
Who was it this time?

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die eukuks


Are you at least going to link it? Doing a Google search for "American shooting" really doesn't help.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Don't know, shooter is still active.


Wait, I take that back. Was is this?

it will only reach strayan internet tomorow, we already got news

Quality joke, hungry man.

oh yeah, there's been weeks since the last shooting
Instead of watching soccer or any other shitty sport I always watch new's coverage on shootings.

You guys should leave the Muslims to do the shootings

It might be muslims, we don't know yet.

What constitutes a mass shooting? More than five people killed?

Shooter would have missed if they all just kneeled.

I think it depends on the number of injured people not fatalities

Anything the news doesn't like.

4 or more indiscriminately.

So will this make international news eventually or will it just be another generic shooting?

Too fat to kneel.

In the US it won't be

Probably wouldn't make national headlines since news networks have finally begun to stop broadcasting high scores. Especially with what just happened, we won't hear about anything else for a week.

There's still a few here, I though that guy who shot up the gay club was muslim.

>since news networks have finally begun to stop broadcasting high scores
As in they have stopped reporting the death tolls or something else?

I know the "big" ones like what just happened are still covered but I almost never hear about "little" ones like that.

Okay then, didn't know that.

strayan quality yea, soft cunt

I didn't even know that one you posted happened. I think the determining factor is intent by the shooter and how well broadcast it was. A while ago some guy shot an old dude while streaming to facebook and that was all over the news.

>please be muslim please be muslim please be muslim please be muslim

why would rednecks shoot up a country music concert?
captcha knows who did it

A bit late on that comeback user.

Why would that be something desirable?

was busy doin your mom

You have awful taste in females, mate.


plot twist: it was european, shooting at muslims, in america

1 american


Shooting at large bodies of mass e.g. Americans

it's a good thing american gun laws are so lax and all those people could defend themselves

About 300 pounds



Would Europe have as many shootings as the US if Europeans had a comparable amount of guns on hand?


No, europeans are less crazy

>P-please be non-white