
slag lane edition

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cute boys first

mum found her old guitar in the basment

i restrung it and with a bit of googling learnt how to play " Take Me Home Country Roads"


ill be here all week

need a qt short haired gf to cuddle


Ah yes the Sunday night anxiety


i did that
not you

>Aisha will never sit on your face

i am travis bickle


>278 posts

kero kero bonito

guess the map without cheating.

i want to FUCK agent cooper

god shes so fit

feel like killing myself

map of the world with europe and parts of america in green

wonder what the law is like on small scale political donations for parties that don't exist yet

want to gather a few hundred quid off other people so i don't have to fund my one man band out of pocket

not as funny since he didnt knock over a pint on his way down

>I just want all religion to die. Bury that shit in a swamp.

>We play with the hand were dealt, and I have a shit hand. I may as well bluff it.

>Dominique, a tearful witness, described how he grabbed one of the women from behind and slit her throat. “She couldn’t have seen a thing,” she told CNews television.


i need a one dance

When did Black History Month become a thing in Britain?

life is good

2014 fifa WC

Areas with White people.

england's premier intellectual

isnt he like 50 lmao

>Omg we're so oppressed, we're basically an English colony
>I mean yeah we do have our own devolved parliament totally independent of Westminster where Scots vote on issues for Scots
>We do still get to vote on national issues with equal weighting to our population
>Also those English cunts don't have a parliament of their own so we get to vote on English issues too, like that time we voted for English students to pay more for uni fees even though it didn't affect any Scots at all. Infact we were the deciding votes in that vote it wouldn't have passed without us lmao stupid English cunts
>Oh we do also have our own NHS I guess
>And education system
>And legal system
>And central bank
>And we get a disproportionate amount of the budget with the Barnett forumala
>Oh and disporportionate media coverage of our politics depsite having a smaller population than London
>We did also elect an entirely self-serving insular ultra nationalist party into power to look out for us and only us
>And plaster our flag everywhere considering ourselves Scottish first above all else
>I guess there was also that time we had a free and fair referendum on our continued membership of this union where we voted to stay with total self-determination.
>But I mean apart from all that wahhhhh we're so oppressed! Basically English serfs!

good posts

>that attendance

the state of spanish footy lel


celtic empire

someone post it

I have a pen
I have a bitch

Off to the Tesco, you lads want anything?

not an argument

howd you meet her

nobody was allowed because of the rioting thing or something

>central bank

That was the only thing that was wrong

business idea: eat this kfc without pissing out my arse tomorrow

second bf




>You leave a religion because I assume you think it's just nuts and doesn't make any rational sense. Then you debate people at the same nutso level-consciousness you ran away from. Just don't aknowledge the abrahamic Jew. It's literally as important as an Harry Potter fan club with cool looking buildings.

need some pics xx

>Why yes I have to take chemicals that mean I can't get a boner even when I have a fit girl in bed to enjoy my night out

absolute fucking STATE of you

>If so, that fits in with a steady pattern of recent attacks in France, carried out by individuals who seem to have a deep hatred of French authority, aggravated by exposure to Islamist ideas.

What if they're all just kissless virgin losers, angry that white girls won't date them.

deport all virgins

Wonder how low the suicide rate would be here if we had decent weather


>when the revolution comes


Went home with the most beautiful girl I think I've ever seen....couldn't get it up (MDMA) lmao

Think she's gonna ghost me now....want to marry her desu hehe

in a bar

Learned quite a few things from this post. Shame it was written in that whiny passive-agressive tone that makes you want to side with the scotts no matter how good the arguments.

thats a cornish flag you munter

favourite sports video game?

mvp 2005 baseball for me.

just regained consciousness after taking 66-FAG-POO on Friday lads, cannot remember a single detail but I reckon it was the best night of my life

Thoughts and opinions about the backsides of females? Personally, I'm quite a fan.

Hitting gym

tried making a waifu but then i aged her to teen and i fucked up

>totally independent of Westminster
1. Westminster can technically overrule it at any time
2. Westminster spending dictates how much money is given to Holyrood as block grant. Cuts to (say) health spending in England would mean equivalent cuts to the Scottish budget, the only difference is that Holyrood can instead decide to cut Education to keep health spending where it was before.

I get BTFO. XD

I want to finish on saying I'm a perpetual failure. Charlie Sheen's catch phrase is "winning". I just fucking lose. Always. I think it's a mix of bad luck and genuinely just being shit at everything.

I have no drive or motivation and I have no qualms with just lying. I'm a failure.

I'm like a car with no wheels. Just end me.


the scottish parliament is far too recent for you to use in that argument.

also it's in england's interests to not have an english parliament because if the ahd one they would cease to have control over the UK and therefore scotland

i honestly howl every time i see this

need one to be on my face


rolling a single skinner

former KGB agent openly admits that the "when the revolution comes" types are lined up and shot, when the revolution comes

Its treason then

am also a fan

rolling a mike skinner

he was a secretary (rent-boy) in India, he LARPs like it was his job to subvert US colleges
yuri is the most tired meme


barnett is simply placating scots to preserve the union which england controls

england hardly receives any scottis media coverage in contrast to like 80% of media in scotland oming from london


>mrw after waiting about half an hour for my bus and constantly checking whether the bus coming is the one i need, the bus finally arrives and

why do you feel the need to snapchat that you're off to the gym


you can do better than that

travelling alone sounds so grim
i'd probably kill myself after the first day

does foy stand for fuck off yank?

even though scottish politics are covered they are invariably covered badly
although BBC London does a better job than BBC Scotland at reporting Scottish issues accurately. Go figure.

I was a loser when I was a Muslim too by the way, and a lot of Muslims are losers. Religious people try to conflate the two when they're unrelated.

I'm a loser who happened to have just enough brain cells to realise a beardy troglodyte paedo didn't receive divine revelation from an angle while meditating in a cave.

Not at all desu

nearly killed myself in Prague once

Because I'm dull. I have no personality or character that appeals to people so I try to appear interesting to others by mentioning my hobbies

did you learn this at leftypol university for mentally stunted children?

i like it

no it doesn't
be quiet

it was to my mate telling him im here
thought id post it here to scare off the virgins


nobody cares you used to be a muslim stop harping on about it

WWF No Mercy on N64

no such thing as Scotland

not a real country

if you want total honesty it's because i'm an unironic nazi and don't like slavs