What is history education like in your country? What do they teach, and what parts do they spend the most time on?

What is history education like in your country? What do they teach, and what parts do they spend the most time on?

pic mostly unrelated

The colonization of North America and the world wars.

Everything, though with focus on the viking era, the Swedish empire and WW2. They made us learn runes in 3rd grade which even then I knew was a waste of time.




>they made us learn runes in 3rd grade

this sounds pretty cool desu

>What do they teach, and what parts do they spend the most time on?
Some random medieval bullshit that is a pain in the ass because in order to get a good mark you need to remember specific dates by heart and unsurprisingly and unironically WW2

Forcing WW2 into every subject (history, politics, language classes, biology ...) and the engative reactions normies gave me for pointing it out was the thing that pushed me into the "alt-right" direction

my country is your country

I imagine medieval history has to be nightmarish. Our medieval history is like 4 events in total. You guys have like 900.

>and what parts do they spend the most time on?
Probably the history about the country itself since its discovery and whatnot. And then they focus mostly on greeks, romans and the entire europe throughout its history (all the wars, empires, civilizations, etc). I also remember learning about China, Mongolia, Russia and Japan.

>we wuz jomon
>we wuz yayoi
>we wuz yamato
>we wuz samurai
>we wuz empire
>dindu nuffin

All these ultimately irrelevant events talked about out of context caused me to lose all interest in anything historical. Fortunately that interest came back when i learned about economics and economic history.

The dutch probably have to learn about that. We learned about it a bit since Sweden had the first bank notes in europe, though they left out the bit where it didn't even work out.

In my high school, it really depended on the teacher, they get to decide from a bunch of topics what they'll teach that year, or most cases will ask the students what they want to learn.

One year I did the Hundred Years' War for the first half, followed by the British Empire (going slightly into the Thirteen Colonies and other Empires). The year after we did the balance of power of Europe leading up to WWI and WWI.

>Ancient cilivisation
>Pre islamic era
>Islamic era
>We wuz minor kingdoms
>Got rekt by Portugal
>Deus Vult+Allah akbar tag team with Dutch to rekt Portugal
>The rest about the 99999 betrayals by Bongs and why not to trust any treaty with them
>WW2 and RN jobbening of Repulse and Prince of Wales
>independence, chink gommies, Indonesia declares war
Lesson is around anglo never relax.

Our discovery of Australia by Cook, colonization of it, our roles in WW1/WW2 (to be specififc our rivalry with the Ottomans in the first one and Japs in the second one) and how the arrival of large groups of immigrants to the country and their impact i.e Wogs and Viets

>One year I did the Hundred Years' War for the first half, followed by the British Empire (going slightly into the Thirteen Colonies and other Empires). The year after we did the balance of power of Europe leading up to WWI and WWI.
Literally did not learn any of that shit barring a bit about the British empire and how cruel they were to Abos.

Idk why but we spent an entire semester on the Aztecs. Full into detail too.

Has anyone here not been betrayed by anglo? Great Northern War for us, where Britain allied us, then joined the enemy, then tried to ally us again.

yeah seriously wtf all we did was color thanksgiving turkeys with crayons

>we wuz majapahit and shit
>dude muslims (((traders)))
>dutch are the bad guys
>independence yay

In Virginia, we studied US history in elementary, middle, and early high school. Then, we had two world history courses that covered Ancient Egypt all the way up to about 2001.

The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars were my favorite.

Saudi Arabia I guess.
They just killed most in my city because 'they wuz all pirates' they forced the survivors to work their docks and ships decimating our port beyond recovery as generations of sailors lost entirely.

Anglos built them horrendous shitty infrastructure at inflated prices after WW2. SA eventually refused them payment and got swedish contractors instead.

>colonial times and it's wars/rebellions
>Imperial times and it's wars/rebellions
>Empire's fall
>Republic formation

Well at least they didn't flood the country with cheap labour turning the demographic irreversibly with 60% immigrant population like they did to us.
Raiding their stock exchange and cheating them of their neocolonialism is just a small payback.


things we learned about quite a bit
>religions exist
>China and India have these cool major rivers, the Yangtze and Ganges
>ancient Egypt, Rome, and Greece
>Napoleon and shit

things we learned about far too much
>American Revolution
>Texas Revolution
>Industrial Revolution
>Cold War
the end.

Mexican Revolution too, but that one was in Spanish classes

Hush you. The only thing good about your shithole of a country is the Chinese population anyway. You'd collapse within decades without them.

didn't have history class, but we did have a couple of weeks where we studied our """colonial""" history to show how evil we were and that we should feel bad about it.

Mandatory history classes focused on Norway but you could choose to take extra classes about general world history/ philosophy

I don't remember much but there it goes, I think my education what in the rest of ASSpain call the secessionist indoctrination.

Paleolithic neolithic, Ancient Greece and Rome, then jump to the Carolingian empire,County of Barcelona, then the crowd of Aragon the Spain, then we jump straight into 1714 when the spanish men kept the catalan man down for centuries then jump to 1898 when once again the spaniard establishment kept the catalan down again forcing to fight the last wars of the empire against their will, then early 1900 when the spanish men once again oppressed the catalan banning catalan language in regional government and official documents then first republic and borbon restoration (guess what more catalan oppression ) then second republic and finally the civil war a war of bruthers turned against each other and catalan language is banned from public life under jail penalty.

Kinda makes me think with all this shit going on right now, I'm not well regarded by my peers when I say it but hate is learned and in this case theres a lot of it going right now mostly because repressed teachers whom parents/grandparents were killed or jailed for decades for having ideas.

In my opinion I was a little bit angry at my history teachers because the only part of Spanish empire we touched and learned was the downfall.

To all Sup Forumstards who think islamic immigrants are going to take civ as you know it is false as shit if civilization is going to shit is because the people who are in charge of educating your kids will fill their head with propaganda (in my case was leftist but I would do exactly the same damage if it was from the right).

>to show how evil we were
Daz rite. Dutch man dindu nuffin.

You mean the tax dodgers running to Australia now that they cannot cheat with GST? The land cheating cartels leaking govt plan to bounce prices in order to enrich themself? Or the assorted corrupt companies? Politicians filled with butthurt commies?
Enjoy them and take all of them if you wish.

Nordic stuff, Swedes being assholes to Finns, Swedes using Finns as cannonfodder in Swedish wars, Reformation, Russians come in and pretend not to be bigger assholes than the Swedes, Russians are bigger assholes than Swedes, independence, Civil War, every part of WW2 (winter war, continuation war, lapland war or whatever the fuck it's called)
And sprinkled in between are interesting things from other parts of the world.