fil de la nation française
Il ne parle pas Français
España ha sido siempre y lo será
How do I meet cute Japanese people to marry online?
1. Your country
No one likes finland
Who is she and why western people obsess over her?
Tried weed for the first time today
Tell me about Thatcher, why do Brits hate her so much?
How does Sup Forums view brown men such as myself?
Jesus fuckin' christ... the Spanish King just declared war on catalonia!!!
/balt/ + /ausnz/
You need to have all these qualities to be considered white
Why don't we eat mac and cheese in Europe? The Americans love it!
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ [Zusammen sind wir stark Ausgabe]
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
How the fuck do europeans clean their assholes after pooping???...
Australia offers to help US with gun reform
Take a walk through the forest
Map thread
What do the desktops of Sup Forums look like?
Indian appreciation thread
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Which European country would welcome me as one of their own?
/deutsch/ Rhein Ausgabe
What country related insult hurts your feelings the most
No matter what country you come from, I assume (hope) every man here would respond like webm related to this situation
Life is meaningless
What is it like living in blue territories, when you realize that gray people are working for you?
Comfy Landscape Thread
Americans think going to university is a bad thing
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
The Nobel prizes in Physics and Medicine have been awarded for 2017, lads
Germans need to be banned from Sup Forums
You can only post in this thread if your country is LONG
ITT: we record ourselves imitating other languages without the actual ability to speak them
Would we live in a better society if we banned women and old people from voting?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why did Latin mutate so easily?
How are brown men like myself viewed in your country?
Is hating capital city common everywhere or its just a polish thing?
Is Sup Forums old enough to have sex with in your country?
Automatic or Manual
Sverigetråden - Hoskupplagan
Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate USA so much?
What are some French words that you've noticed Americans pronounce incorrectly? Canadians too if we have anything wrong
1. youre a cunt
Is it true European women have stinky armpits?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Do you think so?
1/4 french, 3/4 japanese
Friendly reminder that we, the French people has never be, are not and will never be wh*Te subhumans
Would catalans want to stay if this was the new national flag?
How does one find a job if I don't have qualifications, experience or will to work?
Did you know that Occitania is rightful iberian clay?
The average Nordman does not have different geographical experiences than the average Estonian...
/lat/ hilo latino
In yellow, expansion of cancer in the Iberian Peninsula
My new waifu. Thank you America
Post meme state that located in your country
Be American
Is loneliness a problem in your cunt?
Be American
Today is the day of German Unity
Why do Anglos have such a goddamn hard time learning a new language?
Dog bless America
I'm late to the party. What exuse do they have this time? That old man is totally white too
Does ananas belong in Burger?
Yesterday i took an iq test but instead of the usual questions they showed me an episode of Rick and Morty and asked me...
This would be the best country in the world so far
Which language is the most difficult between Biblical Greek and Japanese
/deutsch/ - [Tag der Deutschen Einheit Ausgabe]
If you had to live in any English county which would it be and why?
I am a white man
Catalan friends we always support you!
Fugg :DD
How strong is local patriotism (ger. lokalpatriotismus) in your country? In Poland many people would say first Im (city...
Told mum to buy me CocaCola
Top 3 intelligent posters
I find this very culturally insensitive, why do many Asians do this? Please stop appropriating our culture...
Hello friends, today is the day of german unity, say something nice about the greatest land on earth <3
Yanks WILL defend this
Tell me about Bavaria. Why is it so based?
WTF I hate Brasil now
Why are murricans fat?
/PT/ - Fio Português
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your thoughts on Hitler
Internet is awesome
East asian union when?
Why are they so powerful?
White women with yellow fever always go East Asians
Why Sup Forums can't invade Sup Forums?
Except Swizerland, is there a fist world landlocked country?
This is who you’re talking to when you reply to French posters
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
1. your cunt
What happens here?
What does Sup Forums think of blonde men?
Not a Sup Forums
You will never be a 16 year old boy who after years of wandering the streets is picked up by a rich milf who milks your...
Ask an American loyalist anything
1. your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Does the first world have these?
Be American
How earth would look like if everything went right
Japanese phoneposters
Korean learning motivation?
/ITA/ il filo
Reminder that America kept Japan's hands tied for decades
Kurva anyátok
Why does France get the world's best president? I literally have an orgasm everytime I read his policy
What is your favourite branch of Islam?
What do the poor neighbourhoods in your country look like? This is a public housing area in my city
Civilizational Spheres
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I just converted to Christianity
I am travelling to animeland next week
This Germany wont exist in 10 years
Whats a good country to go to if i dont want to get shot?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
What is history education like in your country? What do they teach, and what parts do they spend the most time on?
Post the countries you love
/flag/ /flags/ /extraflag/ /extraflags/ general
Which country has the most aggressive women? Aggressive in every sense of the word
How are you today?
ITT: Now and then pics
In Estonia internet access is a constitutional right
How is weed viewed in your cunt?
Would you rather be successful and friendless or a failure with friends?
Portugal thread
A shitty country full of shitty violent individuals
You can only post ITT if your flag has a coat of arms/emblem and isn't just shitty stripes or bars
See on the news that vatican is invading your country
Why are men so beautiful?
How religious are Russians on average? You never hear about religion in Russia, so I'm curious
Jesus fuck the memes are real
The perfect South America doesn't exi-
Based Black People from your country
Ah yes well done neets, well done
OK, which one of you fuckers did this shit
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Are Americans psychotic?
Your mom says you're the cook tonight and drop pic related in front of you
Solving the Darien Gap Crisis
What is the best way to preserve and protect recessive white genes in a world where anyone can move anywhere...
What are the political views of Sup Forums?
Persia before Islam
Why do Americans feel they *need* to own a tactical strategic assault weapon...
How are brown men such as myself viewed in your country?
Sverigetråden - Asanagiupplagan
Catalans may come to Norway as refugees. Ladies first
What the fuck is that thing next to the toilet? looks like a sink for manlets lmao
Are Hues white?
Is ketchup on eggs acceptable in your country?
This confuses the british
How do you go from this
Which Latino country has the best hotness/easiness ratio?
WTF I hate Brazil now
I want the good old happy days of our countries to return once more
Sverigetråden - Sveaupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Another witness, speaking to ABC News, described how “chaotic” the scene was as the incident unfolded
How is the Byzantine Empire viewed in the Middle East and North Africa?
Tfw no Russian gf
Is it true Europeans can't afford yellow paint so all their road markings are white?
Who will likely be the next leader of your country?
/vla/ ~nederdraad~
/lang/ language learning
What does the US add to the drinking water?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Which country has the best and worst urban planning?
Outta my way euro fucking shits
Just got this what should i do?
/cs/ - Argentina - Chile - Uruguay
New Roman Empire :)
Now I see why Mexico is such a corrupt shithole of a country
Catholics should be banned from this board on Christmas because they celebrate it on the morning of the 25th december...
How accurate is this?
ITT cities from your country that are often overlooked
Why are americans so obsessed with "gender"?
/deutsch/ gemütliche ausgabe
What do you know about the Philippines?
Which Latin American country values human life the least?
Why alberto barbosa is dying?
/PT/ - Fio Português
ITT: Perfect countries
Just a friendly reminder that guns don't kill people
Is Breivik still the best mass shooting maniac, or did the american take over the throne?
Does your country have benevolence as part of etiquette?
Sverigetråden - Snälla kvällsupplagan
Why are turks so diverse people
Wonderbread amerifats talking about their heritage and showing their family tree which is a clusterfuck of different...
What were the 1990s like in your cunt?
Japan is racist and ignorant of the outside world
Laugh at the USA thread
The most famous Italian of our time is a fictional plumber from a Nintendo game
Your sissy songs will not stop the BLACK muslim man from reconquering your lands
This is the arctic council
Why is there no armenians on this site?
/deutsch/ /krocha/
Are you Indo European?
I've heard people dispute the Europeanness of each of these countries. Please put a percentage on how European they are
Is Italy a third world country?
Just beautiful
Tfw you can trace all the wars and bad decisions to americans in the last 120 years
Swedish (white) boys
Is this true, Finns?
Sverigetråden - Zaraupplagan
Why do Americans like guns so much?
/ISIS/ ehemals /deutsch/
Accidentally bought condoms with the company credit card
Mfw I see a Dutch
Argentinian boy swallows honk and makes sound every time he breaths
/God Punish Japan/
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Is it true that Japanese and Koreans view other Asians as lower beeings?
Be australian
God bless the USA
What are some nostalgia you have in your country
Post yfw you see a Frenchman
/vla/ ~nederdraad~
I just got fired from my job for supporting the catalonian independence...
Unskilled wageslavery abroad
Kurva anyátok
/mämmi/ + /aus/
Kills 77 norwegians
Why are the suicide rates in eastern Europe so high? Poland, Lithuania and Hungary especially, are you guys ok? :(
Subhuman Chechens at it again
ITT: Sup Forums in 1986
Cacalans think their sperging will amount to anything
They are sleeping, r-right?
It never stops
/Vegas/ jetzt /deutsch/
It's not funny. Hordes of people died and were injured. So many that it is not ok to laugh at
Man rapes pajeets sister
Why ethnic Europeans are the only ones that love each other?
I thought "kys" means "kiss you sweetly"
So what's going on in Catalonia?
This is Megumin irl
Do you like France
Any Americans here that have actually been shot? What’s it’s like? Did you die?
Mfw Sup Forums was BTFO again
Be american
Fuck Cucktalonia and Fuck Cucktalans!
Sverigetråden - Hamsterupplagan
Be finnish
God bless this country
Why do Mexicans and sudacas love FIFA and "las maquinitas" so much?
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Hahahaha I love Arab sense of humor xDD
1. your country
/ISR/- /ישר/
Post your international eye
Be american
Knock knock
Why do blue-eyed people look so soulless?
View from your window
/White Pride/ general
Would you be willing to marry a Portuguese girl?
Another mass shooting in the USA
His city has more than 100K people
Is gun violence a problem in your country?
Hey Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
*manipulates your election*
So... now that we officially are the barbaric hordes of Yurop according to CNN fake news...
You'll never speak english fluently
You wake up on the exact opposite side of earth
Why are these countries so good and perfect?
Just watched the blob (1988). Its been one of my greatest fears since i first saw it when i was 9. I feel free! Anons...
Kurva anyátok
Is Mexico a good place to live?
Can you tell apart China, Korea and Japan?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Eritrea > Somalia
Why are Canadians so much better than Americans in every way possible?
Have you seen a natural redhead in your life? How do they smell?
How are large noses viewed in your country?
Describe New Zealand's """culture"""
Afghanistan: to visit or not to visit
Strap in kids! This piece of clay is getting more and more Hue'd by the minute
He hasn't moved to Australia yet
What does it mean to be Catalan?
One month since I started university
Too brainlet to be able to do highschool math courses (advanced functions & calculus and vectors) at 21
/lat/ hilo latino
When did this board become reverse rayciss?
Why are Spaniards such fascists?
What's the edgiest country?
Why are Africans so dumb?
wake up
So many people who're shitting on america for no reason
What the fuck? I love Argentina now
Guess the country thread
Yellow road markings endangered in finland
*saves western society*
Why wont whiteys kneel?
Sverigetråden - Söta fällupplagan
Why are these countries so good and perfect?
Do you support the good people of Alberta in our fight for independence from the yoke of communist Canadian oppression?
Typical girl of your contry
Does Canada even have any culture? They seem like the most bland country
/v4/ Comfy American Suburbs edition
Do you use this in your country? is it obligatory for existence?
I love Britain. I love France. I love Australia. I love Italy. I love Spain. I love Portugal. I love Austria...
/nachtschicht/ aka /brückentag/ ehemals /deutsch/
Now that Catalonia voted 90% yes for independence, will anything actually happen with this result or what?
Daily reminder that if you support Catalonia for their independence/existence you literally support an SJW, feminist-...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Banter Sweden
Weekly eternal *nglo HATE thread
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Meet Canada's next Prime Minister. Jagmeet Singh leader of the NDP
He was a big guy
What are some modern Polish male names? I make a game with Polish character
Why don't you have a gun, Sup Forums? How do you plan on defending what's important to you, like your lolis...
Eastern Slavic cunts-cucked by Mongols and Turkics
Sup Forumsernational kik thread
When Natalia becomes president will she restore the Romanovs to their rightful place?
One (1) chance at life
Why does Spain want to control people who aren't Spanish? It's weird
*insults you*
Why share an island? Annex that shit
Perfect borders don't exis-
I would honestly drugs if it meant I would get friends
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
Why are native brits so swarthy?
Germany started WWI
The world has witnessed
Be Metricuck
Everything's ok. Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong here
/fr/ - le fil des français et de l'animation
/urban/ + /architecture/
/ex-ussr/ general
Which countries can I find girls with a butt like this?
Fucking when?
Can you Krauts explain this to me?
Problem solved
/sino/ - 中文
Would you marry a colombian girl?
So this is why Spain doesn't care about the elderly in their course to stop catalans from voting
Why does french sound so fucking gay?
What type of food do you dislike the most?
This thread is for the discussion of separatism in Europe (although others are welcome)
I love poland, my dream is live in poland with many slavic friends
/MENA/ - الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقي
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Is it true that Americans see Portuguese people as non-white or is it just a meme?
/völkisches Kuscheln/ ehemals /deutsch/
Kurva anyátok
Funeral culture in your country
What can Sup Forums cook?
Tfw I'm twink top and love bottom muscle dads
/luso/ fio lusofono
Polish landing forces invaded New York
What happens here?
/fug/ - France UK Germany
That moment when you are Greek on the bus and they are 5 Albanians, 5 Russians, 3 Georgians...
El CatalANO señores
It's amazing how many German girls go head over heels for an English native speaker who can speak some German
Sverigetråden - Söta upplagan
Post the most German picture you have
1. your country
1. Country
What is exactly so called "white foolishness"?
/éire/ + /CHI/
ITT: we thank finland for great menes
You will keep her safe from those nasty catalans and republicans, right spain anons?
Tfw no Russian gf
/ita/ - il filo
1. Your country
Use one foreign word to describe your life
Who are the most MUH HERITAGE in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド Halloween Ed
What is the most hipster language to learn?
One chance at life
How is it like living in a rainy shithole?
Problem solved
Why are Slavs so low class in comparison to Western Europeans and Americans?
/Neo-Latino/ - el fil
Guess the name of the poster above you
/fr/ - le fil de l'empire français
/fr/ - le fil francophone et de la France renouvelée
How do I acquire an original American or British accent when I talk English?
Describe these men with one word
Barcelona Mayor demands help
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
List some stereotypes about your cunt that are actually true
/pt/ - o fio Português
Would Middle Easterners be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
What's your country's Catalonia Sup Forums?
Ideal Europe
Free them
How can one country be so based?
Welcome to the club Germany
A celebration perhaps?
Chad in your cunt
Sverigetråden - kranvattenupplagan
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Catalonia has a bigger economy than Portugal
French subhumans stole a piece of Catalonia. (here in yellow)
Sverigetråden -
Come out from shower
Be part of country
Those who talk bad about other country are not cool
/chad nationalismus/ ehemals /kleinschwanz deutsch/
Catalan Referendum 2: Putting the pain back in Spain edition
Catalonia might not become independent today, but Spain has lost them forever
WW2 Finland!
In Japan, it's normal for men to surround a kawaii girl and take pictures of her if she's sugoi enough
Why can't Spain make a referendum like civilized countries (UK or Canada)?
What language sound most pleasing to listen for you?
How are you preparing for the Asian Century?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1911
As of today, homo marriage is now legal in Germany!!!
Be mongol
Daily reminder that yuropoors idolize us and aspire to have big sharts like ours
What new countries will form in the coming 20 years?
Catalan Referendum 2: Electric Boogaloo
Born on the best continent
Anglos unironically love eating this
Give me 5 reasons why I shouldn't move to Canada
Hey Bulgarians
Probably 20 000 hours spend total on Sup Forums + videogames (at minimum)
Turks literally destroyed the Mecca of Christianity
Should yanks be banned from Sup Forums?
This is you
>mfw I found out Egypt still exists
Kurva anyátok
Catalonian independence and freedom Happening today
Any asian or black women here that want to be friends with a mostly white-mixed race girl...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...