
Thailad photographed frantically withdrawing whatever moronic monopoly money they use in ladyboyland while the underage prostitutes he's nonced inform him that their pimps will tie him up and throw him into the Mekong Delta if he doesn't cough up the dough forthwith, Colourised, 2017 (Edition)

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Jacob Rees mogg

but she won't know that, even more creepy would be showing up at her work

miring those forearms hard

I'm objectively one of the best posters here

are those grills gypsies?

Living a tesco life

dreamt about the cute girl with the cute ears and the cute giggle again last night


Is a twat

>alan in 10 years
>"I-I-I was an international playboy once y'know!"

Jacob Rees mogg is anti abortion yet makes huge profits through his investments in abortion pills

wtF I'm a corbynite now

looks like a victorian serial killer

Prove it

>new housemate always talks to me when i am in the kitchen
>walked up behind me and put her hand on my back and said hi when she had just gotten out of the shower this week (wearing just a towel)
>put her arm around mine when we were walking to the shop "as a joke"
>keeps trying to get me to try polish food
>always gives me food
>leaves her room when i get home from work and goes to talk to me
>always asks me to go to the shop with her to help buy stuff for the house then says "i'm hungry lets go to a cafe for food" and then brings up suggestions of other places we should go
does she want the d or just to have a friend at the house? not sure if its a good idea

dont know how anyone comes to these threads more than once a month tbqhwyl

can someone give me the basic gestalt/big enchilada on jacob rees mogg please

dreamt about the cute girl with the cute ears and the cute giggle getting rammed by a black man

Fancied buying an iPad the other day but the people in the shop wouldn't talk to me and wanted to talk to a bunch of middle age mums instead.

Thought these people are meant to swarm over you asking if you wanna buy shit.

>does she want the d

he is perfidious albion: the person. Probably positioned to coin it massively from Brexit.


wrong thread

Went clothes shopping yesterday

Why are 95% of mens clothes this cringe fuckboy shit




reminds me of when one of my female housemates would come into my room dripping wet and just in a towel from the shower and lie on my bed to chat while I was just working and stuff

I think once I even asked her not to get my pillow wet

I used to be fucking clueless too.

>she initiates physical contact

defo wants the d lad, there's no mistaking those sort of actions.

OY vey

the evolution of the rorke

Sometimes women do this to awkward guys just to see their flustered reaction and have no intention of doing anything with you.

me cutting a striking figure

bought an ipad pro. sold it about a month later. Just get a laptop desu, they're far better.

What books you lot reading then?


If you assume she wants the d then she'll freak out

iron your shirt you utter pillock



he looks like he eats people

igguldens emperor

dont think manlets can ever be striking. do children ever look striking? no they dont.

>ywn be as good-looking as turtle

explain tom cruise


dont think he's ever been described as striking.

tired of existing lads

Why is so much spotlight being put on Jacob Rees mogg lately? He's always been a backbencher that doesn't want the spotlight.
Reckon the establishment are trying to rout out any remaining Christianity or traditionalism or conservatism. Will probably replace him with a transgender Muslim

mate just tried to shut me down on whatsapp by being pompous and conceited. didnt work though as i completely flipped it on and got the last word in. arrogant wanker.

end it lad

yeah maybe, I wasn't flustered or awkward though, just didn't have any idea that I should maybe pay attention to the half naked wet girl lying on my bed beyond half arsed conversation with her

either that or she was just genuinely a bit weird and thought that going into other people's rooms with no clothes on and lying on their beds was normal

I wanted it for travel mainly, thought it would be easier to cart around instead of a laptop.

she seems really innocent and doesn't drink but she's has mentioned once or twice that she has had boyfriends before so presumably isn't a super naive polish christian or whatever

that's what i'm worried about, if i make a move and she says no the whole house will think i'm some kind of perv creep. i have slept with housemates before but i was living with friends then and we were both really high. can't imagine a similar situation happening with this girl

Capital vol 2

that is quite the tale

shirt's fine spastic

Anglo mindset

going to start a new game of football manager. who should i be?

but then i'll miss the greatest gimmick ever to exist

>guys wearing sandals

Turtle has a big bulbous nose. When did that become attractive?

thanks. its pissed me off but im happy i came out on top. moral of the story: dont let people walk all over you.

do some buttons up you utter pillock


because he's got a funny name and is so much of a toff it's comical and it makes the normies go off their tits


A grown up

it's not bulbous it's long

Try making a subtle move lad see how she responds

everyone walks around barefoot or in flipflops here

what would a normie do in this situation

Shave you utter pillock you look like a nonce


>meal with the family at 13:00
>need to spend an hour on the train to get there and an hour back at the end of the night
>entire day of pre-wageslavery rest ruined

not happy

going to make some bacon and eggs lads

masturbatory idea: shartwank - a juxtaposition to the infamous bumwank

wycombe wanderers fc

flirt and build the tension to cash in on in the future

get a car, pillcok

>aged 16
>guy hits on my gf
>go full on jealous autist and make an anonymous tumblr blog telling stories about him having sex with other men in some kind of scottish dialect
>the guy was northern not scottish
>still he seems to really hate me and obviously did fancy my gf
>he gets a similar haircut to me so get friends to send him lots of anonymous asks saying he copied my hair and making fun of his appearance
>he seems to go a bit mental and shaves all his hair off
>put a photo of him bald on the tumblr blog and tagged it with his name at the top of the blog
>years pass and blog is still up
>delete it
>mfw regret it instantly because it was really funny in a completely pathetic way


Accrington Stanley

>So what do you reckon? How many buttons? Cos, like, one is old-school, Blair on holiday. Two is the new one. So I was thinking maybe three, but then if I'm doing three, maybe four?

maybe, feels like it could completely backfire so might just try to edge closer to it, might mean i can't bring girls back though as she'd kick a fuss about it then

the strange little lives some of you people lead

have you sniffed her knickers yet?



love are moggy

no although she asked me to dry her clothes once as she needed them to go out so i had to hang them up


which one do you do you nonce

>«you owe respect to what is now known as Belgium»


sweet lie
in fact all girl have 3 babys in village and hasband and have been sterelised

what are some good games that can be played on a toaster

pop up pirate


would prefer to manage at a lower level
considering these

go swimming with it


sketch shows just don get any better than this imo. could watch these all day

poppy catchy?

What is the fanciest word you know?