How does Sup Forums view brown men such as myself?

How does Sup Forums view brown men such as myself?


Atleast you aren't one of the wh*Toids tbdesu

My mom has blue eyes though.
I gotta kill that wh*Te heathen

As a brother

just stay away from white countries and i'm fine with you

Whites fear you because they know you can get white women anytime. Non whites are indifferent towards you.

I'm gonna do a student exchange program in Denmark or Norway next summer.

I'm coming for that scandi pussy.

btw this is honestly a great portrait, gonna save it to my photography folder

I'm not from Egypt. Nor am I from any other part Africa. I'm from the US.

Thanks mate :)

good luck with that. despite all the Sup Forums memes about scandis, most women there find brown men disgusting or they're afraid of them. you can only get drunk women to fuck you or coalburner sluts

I'm not a fobby ass brown guy.
I'm a born and raised American of brown descent.
And I'm not a creepy fuck either.

do you live near blacks?

No. Whitest neighborhood in Brooklyn as far as I know.



Come home brown man

Do white girls swallow or spit?

Why phew?
No clue
I only creampie white women.

I like your practices