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Separate it by race and USA whites are the smartest whites behind Finland, who are basically Asian.


>USA whites


Why are Americans so fucking obsessed with race, it's disgusting. No other country in the world does that.

Just these posters though. Also other coutnries do "if it wasn't for our underclass" schtick too

We aren't in the best country to point fingers desu

Speak for yourself Pierre

Why do we keep letting China split itself into subdivisions?
>hong kong

This is as bad as yanks telling everyone to drop all the people/regions of their country that don't score well and expecting us to be impressed.

>implying 13% of the population drags America down that hard
>forgetting about America's Asian minority


Western European school classes are like 20-50% foreign and they are still on our heels. This is just a demographic miracle/advantage. Native Western kids would beat us easily like Japan and Singapore, leaving us below average.

"""""""""Chinese""""""""" Taipei is the independent country of Taiwan though

Western Europe is still overwhelmingly white, don't be like Americans who try to make themselves look better by dividing the population into different racial groups

lel, if this graph actually counted the entirety of China instead of just their four main cities they'd be near the bottom

Commie propaganda at its finest

Stop making shit up you moron.

>Western European school classes are like 20-50% foreign
uh no vladmir

Yes, but the white people are old or getting old. Immigrants have lots of babies so Western European schools tell a different story (and give different results on tests). We don't have this problem so we had a huge advantage.

Can't wait to see Estonia in 50 years desu
They're already the IT country of Europe and their gdp has been growing like crazy since their independence

it's probably true tbqh

It's fake. We are just following Germany. We are not original.

finno-ugrics are unstoppable

that pic is shopped you fucking retards while the usa isnt that good it also isnt that bad . we arent worse than mexico

>we arent worse than mexico
That's like saying you're smarter than your retarded little brother

Wow, we are lower than t#rkey and analbania. I want to kms

Wtf I hate Estonia now

>behind Finland

>like 20-50% foreign


Basically for technical reasons, PISA has very strict technical standards that have to be followed and it's not feasible yet to have an accurate survey implemented for the whole People's Republic of China, China is expected to participate as one unit in PISA 2021.
Regarding Hong Kong and Macau see: youtube.com/watch?v=4AivEQmfPpk and youtube.com/watch?v=piEayQ0T-qA and "Chinese Taipei" refers to the area in control of the Republic of China

at least we beat the american desu


Republic of China is a part of China.

Stop posting the science score. Use the overall average.


>four cities
>260 million people

Guangdong Province is 125 million people alone. Jiangsu province is 80 million. Beijing province is 25 million. Shanghai province is 35 million.

See. Vietnam falls 10 ranks with the overall average.

Posting the science score only is retarded and deceiving. There's no way poor as dirt Vietnam is smarter than Japan/rich China.

Dumb Peruvians.

I know Burgers like to do it because they have delusions of being white, but you can't just exclude the parts of your country that might lower your score.

>Republic of China is a part of China.
only in chinese communists' dreams m8
no matter the facade both sides maintain they've been two different countries for 70 years now